Stealing Heroines’ Affections Is My Job as the Villain

Chapter 3: Verbal Trap

There was unrest in the Armed Palace's throne room after the arrogant words of Vritra Asura, scion of the Asura Family.

If looks could pierce like a sharp sword, Prince Vritra would be riddled with holes from the hateful glares of almost everyone in the room.

Still, the young royal remained unfazed.

Prince Lumis was the first to speak, slamming his fist on the armrest of his chair before rising to his feet.

"You filthy Asura! What are you trying to insinuate?!"

The soft, slightly pale skin of Prince Lumis' beautiful face was turning red with fury.

This made Prince Vritra smile.

Lord Ymnes placed a hand on the young royal's arm and shook his head.

"Do not lose composure, my prince!"

The old man believed Prince Vritra was simply trying to bring out Prince Lumis' ugly side so he could use that as evidence in his next argument.

It was a smart but obvious strategy.

『I refuse to let him succeed!』

Lord Ymnes forcefully pulled Prince Lumis back into his chair.

Still, the Deva Prince's blood was boiling, and his usually calm and angelic face was gone. He squeezed his fist so tightly that he ached to punch the Asura Prince's smug face.

"Grr, I just want t──!"

Lord Ymnes squeezed his forearm and interjected.

"Shut up."

Hearing this, Prince Lumis looked at Lord Ymnes in shock.

There were very few times when the old man beside him got angry enough to speak to him like this, so he respected him and did as he was told.

With Prince Lumis now silent, Lord Ymnes looked at Prince Vritra, and the two exchanged a cold stare. Not a word was said, but it almost felt like they were communicating.

Prince Vritra was the first to break eye contact and focused back on his cup of tea.

『According to the system, one of three scenarios are supposed to happen. In the first one, Prince Vritra stays silent and watches as Lumis forms an alliance with the Fortress Nation of Duranzia. They end up forming a strong bond and eventually marry, blah, blah.

『In the second scenario, Prince Vritra gets angry and attacks Prince Lumis, but is easily defeated by Lord Ymnes. Everyone, especially Princess Luciana, sees Prince Vritra as a sore loser.

『The Asura Family never forms an alliance with Duranzia, and when Vritra returns to the Hell Continent, he's beheaded by Demon King Rohan.』

A smirk appeared on the Asura's face.

『The villain is no longer asleep, and they won't be stuck following some pointless script anymore.

『With the best words and smartest actions, I, as someone who's moved into this world from another, can take control and change the destiny that was handed to me!』

The villain had accepted his role.

He was willing to do anything to survive!

With nothing but complete grace, Prince Vritra rose from his chair, and everyone watched him. He held a saucer in one hand and a teacup in the other and started to speak.

"Look, Felmus, when I said those things, I wasn't trying to offend you or the Deva Prince. I know how racist you lot can be against Asuras like me, and honestly, I get it. You see us as inherently evil, but it's just a role we were forced into so the Deva Clan could boost their own self-esteem."

Prince Vritra glanced at the beautiful Princess Luciana and gave her a small smile.

Luciana wouldn't dare show the disgust she felt toward the Asura royal, knowing that if her father feared this young man, she should be wise to do the same.

… Hnnn

Despite her calm appearance, she couldn't help but tremble, releasing a delicate fragrance of lavender into the air.

[You've made Luciana very uncomfortable: -15 Affection Points!]

Prince Vritra's eyes went up in surprise.

At this point, he thought the system was mocking him.

King Felmus was uncomfortable with how Prince Vritra was staring at his daughter.

He cleared his throat loudly and opened his mouth to speak.

"Make your point, God Vritra."

The king struggled to keep his tone respectful, but seeing a person like Prince Vritra look at their attractive daughter with such hungry eyes would make any father feel offended.

Even Prince Lumis, who was sitting quietly, felt the urge to rise and behead Prince Vritra on the spot but knew he couldn't disobey Ymnes.

So, the young Deva closed his eyes and exhaled heavily.

In the silence, the Asura royal continued.

"Felmus, my point is… you and your people see me and my race as nothing but power-hungry beasts. Yet here is our dear Lumis, eyeing your daughter like he would rape her the first chance he gets."

Vritra's plain expression became a malicious smile.


The idea of staying calm was long gone from Prince Lumis's mind. He was already on his feet, looking the angriest of everyone in the throne room.

From the way he gritted his teeth to how his fists were clenched, Prince Vritra could tell his words were hitting the mark.

"King Felmus, I would never dare look at Princess Luciana like that, let alone assault her! Such actions would get me stripped of my title and beheaded by my own father!"

The Deva Prince spoke with righteous indignation, placing a hand on his chest.

"He looks so charming!"

"Just look at the way he talks, I'd take him as my husband any day of the year!"

"I agree with you! Such men are hard to come by!"

Many noblewomen were impressed by how Prince Lumis spoke and how he respected the king, despite being a higher lifeform.

This was the kind of behavior they wished to see in the rotten and deceitful Asura royal.

Princess Luciana even smiled brightly at how the Deva Prince defended himself.

She was glad.

[Luciana believes you're a liar: -30 Affection Points!]

[Luciana is glad you were wrong about Lumis: -10 Affection Points!]

[Luciana's affection for Lumis has greatly increased: -10 Affection Points!]

(+5 More)

Despite all this, Prince Vritra remained unfazed.

"So, you're saying the main reason you're allying with Duranzia isn't to pursue the king's daughter?"

Vritra gave the Deva Prince a soft side-eye as he asked. The smile on his face looked innocent, but every word felt like a labyrinth rigged with endless traps.

Prince Lumis clicked his tongue and flicked his golden hair back, "Tch! I won't even dignify that with a response."

Pleased with the prince's choice, Lord Ymnes nodded.

But to everyone's surprise, King Felmus asked a question that no one but Prince Vritra expected.

"Prince Lumis… is what God Vritra says true?"

The man's expression was as hard as stone.

"Wh-, What do you mean?" Lumis asked, surprised.

"Are you doing all this simply because you want to sleep with my daughter? It's a simple question that your fellow prince asked. Answer it."

The king truly didn't want to provoke either side, knowing both could destroy their nation with ease, but his curiosity got the best of him.

Somehow, Prince Vritra had pierced through his cautious mind, making him act instinctively as a protective father.

The way Prince Lumis looked at his daughter was more than just admiration; it almost felt like a thirst.

It was impossible to miss.

Gritting his teeth in anger, Prince Lumis took three determined steps forward and spoke confidently.

"I would never insult the king of a nation by coming here just out of lust for a woman! Unlike Asuras, we Devas aren't controlled by our desires. Yes, your daughter is incredibly beautiful, but my focus is solely on building a relationship with your nation."

These words made all the nobles in the throne room smile.

Even the king found himself smiling without realizing it.

The normally emotionless Princess Luciana was also smiling a little, which surprised many of the onlookers.

[Luciana's affection for Prince Lumis has experienced a very great increase: -50 Affection Points!]

[Luciana believes you're a filthy liar: -40 Affection Points!]

[Luciana's Current Affection for You: -310/500]

[Luciana's Current Affection for Lumis: 350/500]

These translucent message boards, visible only to the Asura Prince, invaded his mental space and provided him with the latest updates.

Such numbers would make anyone panic, but Prince Vritra remained composed.

On the flipside, Prince Lumis grinned with confidence as he shot a sly glance at the Asura royal.

『Kekeke! I can just imagine how stupid you feel, Vritra!』

He was more sure than ever that he would outshine and embarrass Vritra.

After taking another sip of his red tea, Prince Vritra exhaled with satisfaction and wantonly spoke his thoughts.

"Wow, I apologize for my earlier statements. It looks like you really are committed to forming an alliance with Duranzia. I'm sorry for thinking you were attracted to Princess Luciana. But just to be clear, do you or do you not have feelings for her?"

Fear instantly spread across Prince Lumis' face.

『Wh-, What──?!』

He was frozen in place.

Just moments before, he had planned to walk back to his chair with confidence, but now he couldn't move at all.

『Th-, This bastard… so this was his plan all along!』

Trembling with anxiety, Prince Lumis slowly shifted his eyes to the beautiful, blonde-haired princess.

Princess Luciana's expression clearly showed that she too wanted to know how he really felt about her.

His words earlier seemed so honest and sincere that it almost made her feel like she truly didn't have a place in his heart.

[Lumis Deva's animosity towards you has increased. Current Hatred Level: 4 stars]

Vritra's face broke into a wide, unsettling grin.

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