Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition

Chapter 8: Aftermath of the First Battle

At least it would make his mood better because he was somewhat unsatisfied with the fact that all of them were killed so quickly. In fact, he wanted to have a good fight against someone to stimulate his skills.

"Several Credit Chips of various currencies. And key to the vault."

From the corpse of the pirate captain, he obtained a small key that most likely belonged to the treasury that the pirate captain had in his quarters, which were right next to the commanding deck.

So, he didn't waste any time as he went straight for the captain's chambers and opened the safe that wasn't even hidden. In fact, the only things that were in the safe were Credit Chips with several thousand Universal Credits on them, which was rather good.

"Okey... teleport me out and save the recording of the destruction so we can claim the bounties."

Arcturus stated as he was then teleported by Alice back to the command deck of the Obscurus in an instant moment.

If he wanted to change the Credit Chips to Universal Credits, he would need to go to the Cosmic Vaultbank and open an account there, where they would transfer these Credit Chips for the Universal Credits.

Though most of the Credits Chips Alice identified as local currencies of Type 1 Civilizations, so even if there were a lot of them, most of them didn't really have any value, and after being converted to the Universal Credits, he would get the abysmal amount.

Otherwise, he didn't have much use for the currencies of Type 1 Civilizations.


Command Deck of the Obscurus

As Arcturus was teleported back to the Obscurus, he looked at the last remaining spacecraft before he ordered Alice to fire from one of the main Plasma Batteries of Obscurus.

The moment it fired, the pirate Light Cruiser exploded into an enormous explosion as the ship was obliterated from existence.

It was a beautiful one.

Explosion was an art itself...

It was the sacred truth.

Immediately after the Cruiser was destroyed with the remainder of the Bloodskull Pirates, the mission was completed, and he received the first reward from the System that somehow ended in this new reality together with him.

[Mission: Pirate Attack has been completed!

Description: Destroy the Pirate Crew attempting to rob your ship.

Reward: Due to this being the first mission completed as the welcoming bonus to the new reality, the reward has been increased:

Asurya Genetic Template Serum (Highborne Variant and Neural Extranet Terminal Gene Implants)]

Arcturus didn't know what the reward was, because there was nothing like the Asurya Species within the Star Citizen Online. Though he new that it must be something that would give him huge benefits in the long run.

"Alice, what exactly is the Asurya Race? Do you have something in the database from the pirates aside from it being the race that created The Eternal Imperium of Asurya?"

Now, he hoped that the pirates had enough information about the wider galaxy, and at the same time, he made a mental note to absorb as much information about the new dimension as possible.

He didn't wish to remain as an ignorant country bumpkin, information was power and it was something that he desperately lacked right now. As unfortunate as it was, the pirates had only some tidbits in their databanks and there was no connection to the Extranet.

Not to mention, as he was right now, hacking and connecting directly into the Extranet without further information with just capabilities of his current A.I. would be suicidal and could have some unforeseen severe consequences.

"Asuryans are a subspecies of the Human Race initially originating from the Planet Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy. The pirate ships didn't have much about their data banks about, aside from it being a very young race, barely around one thousand years old, that appeared when their fleet jumped out of the wormhole a few centuries ago.

They landed on the Mega-Planet Mogon I., which was later renamed to Asurya, to reflect the leading ideology of the Asuryani people.

Over the course of centuries, Asuryans embarked on the path of Genetical Engineering after excavating the data banks of fallen Type 3 Civilization and grew into one of the hegemons of the Andromeda Galaxy.

The Asuryani Race and their Imperium are renowned for their military, as their society is one of the most unique, revolving only around Military Service and Warrior Culture, creating the best warriors and soldiers possible.

Aside from that, their society is a bit, isolationist, as they have rather a small population even compared to the rest of the nations in the Andromeda Galaxy. Aside from that, their nation is highly xenophobic towards the races that they deem weak, which is most of the species, in fact, aside from a few exceptions.

Additionally to that, their Militaristic and Warrior society is built on the principles of absolute Meritocracy, and practically, the whole population is in the military of their Empire in various branches.

Within the Andromeda Galaxy, they are one of the strongest powers and are one of the few that are fully capable of repelling any of the Extragalactic Threats at any time."

It was rather an impressive story; he suspected that they were basically a space version of the Third Reich and in fact, he wasn't that far from the truth.

There were also some additional information about their society and so on, but the pirates were avoiding the territories of the Eternal Imperium of Asurya like the plague.

While the Asuryans didn't really bother themselves with the pirates outside their territories, if they saw pirate ships, they would destroy them with extreme prejudice.

However, there were some differences from it, even though it was a nation greatly founded on the principles of totalitarianism and fascism. Mainly they were less xenophobic than one would expect, though they mostly directed their disdain toward weak species...

Only a few could earn their respect.

The Eternal Imperium of the Asurya was a highly militaristic and warrior society.

Everything within the Imperium revolved around combat, military service, soldiers, fights, but at the same time, their people were also splendid at researching advanced technologies and were regarded as one of the physically and genetically most advanced races across the known galaxies.

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