Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 264: How Can The Emperor Be This Adorable And Lovely?

Chapter 264: How Can The Emperor Be This Adorable And Lovely?

After finally using the excuse of having a rather sharp hearing, Snow has just smile gently while nodding his head in acceptance to the Emperor that has bragged himself rather than becoming flustered after being caught by what he has done.

Well, his lover shamelessness still remains, it just seemed to be buried inside, for now, and appearing once in a while.

And when Snow was invited in a rather roundabout way of dining together in a dinner to a well-known restaurant can only obediently nodded his head once more especially since lover or not, this person is the most excellent ally he can have in this world.

Although, Snow seemed to find that his lover seemed to be unable to become completely honest whenever interacting with him.

And while it was still afternoon and far too early to be eating dinner Snow has requested to meet each other again when the time is right especially when Snow wanted to mention the use of his special power to help the man abnormal status.

"Ah, My Lord, it rare for me to have fun outside, so I wanted to see and enjoy the scenery while I can."

Snow who was able to see the certain mood of the Emperor having a hard time about wanting to ask the reason why they need to split up and meet later on has cause Snow to inwardly smile after speaking up in which has caused the Emperor to tense up before relaxing along with a nod to his head.

Hm although there are no memories, and no unusual romantic affection after meeting with each other again, but Snow can still perceive that his lover still has a certain tolerance when interacting with him.

Rather than feeling frustrated at the situation of his lover, Snow felt a bit thrill and excitement in dealing with his lover's present status, especially when he also doesn't mind this kind of challenge between their relationship.


And when Snow is planning to secretly and carefully observe at the unusual woman in a crimson robe that he saw before has suddenly found himself being taken in the warm arms of the Emperor once more.

"Eh? M-My Lord?"

Despite the confusing sound Snow has let out, the Emperor has only given him a quick glance of his deep silver eyes before swiftly taking him away without any single word.

And the entire time, all Snow could do is lean his body closer while gripping the Emperor robes tightly in a show of how uncomfortable he suddenly felt about his entire situation.

However, Snow has made sure that his action was because of the sudden movement and not because of the reason of being so closely intimate with another man, something that Snow has easily felt with the way that the Emperor has tense up for a split second before returning to normal.

Snow has inwardly sigh because despite the two of them being not together his deeply-rooted habit of pampering and being thoughtful when it comes to his lover has still remained.

It was an action that was already deeply ingrained in Snow body and soul.

Of course, Snow teasing side that has completely awaken in the previous world also remains, so either he was being nice and thoughtful to his lover or feeling like giving him trouble and difficulty.

So yeah, Snow truly felt that it is more fun to have spice and explosive situation in their relationship in every world later on.

"... I'll take you somewhere."

Almost wanting to roll his eyes at the Emperor's short explanation that any person can easily understand without it being mention, Snow just nodded his head while letting himself be carried with, while Zhuang and Qiang that was left out just give each other a silent gaze before quickly following the disappearing figures in the distance.

And a few moments later, Snow finds himself riding in a considerable luxurious boat in a beautiful large lake which is filled with blowing pink lotus flowers.

As he stood there enjoying the beautiful scenery while feeling the gentle sway of the boat that has been slowly traveling around in the water, Snow couldn't help but take a glimpse at the quiet Emperor that has remained seated and quiet the entire time that they arrive in this place, while once again taking a sip of the hot tea.

And when Snow has taken a sight at the beautiful lake that seemed to glitter from the light of the sun along with the beautiful and wonderful blooming pink lotus flowers just a few distances away from their luxurious boat that Snow was able to touch with his hand if he just bent over slightly.

Well, Snow lip couldn't help but spread into a dazzling smile.

Before easily noticing the way that the Emperor that has been sneaking a peak toward his direction seemed to almost let go of the hot teacup on his hand before shooting a rather fierce glare at the kind person that has been standing still with Qiang the entire time.

While Snow has casually raised his hand and using his long sleeve to cover the amuse expression that appeared on his face before using his other hand to gently touch the blooming lotus flower that was higher and closer than the rest of the flowers when passing it by.

The Emperor is truly lovely and adorable

Especially, when Snow couldn't stop the feeling that the Emperor has suddenly taken him into a date after glancing around him, after all, his present situation truly appears like a date right now, especially when he was taken to the greatest part of the entire lake that others couldn't easily travel with.

"My Lord, this place is truly wonderful and an astonishing sight to behold. I thank you for showing this incredible place to me I will absolutely cherish this experience for the rest of my life. It will become one of my unforgettable memory."

Snow gently twirl the blooming pink lotus flower in his hand that he has taken before turning around and showing a grateful smile to the Emperor that has just stiffly nodded his head.

Although other people couldn't easily take any lotus flowers from the lake as part of the rule and regulation that has been placed since the Emperor has notified him about being allowed to pick some of the flowers without worries and without any hesitation, Snow didn't shy away and has picked up a single stem of the blooming lotus flower.

It could be a commemoration about their first date, even though the Emperor hasn't mentioned it and has probably done it unconsciously without even thinking such an idea on his mind, nonetheless, Snow will just shamelessly believe today's experience as one.

"So, My Lord can I also interpret about appearing to me once again that you have finally decided to accept my offer of gratitude?"

Finally revealing about the thought that Snow has been thinking the whole time, he has walked over and taken a seat at the opposite side of the Emperor that has suddenly stilled while the temperature around them becomes extremely cold.

Instantly, the peaceful atmosphere between them entirely disappearing, however, Snow has never felt any regret of what he has done as he fearlessly met the narrowed silver eyes of the Emperor, while still retaining the gentle smile on his face.

While Zhuang has once more been reminded of the fact that the young woman before him isn't a simple character, especially when she can easily calmly confront his cousin when most of the other people couldn't simply do while also waiting for what his cousin order will be.

After all, Zhuang still has enough reason to not forget about Qiang's presence and the deeply hidden secret of the Emperor needs to be kept protected, so with a tense body, Zhuang has been prepared to take Qiang away and leaving the two of them alone to handle the worrying matter.

And when Zhuang receives the gaze of Luo Fang, he has instantly taken Qiang away, although the man is hesitant to leave his cousin alone but knowing that it is the order of the Emperor has caused Qiang to just obediently follow the order.

However, Qiang still showed a worried glance at the young woman who smartly turned around and nodding her head that instantly calms the man down.

After staying silent for a while, Snow has finally heard the Emperor express what he thought about the entire condition between the two of them.

"Although, I can allow the use of your special power but I am not heartless enough to let a young woman to be taken advantage of. If helping me deal with my strange status will be a great burden and place stress on your body while also affecting your health and causing you to die, then I will have to refuse. I am not weak enough to use another person's life in exchange for my well being."

Yes, yes, you are a big and powerful big boy, Snow couldn't stop those cooing voice inside him when he met the Emperor gaze with a serious expression, and although he knows that it is rather rude for him to think and acted that way just now but for his lover trying to speak in a roundabout way is truly a sight to behold.

Really, Snow can't stop the amusing emotion he felt at how his lover show his worried and concern about his well being in a different manner, after all, he knew about this person ruthlessness and decisiveness, if its another person giving the offer, Snow completely believes that the Emperor will not refuse it.

At least, Snow can see a glimpse of his lover the longer he interact with the Emperor.

"Ah, My Lord, no need to worry, there wouldn't be any burden on using my special power. I was extremely tired when I used it before so I became feverish after that situation. This time, nothing bad will happened."

I already knew how to deal with the power without causing any problem on my body, especially when I can mix the special ability of the client with one of my permanent skills, so I am completely speaking the truth this time.

"I am not worried I'm just double-checking to see if you dare to deceive me."

It might seem to be a threat to other people but when Snow glance at the awkward Emperor, he can completely tell that the man is just being worried if he was pushing himself in order to offer his help.

Really, why is the Emperor so lovely and adorable?

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