SpiderGwen: I have a system?!

Chapter 82: Chapter 82: Darkseid War VI

Chapter 82: Chapter 82: Darkseid War VI

[3rd POV] [The next day]

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Wally asked, as the team was cloaked while standing atop of a roof in Metropolis.

"Yep. I've set up the Zeta-tubes in the basement, and they're all online. Once the League gives the signal, the Spider Legion will begin it's mission, which is one thing and one thing only: Wipe out all alien invaders" Gwen responded.

The League didn't know of the legion, as she didn't speak of it to them. Instead, they decided on attacking as soon as possible, now that Gwen was there to help out. The League was spread out across the planet, with the powered members working with the ones without powers. Wonder Woman and Batman. Superman and Green Arrow, and various others teamed up, prepared to get rid of the Parademons in their individual cities.

What they didn't know, was that a large "Spider Legion" was going to be slaughtering the other Parademons across the planet, finding the location of the Elites, and gathering Apokoliptan technology for Gwen, so that she could absorb it. With two very specific pieces of technologies being her main targets, ones that she needed for the backup plans. Thankfully, she knew that the elites would have them on them, and probably even some parademons.

"And how do you know the League won't attack them?" Artemis asked on the side, causing Gwen to shrug.

"The symbol on their chests should be enough...I hope" Gwen responded, causing them to nod, seeing her point. As the symbol alone was kind of obvious as to who created it, it was up to the League members to realize that.

"And if they aren't? You know Captain Atom doesn't like you, I wouldn't be surprised if he attacks the Legion even when knowing what they are" Raven asked, causing Gwen to smirk.

"Trust me, they can handle him" Gwen responded, before Dick spoke.

"It's time! The League just sent the alert, it's time for the counterattack" Dick said, causing Gwen to grin.

"Alright then, you guys know what to do, right?"

"Yep! We deal with the small fries in Metropolis, while your legion spreads out and finds the elites of this army, then you'll join them and wipe them out. We know that we can't do much against them, so we'll leave it to you" Wally said, nodding. The entire team knew that a single Elite of Darkseid's army was too much for them, and they weren't about to risk getting captured and turned into a hostage.

"Good! Let the counterattack...begin" Gwen said, as she pulled out a small device, and pressed a singular button on it, and grinned widely as she felt the Spider Legion teleport off, ready to take back Earth from those that dared attack it.


"For the Glory of Darkseid!" A female's voice boomed as she crushed the skull of a Italian soldier that dared fight back. A large whip was in her left hand as it sliced through the nearest tank, causing it to explode. This, was Lashina, a member of the Furies, a powerful team of enforcers who worked for Granny Goodness, one of Darkseid's closest followers.

The woman was preparing to attack the nearest tank again, only to stop as she was launched back, through a building, stopping with a grunt.

"Who dares?!"

"Target acquired. Mission objective, eliminate all foreign invaders, save all humans in area, gather Apokoliptian technology. Leave no invaders alive" A loud mechanical voice boomed, causing Lashina to growl and look at the one talking, only for her eyes to widen slightly.

Standing...floating there, was over 50 Spider Legion "weapons".

"Fear not citizens...for we are here"

All across the world, similar events were happening in various sizes. Some as large as 500, with the smallest being only 10 Spider Legion soldiers. All of them with the sole purpose of getting rid of the invaders with all their immense power. While also gathering all Apokoliptian technology for the usage of their creator, Gwen. And when they had the chance, they'd gather the corpses of all invaders killed, and safely placed into Lex's basement, courtesy of zeta-tubes. Gwen knew better than to give the governments of the world access to the bodies of Parademons, elite, and other such beings.

It took only 30 minutes for Gwen to get her first notification, as she was preparing to go after the first of Darkseid's elites that her soldiers had found. While the team was spread out around Metropolis, and the League was blowing up the comm's, trying to figure out what she did and how she did it.

[Hidden Quest Complete]

Save 10,000

Details - Save 10,000 humans during the "Darkseid War"

Rewards - 10 UL Tickets.

Gwen knew that she'd most likely get a ton of rewards from saving the civilians too, and would probably get hundreds of UL tickets during this War. She also knew that every bit of power counted, so she wasn't about to complain.

"Alright, time to get rid of the first major elite" Gwen muttered, as she disappeared, her target?

Kalibak, a Son of Darkseid

Reappearing, Gwen looked around and frowned deeply at the surroundings. Corpses lined the grounds, belonging to soldiers, and civilians of all ages, sexes, and sizes. The buildings of the city were nothing but rubble, and the skies were dotted by Parademons.

She was standing in Seattle, or what remained of it at least.

Gwen's eyes glowed with silent rage at the sight, as she expanded her senses and found her target. Kalibak was one of Darkseid's major elites, and one of the most important targets, alongside DeSaad, Granny Goodness, and a couple of others.

Blurring, Gwen reappeared and scowled at the sight of Kalibak cackling loudly as he crushed a skull beneath his large boot.

"Ha! What insignificant worms! Truly is a wonder why Father would be so interested in these weaklings" Kalibak said with a laugh, while Gwen just stared.

'No holding back against any of these fuckers. And as much as they deserve to suffer for all of this, It'd be better to kill them quickly' Gwen thought, as time almost seemed to pause, the world stuttering to a halt in the area, as she used one of her newest powers, courtesy of Seraphina, and her time manipulation.

*Tsubame Gaeshi*

Time seemed to move once more, as the arrogant Kalibak blinked several times. "Wh-when?" He stuttered, as he looked at the cold faced Gwen, his body slowly sliding in


"And here you were so arrogant about us being worms...but you're the worm in my eyes" Gwen said coldly, as she gathered the New God's body into her dimension. Tsubame Gaeshi was a technique courtesy of Kojiro Sasaki, and was, in essence, an immensely powerful downwards slash. One that even a God from RoR had to dodge as otherwise it could kill them. Combine that with Seraphina's power, which could strengthen blows by speeding them up, and...you get a VERY powerful attack. One that Kalibak stood no chance against. Especially not when he couldn't even react in the first place.

'That won't work against Darkseid though' Gwen thought, knowing that the man most certainly had some sort of defense or immunity against time manipulation abilities like hers. Not to mention his durability, immortality, and other bullshit powers that'd help fight

against her.

[Hidden Quest Complete]

Kalibak no more

Details - Kill Kalibak, son of Darkseid.

Reward - 30 UL Tickets.


Details - Defeat a member of Darkseids elite within a minute

Rewards - 20 UL Tickets.

"Hmm, seems he had one on him" Gwen muttered, as she picked up a small glowing box withn/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

strange symbols on it.

'A fatherbox...perfect' Gwen thought, as she allowed her symbiote to roll off of her, and absorb the box. A box that would allow her to use boomtubes a form of teleportation, minor Matter manipulation, and technology manipulation. The boomtube was what she wanted, as it, when combined with her...weapon, would cause some serious damage to Darkseid's forces. Alongside that came an influx of knowledge, mostly Apokoliptian in nature.

'I'll wait to absorb his body' Gwen decided, as she walked off, gazing at the surroundings with

a soft sigh. Now having the powers of Alex Mercer and James Heller, Gwen could now absorb other entities, receiving all their power, knowledge, species, skills, and even their form. But she

also didn't know what sort of effect absorbing a New God would have on her, and she couldn't afford going unconsciouos at the moment, so, she decided to just put it off until after Darkseid was taken care of.

'Use 45 of the UL Tickets' Gwen decided, wanting to keep 15 at least.

[UL Characters - Arlo (UnOrdinary), Regulus Corneas (ReZero), Homelander (The Boys), Ancient One (MCU), Nightwolf (MK), Fugitive Predator (Predator), V (Cyberpunk), Scarface (Predator), Kazumi Mishima (Tekken), Yuuki Asuna (SAO), Static Shock, Ivy Thickety (RWBY), Tenzin (LOK), Fei Hargreeves, Billy Butcher (The Boys), Shio Sakaki (Kenichi), Lee Shi-Woon (The Breaker), Hanzo (Overwatch), Kang Sung (The Breaker), Upgrade Predator (Predator), Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu (MHA), Nitara (MK), Uraraka (MHA), A.K.I (SF), Angela Del Toro/White Tiger (616), Viper (Kung Fu Panda), David Martinez (Cyberpunk), Oganosuke Yogi (Kenichi), Cheshire (DC), Ben (Umbrella), Kiriko (Overwatch), Choso (JJK), Jotaro Kujo (Jojo), Jubilee (616), Broken Tusk (Predator), Kung Jin (MK), Captain Britain (616), Hana Kurusu (JJK), Rock Lee (Naruto), Orchid (Killer Instinct), Echidna (Worm), Raiden (MK), Beatrice (Rezero), Carmilla (Rezero), Typhon (Rezero)] 'Hmm, that should be the last of the UL tickets that are of any real use to me. Besides some minor characters with knowledge of use' Gwen thought, gazing at the characters. None of them were all that powerful, nor would it take all that long to assimilate any of them. Regulus, Rock Lee, Ancient One, V, Jotaro, Jubilee, Captain Britain, Choso, Carmilla, and Typhon were the best ones of the bunch. Mainly for their new abilities or knowledge of use. Gazing at the only standing building, the space needle, Gwen spoke out, as she teleported away from the ruined city. Her legion already on it's way to help the survivors.

"Go ahead and assimilate"

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That's the end of the chapter!

And the last UL characters she will get, as those are the last of them in my UL wheel. The rest

will be NL from now onwards, as they are more useful to her.

Her final battle won't begin for another couple of chapters. Anyways, have a good day!

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