Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

Chapter 78: Shadow Messenger—Seline

"Shadow Messenger," Mai whispered, her gaze fixed on the tall woman with long light green hair.

"This is not good. That's the Shadow Messenger—Seline. She's known for her eccentric personality… and her ruthlessness."

When Ram and Liam heard Mai's whisper, a shiver ran down their spines.

The memory of their previous encounter with the Shadow Messenger surged back with vivid intensity.

They recalled the sheer terror of facing an opponent whose strength and skill had dwarfed their own.

Liam, usually unflappable, felt a cold sweat form on his brow as the memory resurfaced.

He remembered the crushing sense of power that had radiated from the Shadow Messenger, making him feel like an insignificant speck before a colossus.

Ram's thoughts raced back to the fierce encounter where the Shadow Messenger had captured them with ease.

Not even the Iron Robot, with strength comparable to Tier 3 professionals, which he took pride in, could withstand a single hit.

However, realizing that it was not the same individual, they both exhaled in relief at the same time.

Sid frowned when he looked at Seline without much understanding, he didn't find much different from ordinary soldiers around her. "What so dangerous about her?"

Mai continued to watch Seline, her expression serious. "Seline is one of the rare few who has undergone the high-level Mechanical Fire absorption process. It's an intense procedure that usually results in death for those who attempt it, of tens of thousands only a few survived."

"But those who survive are transformed into beings with power far beyond that of normal biomechanical soldiers or professionals at the same Tier."

"And Seline? She didn't just survive… after absorbing the high-level mechanical fire she evolved." Mai paused, taking in the details of Seline's appearance.

"From the outside, she looks like an ordinary human. But in reality, over 80% of her body has been enhanced by the Mechanical Fire she absorbed."

"Her body is composed of millions of nanites, microscopic machines capable of self-repair and reconstruction of biomaterials. These nanites can quickly heal internal damage, regrow lost limbs, and restore functionality, making her incredibly resilient in battle."

"But that's just the beginning. Seline can use these nanites to form weapons directly from her body—swords, spears, whips, you name it."

"These weapons are highly adaptive and able to shift their shape and density to enhance their lethality. It's not just about raw power; she can alter the form and function of her weapons in real-time, making her a formidable opponent."

She glanced back at Sid, her tone grave. "Most of what's known about her abilities comes from survivors—those who barely escaped with their lives after facing her. Seline's true potential remains shrouded in mystery, as very few have survived long enough to reveal more."

"Great, so she's not just a strong opponent; she's practically a walking arsenal." Liam, who had been listening intently, shook his head in disbelief. "Fuck it, I hate this Shadow Messengers to my gut."

"Don't worry," Mai said, her voice steady despite the gravity of the situation. "Unless it's something she is personally interested in, with her temper, she won't bother to look at others."

"And remember, only those at Tier 4 and below are permitted to enter C-rank monster dens. With her here, there's no chance of escape. Our only chance now is to survive till the end."

Sid's gaze shifted from Seline to the surrounding groups of mercenaries and professionals. "But what we have to worry about now is the other groups," he said, his voice low.

"We need to keep an eye on them, especially since they're all here for the same reason."

Ram, glancing at the various groups scattered around the clearing, added, "Do we know anything about them? Any intel on their skills or affiliations?"

Mai shook her head. "Not much. We have some general knowledge from past encounters, but it's hard to predict exactly how they'll act in this scenario."

"What we do know is that they're all professionals—some have strong reputations, and others never heard of them."

Liam let out a sigh, trying to shake off the nerves. "Alright, so we stay vigilant and wait for our moment. What's the plan once we're inside the den?"

Mai thought for a moment, her eyes scanning the clearing. "Once we enter the den, we need to stick together and move cautiously. It's hard to imagine how the terrine and what monsters inside are."

"Our primary goal is to clear out the den and secure the Source Seed if possible. We can't afford to get separated or overextend ourselves."

Unlike ordinary monster dens, which are typically scattered throughout the world, C-rank and higher dens exist within individual Void Spaces.

These Void Spaces are separate dimensions with their own internal environments and structures, completely isolated from the physical world, and have different internal logic and rules.

They are created by powerful runes and have barriers that contain monsters and prevent them from escaping into the outside world.

The terrain inside can vary dramatically, ranging from dark, labyrinthine caverns to bizarre, otherworldly landscapes that are entirely controlled by the energy of the den itself.

Occasionally, some monsters manage to escape from these void barriers.

It's usually only the weakest or most desperate ones, but if the barrier is compromised, it can lead to a full-scale breach.

The den's energy field is meant to be a defense mechanism built by the Divine Spirit Tree.

As Mai considered these factors, Seline moved towards the Void Gate, a towering stone structure of two tall, narrow pillars connected at the top by an arch.

Inside the arch, there's a shimmering portal that connects the den to the outside world.

The gate pulsated with eerie, dark energy, a clear indication of the formidable barrier, crossing this barrier means entering a different void space.

Seline, however, seemed indifferent to the professionals gathered around her. She stopped in front of the gate, her long hair swaying slightly with her movement.

Turning back toward the professionals with a cold, disdainful look, Seline's lips curled into a sneer. "What a bunch of useless fools," she said scornfully, her voice echoing with a chilling edge.

She then addressed the biomechanical soldiers beside her, her tone commanding. "What are you waiting for? Get inside and complete the mission."

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