SSS Ranked Reincarnation: Dark Dragon Legacy

Chapter 100: abomination heart

Wh Silva took a look at the skills, it was a tough choice betwe the two because one was night vision and the other was vibration ssing.

He could only pick one, and that made things difficult, but after running it through all his minds, they decided to choose vibration ssing.

Unlike night vision, he could use this both day and night, and that was gerally better.

After selecting vibration ssing, he started feeling the vibrations a him for close to a kilometer; he could sse the Mangledons that were a as well.

Silva faced his summons and spoke. "Fang, Gallan, both of you, go ahead and fight, I'll move with Dawn, this is a good place for you to gather more experice." Silva said. Both of them bowed their heads and ran in differt directions.

"Alright, Dawn, let's go." Silva said, but as he took one step, Dawn held his hand, interlocking their fingers.

He looked at her, but she looked away immediately, not wanting him to see her face.

"Dawn, can't this wait for another time? We are currtly in a labyrinth; it's dangerous." Silva said.

"There isn't anything here that is a threat to you, and ev if there is, I'd take care of it." She spoke while still looking away.

Silva decided to allow it, he tighted his grip a her hand and started walking.

They walked quietly for a while, but th Dawn decided to start a conversation.

"Silva, why do you lay low? It's like you have some sort of plan, and because of that, you don't show your true strgth." Dawn said.

"Yeah, there is a plan, it's something to do with the goddess Ophelia, but ev I don't understand it fully yet.

That's why I can't rush headfirst into things or flex my power excessively.

I just need to keep growing strong while deceiving my emies. I allow them to believe that I am strong, but still within a believable range.

But I hide the true strgth, and that is because if it came down to a fight, an emy that underestimated you will be easier to take out." Silva said.

As they spoke, he ssed a group of Mangledons headed their way.

"Dawn, some Mangledons are headed this way, take them out, you need to gather experice as well." Silva said. She nodded and waited for the emy.

Soon five Mangledons showed up, but the last one in the back was twice as tall and looked devilishly ferocious.

But the Mangledons were nothing to Dawn; she ripped through them easier than cutting through butter.

But before she reached the last big one, it started transforming. The transformation caused a massive release of chaotic Mana that slammed into Dawn and st her flying.

Silva ran over and caught her so that she didn't hit the g. He helped her stand.

Both of them stood looking at this creature; it was transforming into something, and the ergy a it felt very familiar. It was turning into an abomination.

"I see why no one has ever made it past the tth floor, this labyrinth is unpredictable as hell. I wonder how many studts have actually died here." Silva said.

"Should I take it down?" Dawn asked.

"No, I want to fight it in its final form. I want to see how strong it gets." Silva said.

So both of them watched as this already grotesque-looking creature turned ev more hideous.

With misproportioned body parts and slimy interior showing on the exterior, it was simply gross.

Silva took a look at the stats of this abomination to see what he was up against. The abomination now had a stat of a thousand all a, aside from Intelligce, which had disappeared.

"This should be fun, but I should fight it in my base strgth." Silva said and put away all weapons and everything.

He took a boxing stance and waited for the abomination.

"I don't feel that it's safe to do that." Dawn said with concern.

"Don't worry, ev if something goes wrong, I have you here." Silva flashed an assuring smile.

The abomination charged at Silva, squealing madly as it came.

The theory that Silva had come up with about this abomination was that it was close to some sort of evolution, but wh it saw Dawn take out those other Mangledons, it panicked.

It forced an evolution, and that cost it a lot, turning it into an abomination.

The abomination swung its fist at Silva. Silva set his hands on both sides of his face and blocked the attack.

The impact sounded like a loud gunshot. Silva acted quickly after that attack; he turned his arm and grabbed the hand of the abomination and pulled it in.

The head of the abomination came low as Silva pulled it. Silva followed up with an uppercut that st the head of the abomination jerking back.

Silva didn't follow up after that; he waited for the abomination to reorganize before he wt in again.

The abomination would attack, Silva would block and counter, and the process repeated until the abomination became raged and started thrashing about.

But Silva still dodged all that and wt for the head. He leaped into the air and slammed his fist with all 000 worth of strgth.

The fist passed through the head with a bang; the insides of the head spilled out as the fist made it all the way to the other side.

The abomination fell to the g and died, th disappeared and left behind an actual beating heart.

Silva picked up the heart, and the system spoke.

[Heart of an abomination. A material that can turn anyone into an abomination and increase their strgth by several folds, just by drinking the blood it produces.

The abominations are loyal to the one that holds the heart.]

[Do you wish to own this item?]

This was the first time the system asked him if he wanted to own a drop item, but he still said yes.

[The heart has be bound to you. You can use it to make abominations.]

[The t times buff has also be added to the effects of the heart.]

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