SSS Ranked Reincarnation: Dark Dragon Legacy

Chapter 32: Abomination

"It's the truth, Mike. She already knew," Quin said.

"No, no, no. If she knew, then why does she still fawn over him? Why won't she look my way? Why does she still hate me?" Mike asked, his eyes looking crazed.

"That's because she likes Silva. She never cared about being his sibling; she simply liked him as a person," Quin said.

"No, no, no, this is all wrong!" Mike yelled out, shaking his head violently. Something about him started to change.

"Master, that human is turning into an abomination created by hate and despair," Fang spoke to Silva telepathically.

"What is that? Explain to me," Silva asked.

"There isn't much time, but his hate and despair have definitely gotten to a level where his soul is collapsing and reforming, creating an abomination. His consciousness and being will disappear, with only one thing remaining—his hate for you," Fang explained.

As they spoke, Mike had truly started morphing and changing; his body was turning purple and increasing in size.

"He may have done some terrible things, but I still see him as a brother. Is there a way to save him?" Silva asked.

"The only way to do that is to unravel his soul and fix it back to normal. The way to do that is by making him let go of the emotion that caused him to reach this state. I doubt that he will let go of his hate for you; he may be beyond redemption," Fang said.

"No, I can still try," Silva said and started walking towards Mike.

Everyone around had given them a lot of space when Mike started transforming; they didn't want to be caught up in whatever was happening.

"Roar! I'll kill you!" Mike said and charged at Silva. He swung his now massive hand and slammed it into Silva's chest.

Silva was sent flying and rolling until he came to a stop. He got back up and started walking again.

"Mike, this was supposed to be a brotherly feud, where you trouble me, and I trouble you back. What you are doing now, it's not part of it; you're just being a dick," Silva said. Mike slammed him again, and he went flying.

Silva got up again, his nose and mouth bleeding.

Mike was still transforming as this was going on, and if Silva didn't turn him back soon, it would be all over.

Silva kept going, hit after hit, until he was covered in blood, and those around started covering their eyes to avoid seeing this scene.

Silva stood in front of Mike. Mike was almost completely gone. He raised his hand again, but he didn't hit Silva.

"W-why?" Mike managed to force the question out.

Silva smiled with his blood-covered face and replied, "Because you are my brother."

Mike froze, his grotesque-looking eyes staring at Silva. The rage in his eyes slowly subsided. Mike took a step back, but suddenly a man in a dark cloak appeared behind him.

"How boring, I wanted to see more," the person said. He took a needle and pierced Mike before disappearing.

He came and went faster than Silva or Fang could react to.

Mike started reacting to the needle that was pierced into him; his veins bulged, and his body grew.

His transformation was forced into completion, and Mike was turned into a full abomination.

Silva just stood there, not knowing what to do. He looked at his brother, who was now rioting, and felt his chest burn up.

Whoever that person was, he just made an enemy out of Silva for life.

"I have to find a way. System, is there a way to help Mike? Tell me now," Silva asked while going to intercept Mike, who was attacking people.

Quin also charged that way; he felt a sense of guilt for what was happening. If he had tried to smooth things out since they were kids, it would have never gotten to this level, but he felt that if he let it be, over time it would stop.

His negligence had turned his brother into a monster now, and he may never be able to see Mike again.

"Fang, ensure that no one gets hurt. I'll find a way to stop him," Silva instructed before going through the list that the system compiled.

He read through them and found one that could work. It was a darkness spell that allowed one to enter the minds of others.

If he entered Mike's mind, he could possibly find Mike and try to bring him out. That was the only option for now.

[Darkness spell, Mind Invasion has been purchased]

Silva cast the spell immediately, and his consciousness invaded Mike's mind.

When he opened his eyes, he was inside a swamp environment, and at the very far end, he saw Mike, tied up with vines from head to toe. The more time passed, the more vines wrapped around Mike.

Silva took a step forward, and several vines latched onto his body and started pulling him down.

Silva couldn't use his magic or abilities in this place; he had to tear off the vines before he could take another step.

As he took the next step, the vines shot out and wrapped around him again, pulling him down as much as they could.

He repeated the process and took another step, and the same thing happened. He also noticed that with every step, it got more difficult for him to tear them off.

"Don't worry, Mike. I don't care how long it takes; I'm going to bring you back and have you apologize to Roxy."

Even the worst people in the world had those they wanted to protect. Even an emotionless dragon had some people close to him.

His mother, his father, Lia, and Quin—they would all be heartbroken if Mike died. They had done so much for Silva, and he wanted to do his best to make sure that he paid them back in full.

To that end, he couldn't let Mike die; he just couldn't let Mike go. He didn't want the family that accepted him to mourn.

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