Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition

Chapter 77: Aftermath the Fall (1)

Fall of the Mind Fleet was always a celebrated event across the Cosmos as the Mind Flayers were hated by all, probably even more than Orks or Arachnid Swarm by a great degree. That just affirms how much menace they were to civilized space and civilization, star-faring nations.

Still, the Mind Flayers were a really powerful species that had a certain degree of right to do what they wished because that was like things functioned in the winner Cosmos. The stronger fed on the weak to get even stronger, and there was no mercy.

If someone wasn't powerful, then it ended there, and nothing else could be done.

It was also one of the reasons why all civilizations so desperately tried to cultivate more and more powerhouses to protect their borders, interests, and, in the end, also their very own existence and fundamental right to even exist.

Without power, the person was just an insignificant speck of dust on the tapestry of stars; anyone could fall.

Be it the lofty Beyonders that had the power to influence the entire Star Domain with their powers or High-Level Civilizations that eroded over large parts of galaxies. Even those that ruled several big Galaxies like the Andromeda Galaxy or Milky Way Galaxy could fall to a higher power.

Nothing was set in stone, and nothing was absolute.

For Grandmaster Arsit Byrmellir, this was certainly a weird moment as he stared at the floating corpse of the Elder Brain that was being transported by the Imperial Starships back to the Imperial Capital of Asurya for further research.

Even though the corpse of the Elder Brain was rather heavily damaged and wasn't in a top-notch state, it was still priceless research material that would allow the Eternal Empire of the Asurya to uncover more about the Mind Flayers.

As someone who had wandered into the depths of the Void and traversed through the Cosmos before being crippled, he knew that not many High-Level Civilizations could pride themselves in studying the corpse of the Keter-Class Beyonder, no matter the species or origin.

That one was clear.

Yet the Phoenix Nation achieved that, and they managed to obtain the corpse of the Elder Brain, which was a very, very rare catch that he had to admit.

It would be very possible for the Imperial Scientists and Scholars to come up with new methods of Psionics based on the study of the Elder Brain, that was for sure. Mind Flayers were always the objects of fascination just like they were the objects of dread and fear.

It was understandable because their inherent Psionic Mastery and rate of Psykers among their species was unnatural and really befitting the reputation of the Psionically most advanced race in the known parts of the Cosmos.

Even though the Phoenix Empire achieved a lot in its short centuries of existence, they were clear that in the aspect of Psionics, there were a lot of things that they could perfect and master, and the corpse of the Elder Brain would provide them with a solution to many of their problems.

Soon after the fight against the Elder Brain ended in the death of the Mind Flayer, the Psion-Disruption Field disappeared as Obscurus unmasked itself and joined the side of the Imperial Defense Force in cleaning up the battlefield.

The elderly Highborne Asuryani Beyonder observed all of this from the command point of the Starfort Lycurgos as he stood there with Bashar-General Varathar Medes and several other officers of the Imperial Military.

However, what was more important right now were the holographic projections of several people around them, who were wearing heavily decorated military uniforms of the Imperial Military, be it from the Imperial Army or Imperial Navy.

Few of the people were not wearing military uniforms, but instead, various armor as they were present in the meeting. Though all of them were excited for several reasons; obviously, the first one was the death of Elder Brain and the crushing defeat of the Mind Fleet Leviathan at the hands of the Eternal Imperium of Asurya.

The second reason was to make everyone present and smile from ear to ear.

It was the most shocking news, probably even more than the death of the Elder Brain...

The oldest and most respected Beyonder of the entire Eternal Empire of Asurya, Grandmaster Arsit Byrmellir, has obtained Psionic Nuclei of Keter-Class Elder Brain and started the process of recuperation from his injuries.

Approximately in one year, he should be back to his full strength, and in another few months, he would recover his strength back to the Keter-Class. This was something that was probably even more important for the dignitaries of the Eternal Empire of Asurya than anything else.

"Altogether, we managed to capture around several Mind Flayer Vessels in perfect condition, including one of the Motherships. Additionally, we have several hundred Mind Flayer Vessels of various Classes in usable condition, including one Worldship that has damages of around 20%, but fortunately, nothing serious.

Then we captured around three thousand Mind Flayer Vessels that are in bad shape but could be scavaged for resources. Afterward, we secured another thousand vessels of various civilizations, including some of the High-Level civilizations in various states, which was useful for the research. The rest of the Mind Fleet Leviathan was destroyed in the combat."

Bashar-General Varather Medes reported to the highest leadership of the Eternal Empire of the Asurya their staggering gains from the engagement with the Mind Fleet Leviathan.

Among the people present, many were shocked by the sheer number of the spaceships they managed to capture because it was all over five thousand in various shapes.

This was more than the entire Imperial Defense Force at the Alaric Star Domain.

But it shouldn't be that surprising because the Mind Flayers essentially inhabited their Mind Fleet. One Mind Fleet had a population of many billions of Mind Flayers with ease; some had even more, especially the older, bigger, and more powerful Mind Fleets.

Obviously, the real value for the Imperial machinery of these ships wasn't to use them in the combat, but their value lay in something else.

Primarily as the research material, because the Mind Flayer technology was really powerful, not to mention they were one of the species that was capable of easily traversing the depths of the Cosmos and surviving the horrors in the dpeths of the Void.

Many of the Imperial leadership saw that among the captured vessels were also spaceships from High-Level Civilizations that were far from the Andromeda Galaxy, like several Galaxies far away...

When the technology was researched then, another value of the spaceships was to recycle them for their materials because all of them were made from very precious metals and alloys that were of great value, and Imperium could make use of the materials for their own infrastructure and the military-industrial complex.

"That is indeed spending news, Bashar-General Medes."

The man who spoke now was a middle-aged man with jet-black hair, pale skin, and shining purple eyes. He was also sitting on something that was reminiscing the throne with Phoenix's motives.

"Thank you very much for your praise, Lord Padishah-Marshal."

Lord Padishah-Marshal was the highest authority in the entire Eternal Imperium of the Asurya, and every single one of them repressed the pinnacle of their species, be it in terms of intellect, cunning, might, or potential.

"Now, we captured around a few million prisoners, mostly the Mind Flayers of the now former Mind Fleet Leviathan, but I don't think they would be any use aside from serving as experimental subjects. Most of them are already descending into Madness, and some into Psionic deprivation after the death of the Elder Brain.

Due to their sheer number, we are struggling to contain them properly until more facilities are built or until the Blank Ships are sent to transport them to more secure facilities across the Imperial Territory."

The topic of the prisoners from the former Mind Fleet Leviathan was rather troublesome because they captured a very high number of the Mind Flayers. Much more than they had initially anticipated, and containing that many Mind Flayers was a rather arduous task, something that needed a lot of resources and manpower.

"The Blank Ships are already on the way from the Prison Planets. Also, you have permission to execute the most problematic individuals among the captured prisoners; they are too many of them either way."

Lord Padishah-Marshal ordered that because the number of the captured space squids was already huge enough if a few tens of thousands were executed to lessen problems, it wouldn't be much loss.

Most of the Mind Flaers are rather docile, in fact, which was rather surprising, but seeing their Elder Brain, which was worshipped as God in the Mind Fleet, being killed by someone whom they considered a "Lesser Species", their spirit broke, and many were suffering from various alignments.

Still, it was paramount that the Blank Ships were sent to transport them as soon as possible because if the riot erupted, then they could only depend on Grandmaster Byrmellir to annihilate them en masse.

Blank Ships wasn't terminology used for the starships that were used as mobile prisons for Psionics and Psykers, as they were made with materials that had a nullifying effect on the Psionics, and there was tons of technology to render Psionic Energy useless.

They were typically used only by High-Level Civilisation to transport Psionics or Psyker criminals, war captives, and dangerous individuals across their territories because transporting them in ordinary ships was just too dangerous.

The reason why only High-Level Civilizations were using them was not only due to the technological difficulties of building one of such ships but also due to the extraordinary price it required, and many exotic and rare metals and elements were needed to build the ships.

Though many Mid-Level Civilizations were buying these Blank Ships from the High-Level Civilization for outrageous prices, there was nothing they could do because it was the only safe method for transporting powerful Psionics or Psykers without killing them from point A to point B when they were captured.

"Now, onto the next point of the meeting. The Imperial Government already broadcasted the victory of the Empire over the Mind Fleet Leviathan through the Extranet. As we are speaking, several High-Level CIvilizations in the Andromeda Galaxy and surrounding galaxies are mustering their forces to deal with the remnants of the Mind Fleet Leviathan or other allies' smaller Mind Fleets."

This was a grand victory for many of them because with the Mind Fleet Leviathan, which was the dominant Mind Fleet in their sector of Cosmos, was right now dead, the smaller Mind Fleets that were eld by Euclid-Class Elder Brains would now be picked one by one or pushed back to the depths of the Void where they came from.

"Gentlemen, this victory over the entire Mind Fleet will solidify the position of the Empire as a High-Level Civilization and the most powerful military in the entire Andromeda Galaxy. For now, we need to focus on digesting our gains from the invasion because there are a lot of them."

Lord Padishah-Marshal stated that this was indeed a glorious day for the Eternal Empire of the Asurya. The compelôte defeat of the Mind Fleet was proof that the Empire was superior and it also showed its power to the Veren Republic.

Not to mention, Lord Padishah-Marshal knew that this was just a portion of the Imperial war machine, so for a very long time, the Veren Republic wouldn't be acting against the interests of the Empire, and the Empire could safely expand across the Wildstar Star Reguon and Nihilus Star Region which they were right now colonizing.

"The forges of Votann are always ready for more material; we would like to ask for more of the metals obtained to be delivered to our Forge Worlds. Some of our Smith Masters are saying that they are close to cracking the formula for their Alloys that the quids are using in their ships."

Hearing what one of the Votann Smithmasters said, everyone's eyes sparked because the regenerative alloy of the Mind Flayers was something that was envied by even the strongest of the High-Level Civilizations.

"Master Ironrock, how close are we talking about?"

If the Empire could crack the method of making regenerative properties to their alloys, then it would make their ships far more powerful. Their durability would skyrocket to new heights, and at the same time, they would be able to recover from taking more punishment.

Basically, it's an ideal scenario.

"We need more samples, but we are already aware of how their own regenerative alloy works and why it is so durable. If we can conduct more experiments on a large scale, we can finish the research and start working on creating our own branch of regenerative alloys that won't be inferior to that of the squids at all..."

Because the Eternal Imperium had been fighting against the space squids for a long time already, they were studying their technical and invention rather intensely and to a profound degree to counter them properly.

Their particular bioship technology and the regenerative alloy were one of the trump cards of the squids.

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