Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition

Chapter 10: Asuryani

"Approximate time of arrival at the nearest Star System controlled by the Eternal Imperium of Asurya at the sublight speed is 3 days."

Usage of the hyperdrive wasn't recommended apparently right now because the ship had only a limited amount of Anti-Matter Fuel for the engines, and Alice wanted to save the majority of it for emergency situations in case they encountered some powerful enemy where the energy would be needed for the fight.

According to the information that Alice extracted from the pirate databanks, the only real dangers in this entire Star Sector were the space pirate crews like the Bloodskull Pirates.

So he didn't really fear that he would encounter some real threat, and if they did, then Alice would escape into the Hyperspace.

Meanwhile, they were on their way to the nearest Star System under the control of the Eternal Imperium of Asurya; Arcturus retreated to his chambers to use the Asurya Genetic Template Serum on himself.

The Synergy that he got as a reward from the mission.

When he played around a little with the interference of the System, he got a few interesting pieces of news about it. The first thing was that the missions were completely random and were related to making some kind of achievement.

Like the mission he had right now because it was the first time he was fighting against the pirates in the future or he would, if it meant some kind of significance.

"The sole thing that I need to do is to inject this little thing into my body."

Saying that, he then injected the Synergy into his arm as the blue liquid that was inside spread through his body at almost instantaneous speed. Billions of tiny Nanomachines then started recreating the image of his body to that of the Asuryan Highborne.

Highbornes were the strongest genetic Lineage of the Asuryani people; they were literarily bred and gene-engineered into perfection. When they were marrying, they were allowed only to marry partners that fit their Genetic Sequence to create even stronger and more perfect descendants.

Due to this, their limits were much higher than the average Asuryani specimens and many of the Highborne after some time, had the possibility of weakening a Psionic Power.

Thankfully, Arcturus's physique had already been elevated to the Epsilon-Grade upon his transmigration or else; he would probably go crazy from the pain that he was feeling right now, as it was almost overwhelming.

According to Alice's analysis, his physique was right now approximately 7-times stronger than that of the baseline Human. On top of that, it wasn't the end of it, because his physique was still in the development stage.

He knew that with enough proper training, he could raise his physique to the limits of what should be the peak of the Epsilon-Grade, which would be ten times of the baseline human.

After that, he would need to obtain another Genetic Concoction to undergo another augmentation of his body. It seemed that his affinity was relatively good, and with the Asurya Genetic Template Serum his innate talent by a significant degree.

Unstreghtenened Asuryan specimens was approximately 3-times physically stronger than baseline human, and most of their citizens, after genetic argumentation upon their birth, would reach Epsilon-Grade.

Those in the military were given even better Genetical Augumentaetions and Enhamcnements, making them physically something that could be already regarded as superhuman.

Interestingly enough, even with all of this, the Asuryans were not physically the strongest species, as there were several races that could easily contest against them or even outmatch them in the aspect of their physical strength.

Arcturus gritted his teeth as he waited for the Nanomachines that were creating some kind of nodes in his body, but soon enough, he lost consciousness as he was brought to sleep by the Nanomachines within his body.


Two days later, unknown Star System, Master Chambers at the Obscurus.

For the past two days, the Central Artificial Intelligence of the Obscurus was piloting the spaceship toward their target, which was one of the Space Fortresses of the Eternal Imperium of Asurya.

During the past two days, they didn't meet any trouble, aside from one small pirate band of clearly "alien" origin, as the pirates belonged to the humanoid species that she wasn't familiar with.

However, they had more ships than the Bloodskull Pirates and their bounty was 40,000 Universal Credits altogether. So Red Queen destroyed their small band and killed every single one of them while recording it so her Master could claim the bounty from the Bounty Hunter Guild.

She also managed to assimilate the Virtual Intelligence that were aboard of the spaceships of the pirates, because they had some slightly advanced tech.

This caused Alice to start evolving a bit, but it would be a long time until she could be comparable to the most advanced A.I. within the Andromeda Galaxy. For Artificial Intelligence, the process of evolution was relatively straightforward, as they only needed to become bigger and expand.

They would automatically refine themselves as they spread like a virus. The easiest way of achieving this was devouring and assimilating other Artificial Intelligences or Virtual Intelligences or even programs with high computing capabilities.

At the same time, she was also constantly watching over her Master, who was still unconscious, but his bodily functions were getting stronger and stronger. His entire physique was getting stronger under the augmentations of the billions of Nanomachines...

His muscles were getting denser as were his bones, and all of his internal organs were enveloped in some sort of membrane, whose sole purpose was preventing the internal injuries.

She took the initiative and took control of the Nanomachines within his body because she sensed that the Nanomachines could be controlled by someone from the Eternal Imperium of Asurya.

Which was a rather smart move of how to get ultimate control over their citizen.

Probably only those who had let some advanced Artificial Intelligence into their Neural Extranet Terminal Gene Implants could destroy this connection that the average Neural Extranet Terminal Gene Implants had with the A.I. in the Eternal Imperium of Asurya.

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