Stealing Heroines’ Affections Is My Job as the Villain

Chapter 1: Prince Vritra Kalyon Asura

[Current Year, E450]

The Fortress Nation of Duranzia was home to both humans and beastpeople.

Located west of the Central Continent, it was protected by a series of fortifications built along its borders.

Duranzia was one of the most powerful nations on the Central Continent, thanks to its expertise in magic and magical technology.

At the center of Duranzia was its royal capital, Velvana.

Velvana was one of the four largest cities on the Central Continent and the site of one of the first meetings that would likely shape the future of the world.


[Armed Palace, Royal Capital Velvana, Duranzia Kingdom]

At the top of a small mountain sat a majestic castle made entirely of bright turquoise crystals.

This was the Armed Palace.

It towered over the lower parts of Velvana, where nobles and commoners went about their daily lives.

But today was different.

The streets were packed with people eager to hear the results of the first day of the meeting.

"I can't believe this is really happening."

"Yeah, it's incredible. For the first time in thousands of years, the noble houses of the Asura and Deva families are meeting. And, of course, our powerful nation, Duranzia, is hosting it."

"You don't get it. They're not just meeting for peace. The noble houses from those divine families are probably here to form alliances with our nation."

"Exactly. With the barriers between our continents weakening and divine races already able to bypass in small numbers, it's likely that both the Heaven and Hell continents are gearing up for another war."

"And since our Central Continent is, well, central, they probably realize that allying with us could give either side a big advantage in the upcoming conflict."

"Sigh~ so stressful."

The people kept chatting and watching, waiting to see if there would be an explosion from the palace or if someone would be thrown off the top of the mountain.

It was their way of keeping their imaginations busy and making sure they didn't get too bored.

Long lines of guards stood at the foot of the Great Armed Mountain, ensuring no uninvited guests could enter. With the stern faces of these guards, it was clear that no one would dare set foot on the mountain, let alone approach the Armed Palace.


In the courtyard of the Armed Palace, many carriages were parked, and palace servants worked hard to unload a variety of gifts. These included rare artifacts, fine wines, and unique cultural objects that highlighted the visiting families' national heritage and craftsmanship.

On one side of the courtyard were carriages with black and red patterns, while on the other side were pure white carriages with gold decorations.

It was obvious that the carriages belonged to the Asura and Deva families, respectively.


[In the Armed Palace's Throne Room]

Many people stood on either side of the throne room, keeping a respectful distance from the royal red carpet.

At the grand entrance was a senior official who looked quite robust. He had chubby cheeks like a beaver and a bald head covered by a toupee.

This was Duke Thomas Arcadia of Arcadia.

Duke Thomas rubbed his big, round belly and then cleared his throat loudly before reading the scroll placed on a podium that was just the right height for a short man like him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, it is with great honor and privilege that I present to you the illustrious Prince Lumis Nela Deva of the House of Blueworld."

As the crowd applauded, a sturdy-looking young man dressed in royal white garments fit for a prince entered the grand throne room.

Several noble women were captivated by his beauty──from his clear blue eyes and golden locks to his gentle smile.

He was the capable prince from the royal household of the Heaven Continent.

Beside the young prince was an elderly man in long silk robes, holding a golden staff. His face was very wrinkled, and his long white beard reached his stomach.

This was Ymnes Drendig, an advisor to the prince, who would speak on behalf of the inexperienced young royal.

A middle-aged man sitting quietly at the main seat on the platform finally spoke up.

"It's good to see you again after so long, Lord Ymnes."

The man had a deep, strong voice that matched his rugged face and thick brown beard. He sat comfortably on a fancy crystal throne, with his arms resting on its armrests.

In one hand, he held an ornate magic sword, which made him look even more commanding. Even his luxurious, royal clothes emphasized his high status.

This was surely a king!

He was none other than Felmus Duranzia the Third, the King of Duranzia.

Ymnes nodded calmly at him and replied, "It's only been a few decades, Your Highness."

King Felmus gave a moderate smile. "I suppose I should learn to be less sentimental about time when I'm with divine beings like yourself."

The old man closed his eyes and nodded again. "Indeed."

For beings like him, time was quite unimportant.

Many of them could live for tens of thousands of years without ever dealing with things like aching bones, blurry vision, or dull senses.

These were inconveniences only humans had to worry about.

"And you're God Lumis?"

King Felmus looked at the young, blonde-haired man before him with a stern gaze.

There were powerful Devas like Lord Ymnes whom he would bow to, and even more powerful ones whose feet he would gladly kiss.

But Lumis wasn't one of them.

He saw Lumis as just a inexperienced, young prince and wasn't going to show him the same respect he showed Lord Ymnes. Doing so would be lowering the status of his nation and its people.

"Yes, I am. It is a pleasure to meet you, King Felmus."

Lumis bowed deeply in the traditional noble greeting. The king nodded in approval and then stood with his hands clasped behind his back.

… Hm?

As the young prince watched the king, his eyes drifted to a young woman standing next to the throne.

The woman had long, blonde hair that fell down her back, elegantly styled in loose waves with bangs framing her pretty, clear face. Her blue eyes were calm and clear, like a gentle stream.

She had a curvy, voluptuous figure and wore an elegant blue and white dress that highlighted the plumpy curves of her big, round butt.

The dress was especially tight around her chest, making it look like her perfectly shaped melons could burst at any moment.

This was Luciana Duranzia, Second Princess of Duranzia.

… Oh?

Soon, she noticed that Lumis was staring at her, and her eyes lit up a little while her cheeks turned red. However, she calmly looked away and focused on the grand doors, expecting another introduction.

Lord Ymnes gently tapped Lumis on the back to refocus his attention.

"Please, stay focused, my lord. Remember why we're here."

"Y-, Yes. I do." Lumis nodded.

It was the first time he'd been so taken by a woman.

On his journey to Duranzia, he hadn't encountered anyone as beautiful as the average women you'd see on the Heaven Continent.

But this buxom woman seemed to surpass them all.

She had a body that would set the stick between any man's legs on fire and have them thirst desperately for a taste of her soft flesh.

… Gulp!

The Deva prince swallowed hard.

"Attention please!"

Duke Thomas called for silence, and silence was given.

He looked back at the scroll on the podium and spoke.

"It is my honor and privilege to present to you the great Prince Vritra Kalyon Asura of the House of Bloodgarden. May we all extend our warmest welcome and deepest respect to His Royal Highness as we celebrate his esteemed presence among us today."

When they heard the name "Vritra" most of the nobles' faces went dark with worry. Even King Felmus, who usually stayed composed, looked anxious and uneasy.

The only ones who managed to stay calm were Lord Ymnes and Prince Lumis.

Lord Ymnes stayed calm because he knew himself well, while Prince Lumis was calm because he was ignorant.

He knew nothing of the young royal who had just set foot in the throne room of the Armed Palace.

At that moment, everyone turned their attention to the young man who had been standing quietly at the grand entrance with his hands clasped behind his back.

He had a confident expression and looked almost like a saint, but the horns on his head told a different story.

[Ding! You've encountered the first Heroine!]

A grin appeared on Prince Vritra's face.

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(T/N): It seems like a lot of readers like to judge books chapter by chapter and point out any inconsistencies as mistakes or bad writing. I'm not an expert, and this might not be your favorite book, but please don't judge it just based on each chapter. Give it some credit and consider that there might be good reasons behind what happens. Thanks! 🙂

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