Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition

Chapter 17: Votanns of Dwarrowdelfs

The Force Forger that Arcuturs was searching for was of the Votans of the Dwarrowdelfs...

Votans were another of the species that were living within the Eternal Imperium of Asuyrya, originating from the planet Dwarrowdelfs that, was from the neighboring Star System where the homeworld of the Asuryani species was located.

The Votanns were... basically something that one could classify as Space Dwarves, in Arcturus's opinion. They were one of the very few species that the Asuryani actually respected in fact.

The Votans are an advanced, starfaring race who possess highly advanced technology and live amid the extreme environments that mark the resource-rich worlds of the galaxy.

They met the Asuryani not long after the establishment of the Imperium and the two cultures became allied, mostly due to the circumstances.

Both of their species were very similar in many aspects, especially in the battle-oriented culture and soon enough, through a few decades, the Vonats of the Dwarrowdelfs were merged into the Imperium.

Not only the space dwarves were the best Engineers and Force Forgers possible, but they were also extremely fierce warriors; their combat prowess was often on par with that of the Asuryani Elites.

Normally, though, the Votanns were not really leaving their planets, as they were rather reclusive folk who preferred staying on the ground or on the planet. Mining the ores, smelting the metals, forging weapons and armor.

Arcturus soon enough arrived at the place where the Force Forger was temporarily located, which was near the Imperial Armory. Apparently, he was here only for a short span of time, as some high-ranking members of the Imperial Army wanted personal armors forged for them.

For that, only the Votanns were the best choice, and there were always a few of the traveling masters who were traveling through the stars and perfecting their craft to greater heights.

"It should be here."

Arcturus arrived at the place that was near the Military District of the City, as he searched for Forging Street, basically a place where various blacksmiths had their forges. He found it a bit amusing and fascinating at the same time that the art of blacksmithing survived till this day.

Not only survived but also adapted and evolved with time, into something new and different.

There he noticed a several Votanns were walking around the street, mingling together with the Asuryani people. The Votanns were indeed looking completely like the dwarves, with long beards and messy hair, bulging muscles and often wearing high-tech armor.

It didn't take him long to find the shop where the Votann Force Forger was temporarily dwelling for the time being.

"Excuse me, would there be perhaps a Force Forger named Braigzird Kragcrest?"

Arcturus entered the small shop that was located in one of the tall gothic-looking buildings, as the entire shop was basically a huge forge, with countless tools hanging around, but contrary to his expectation, it was also giving off the high-tech feeling.

'It looks like if you combined fantasy dwarves with the most modern technology possible...'

Arcturus looked around and saw many unfamiliar high-tech devices and in the middle of it, was an enormous forge.

"Wer ya searching for me boya?"

Turning around, to the heating light of the forge, he saw there a Votann.

Standing at just under 1,2 meters tall, his muscular frame and thick, braided beard give him an imposing presence despite his shorter stature. His weathered face bears the marks of countless hours spent working in the heat of the forge, with soot-smudged cheeks and a pair of keen, observant eyes that glint like cold steel.

His workshop is a testament to his expertise, filled with an impressive array of tools and adorned with the fruits of his labor. Shelves groan under the weight of carefully arranged weapons, each a testament to his craftsmanship.

The air was thick with the scent of burning coal, the smelting of ores and the glow of the forge cast flickering shadows on the stone walls.

"To forge an armor for me, at least something better than what I wear right now within budges of 45,000 Universal Credits."

He said, as the Braigzird Kragcrest stopped hammering the piece of metal he was working on till now and went to scour Arcturus as he frowned from time to time, wnhiole he was observing his armor.

Though, at the same time, he noticed the Aetherius and looked at the sword with a curious look.

"We can work something with that... though, what do you want? With the number of UC, I can for sure make some basic Force Armor, at least some parts... it wouldn't be good against a powerful enemy but against common scum of Stars and soldiers of lesser star nations? It would serve well."

After several minutes of appraisal, Force Forger Braigzird Kragcrest gave his honest opinion about the matter. Obviously, the number of Universal Credits wasn't really enough to forge proper Force Armor, because that would probably cost millions of UC.

But some mashed-up pieces like he was wearing?


"Can I peek a look at your sword, boya?"

The Votann of Dwarrowdelfs looked at his client, as Arcturus nodded and handed him Aetherius for appraisal. In fact, he was pretty curious about what the Force Forger in this new reality would tell about his beloved weapon.

"Interesting... masterful craftsmanship, though not any of I know, certainly not of the Votann, and not of any different origin... fascinating. And it already reacts to the Psionics well and the metal itself is unknown..."

The space dwarf muttered with fascination as he handed back the Power Sword back to Arcturus. For the Braigzird Kragcrest, it was clear that the Aetheries was truly a piece of art, probably one of the best Power Swords that he had seen in a long time.

While it wasn't on the level of a true Force Weapon, but it even reacted to the Psionic Energy and was capable of withstanding it easily.

"We shall take the measurements right now; the amount of Universal Credits you gave me would be enough for the materials to forge some basic prototypes of the Force Armaments for protection. I take it that your combat style revolved about flexibility, judging on the armor you are wearing right now..."

Master Force Forger Braigzird Kragcrest said as he started taking measurements for the armaments that he would be forging.

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