Spy Mage System

Chapter 166

166 Troubles in the Cafeteria

I was back at school, seeing Greg with his whole mighty colony of friends again, and I found myself thinking about what I had done yesterday. Not that it really mattered anymore now since we were back at school, but still-it did feel like a turning point in my life where everything just changed completely.

But I could notice something that was beginning to be very clear. He didn’t like the friends he was having, which made sense; because who wants to hangout with people they don’t even get along with? He wasn’t that different from me-I just tried to keep up with him since we had been together for so long now, and it felt like Greg had no interest in hanging out with me since we were in our own little worlds.

But I know he isn’t interested in these conversations, and I also know that they are trying to get him interested in them. And that’s when it hit me-these guys were just trying to make it seem like they are actually friends with Greg, so they could get closer to him and be more popular.

Of course, who wouldn’t try something like that? Well, actually-I wouldn’t, because that’s cheap. But if you’re just a regular person-well yeah, it’s probably better to try to get closer to other people and be more popular. Then the bell rang for lunch, as I got my backpack and began to walk down the hall to the cafeteria, and then I realized that I had no idea where I should sit today.

I knew Greg was sitting with his crew of friends-which meant I should probably just go somewhere else and get my food. But then again, Greg probably won’t be bothered with me being there or not. But then again maybe he would-but he probably wouldn’t, since he’s a moron for the most part.

I made my way towards the bright cafeteria with white walls and ceiling, and as I stepped inside, the smell of food already permeating the air, as I found myself walking around looking at different tables until I found one that I liked.

I walked over there with my lunch bag in hand, and then I noticed Greg’s crew of friends sitting around him, all of them wearing their high school uniform: blue blazer over their black pants and white shirt. Their hair was all black except for one guy who had red hair, and he was the one who seemed like their spokesperson.

But then I heard them say, “Isn’t that the Connor person you always make fun of?”

“Yeah,” Greg said with a laugh, “I made fun of him for not being good enough for me.”


The boys began to laugh, as they began to spit at me these names: ‘Connor person’, ‘Greg-no-friends’, and ‘Connor-who-doesn’t-have-friends’. Then they started making fun of me even more, as I found myself feeling upset about the situation; rage began to build up inside of me.

But I needed to stay calm, just for now, while I thought about how I would handle this situation. But then it struck me as I realized that this is exactly what they wanted: to make me upset. I continued to look back at them, seeing how they continued to make fun of me and how they continued to make me feel like nothing.

Then I thought of something; I decided to play along with their game, as I could see that they were just having a great time, laughing about how I am alone and have no friends.

But then, Greg said something-something so rude and almost unforgivable about me that I still can never forget: “If being annoying was a crime, Connor would be sentenced to a death penalty. He’s worthless.”

That’s it.

I’m done playing spy on him, because this is beyond ridiculous now. They are treating me like some kind of criminal or something, which I obviously am not. This needs to end now. No questions, no answers-just finish it here and now.

I walked over to where his group of friends were sitting at the table, as I saw that his crew was making faces at me while talking to each other and laughing at me.

“Okay, I’m done with this!” I shouted, not thinking or even processing, as I grabbed Greg by the collar and shoved him onto the table with my arm; then I stood there staring at him with my face twisted into an angry expression. “You think you can say all that about me, and expect me not to do anything?”

The men looked confused and almost scared, as if they could feel the rage building up inside of me.

“What do you mean by that?” the guy with the red hair asked nervously. “Greg-oh, Greg-you know exactly what I’m capable of,” I hissed at him, as he continued to look at me with an expression that said he didn’t understand what was going on.

“This isn’t funny anymore!” I shouted. “It never was!”

Greg chuckled and shook his head. “You think you scare me? That I’m just gonna bow down to you as some sort of master. Clearly you don’t know what I’m capable of.” I looked at him, almost laughing, as I put my hands on my hips.

“Okay,” I said calmly, still not understanding why he was making all of these faces and laughing at me-which just made me even angrier now. “Alright. Let’s get one thing straight. I have been your friend since I have been here! I was loyal to you!”

Greg looked unfazed by my sob story, which just made me even angrier at this point, as he just kept chuckling away.

“I am so sorry,” Greg said as he continued to laugh at me. “I shouldn’t have done that to you.”

Then he just started to bawl in laughter, as his friends stared at me with expressions that were way too complicated to interpret; they were either confused or scared of me. But then Greg suddenly stopped, shaking his head, as he wiped away the tears from his eyes. “What’s your problem?” he asked with a confused look on his face.

“You are the problem!” I shouted. “Always have been.”

“Might as well fix the problem then,” Greg said, standing up onto his feet, while his crew looked back and forth between him and me.

“Yeah, let’s do that,” he said in a mocking tone of voice. Then he started walking towards me as I took a step back from him and stood there staring back at him; I was still holding on to my anger in my heart. He stood face to face, probably three inches away from my nose. He was so close like this that he was almost in my personal space, as if he was trying to intimidate me.

He laughed at me again as he brought his nose up to my face. “You wanna fight me? Go ahead, do it now,” Greg said with a smile, as his friends began to laugh again. “Do you know who you’re messing with?”

I was still furious with him, so I couldn’t stop my body from trembling slightly; but I could tell that he didn’t care about that as he kept laughing. Then I saw him take his hand and reach into his pocket; then he pulled out something and threw it at me, as I instinctively ducked to avoid it.

My heart sank as I watched the red object fly through the air towards me; I could feel my breath being taken away from me as I felt my eyes widen with fear-fear of what it could be. It was a knife that looked like it would be able to cut through bone and muscle with ease.

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