Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 815

#815. That’s sad.

* * *

“Jean. Do you still have that feeling of becoming a sword master to protect the country?”

“Of course.”


“Do you think my talent is not enough to become a sword master?”

“No, I’m full of talent. I’m just a little worried.”

“Are you worried?”

“Jean, what is France to you?”

“Of course it’s my hometown.”

“It’s not like that, it’s asking what the country of France means to you.”


It’s like you don’t know the meaning.

I saw her tilting her head.

he said softly.

“A country is a system. In the end, it’s just a fence that holds families, peoples, workplaces, and regions together.”

“And just as there are people who abuse and sell even their families, the fence called the country is not absolute.”

“It could be even more difficult because of that fence.”

everyone says

Patriotism is a good thing.

However, countries that plunder other countries or exploit their own people under the pretext of patriotism have existed regardless of the East and West.

“So Jean, if you really want to protect the country, think carefully.”

“What you want to protect is the territory called France, the king of that country, the people who live there, or the culture.”

“And what to do and what can be done for it.”

An immortal who has lived a long life.

As an absolute being who reigns at the pinnacle of the world.

At the end of staring at Limon Aspelder, a respected teacher who gives advice.

She smiled.

“Yes, teacher.”

* * *



The moment you land on the roof.

Rose coughed violently.

And even in the midst of the pouring rain, he bit his lip, looking at his hands that had turned bloody.

Thanks to Lucas risking his life to stop it, he avoided a fatal wound, but the wounds left by Vlad’s spear were by no means light.

Of course, the stabbing in the shoulder made it difficult to use one arm.

Because he suffered deep internal injuries in the process, the flow of psionics was also hindered.

I’m glad I finished the dragon’s blood.

If he hadn’t done that, he would have fallen into the coin abduction long ago or been knocked down by Vlad before that.

However, as she continued to move without taking care of her internal wounds, her condition was getting worse and worse.

How much longer can we fight?

To the extent that you can’t tell yourself.

‘There is no time to rest!’

But even knowing that.

Rose didn’t stop.

while suppressing the pain.

It spread its wings again and soared into the sky.

It was because the heat waves and roaring noises continuously erupted from behind.

Hasneti, who abandoned even her family’s long-cherished wish and completed the dragon’s blood, was not enough to neglect her own territory and fly to help her.

And the sacrifice of a clan that is fighting with all its might or has already lost its life.

‘please please.’

That’s why I cut through the pouring rain and flew away.

Rose prayed inwardly.

please don’t be late

What she had to stop was an existence that could cause a terrible disaster even if it was delayed even for a moment.

Is it because of that earnest prayer?

At the end of flapping my wings.

Rose was finally able to find it.

A platinum-haired nun standing tall in the middle of a street full of fleeing citizens.

And the moment I saw her holding the hilt of a sword while holding a girl’s hand.

Gradually grit your teeth.

Rose folded her wings.

『Seventy-two types of martial arts,

twelve dragons, seventy-two kinds of martial arts, seventy-two kinds of dragons,


dungeons, thunderbolts, flowing waters』


It was an instant.

Rose disappears.

Instead, the moment when I thought there was only one sword left.

That the sword fell on Joan of Arc’s head like a thunderbolt.

After Jeanne d’Arc lightly evaded the sword that fell in the blink of an eye as if it split through space, just by taking a step back.

Appearing in front of Joan of Arc, Rose hugged the girl she was holding by the hand and shouted out loud.

“Everybody get away from here as far as you can!”

“Bae, Count?”



Londoners panicked at the appearance of Rose, who appeared out of nowhere, hurriedly ran away in all directions.

It wasn’t the first time I’d seen the always gentle woman screaming like this.

The belief that if Rose had shouted in the midst of the uproar, there must have been a reason, hastened them.

He was relieved only after confirming that the parents had evacuated with the girl behind him.

Rose raised her head.

And it heightened the tension.

Because what is in front of her right now is her worst enemy.

At least in the British Empire, he was a terrible disaster and slayer who surpassed not only the Sword Demon and Sword Man, but also the Sword Demon.

Because it was Joan of Arc.

“Blue Pig, I have a question.”

“…what do you mean?”

So it was.

I knew I was going to slaughter civilians right away.

The reason why Rose was suspicious of Joan of Arc’s behavior when she just quietly asked a question while standing tall in her place.

But I feel sorry for myself anyway.

Rose accepted the question in order to buy time for the citizens to run away even a step further and take care of themselves.

despite knowing her intentions.

Joan of Arc did not pull out her sword.

I just asked quietly as I stared in the direction the girl had disappeared.

“Why are there French people here?”

That moment.

Rose understood perfectly.

The reason why this crazy sword master, whose long-cherished wish was the destruction of the British Empire, dared to talk to him.

“You mean French refugees?”

“A refugee, you mean?”

It sounds like you’ve heard something strange.

To her blinking eyes.

Rose said calmly.

“When the Demon War ended, which country do you think accepted the most refugees in devastated Europe?”

European refugees were scattered everywhere.

If you can shoot a gun, you can live as a soldier or a mercenary or even a slave in Africa.

Whether it is Russia, which has been attracting manpower from all directions as the silver dragon princess came to power and industrial development has become active.

Whether it was the Holy League, where there was hope that with faith one could overcome hunger and despair and regain happiness.

Anywhere you can eat and live.

However, in the end, it was Europe, precisely their homeland, that the most refugees headed for.

Even if the country collapsed, they could not leave the home where they were born and grew up.

“After the Demon God War, more than half of the refugees returned to their homeland, but they had no way to make a living.”

After all, right after World War II.

The Demon God War was a fatal blow to Europe, which was devastated in many ways.

the factory stopped.

Crops dry up and die.

The hungry become looters.

The vicious cycle of destroying even the safest villages drove countless refugees to their deaths.

Even so, the reason they did not die of starvation was England.

To be precise, it was thanks to the Blue Dragon clan.

“It was our clan that distributed the relief supplies to them.”

Of course, the previous princess sacrificed herself to restore the London battle system and stop the Demon God.

Even in the midst of difficult times for the nation and the clan, the Blue Dragon clan truly spared no mercy.

Thanks to that, the refugees were able to overcome starvation.

“But we couldn’t give them supplies indefinitely.”

“So they arranged jobs for them, and from then on, the refugees supported their families with the money they earned working in the British Empire.”

“To rebuild the country, even if it takes decades.”

Among the countries that were actually devastated.

Now, some countries have rebuilt their fallen capitals and even revived them perfectly.

It was the result of the tenacity of refugees who devoted their efforts and sincerity without rest for decades to regain their country.

“But among them, there are countries that have suffered so much damage that it is difficult to restore them even after decades.”

“Many of those countries chose to immigrate with their families to the British Empire instead of restoring the country.”

“And the representative country among them was France.”

Paris was the place where the demon descended, so it suffered the most, and it was also France that the largest number of refugees migrated to England.

French-British people aren’t that rare.

Listen to what Rose said calmly.

Joan of Arc was silent.

in the pouring rain.

just like sinking.

At the end of being so silent, silent, silent.

What flowed from the lips that opened again was a voice full of confusion instead of peaceful gentleness.

“…Why did you accept French refugees?”

“That’s a strange question.”

“Strange, you say?”

“Why do we need a reason to help those in need?”


It seemed too obvious.

Looking at the assertive Rose.

Joan of Arc fell silent.

In the 15th century, it was common to regard people beyond the borders, especially other peoples, as completely different creatures because only one’s own country was the whole world.

He was even born at the end of the Hundred Years War, when the war between England and France lasted for a long time.

To her who has been fighting the British Empire all her life to save France.

Rose’s words sounded more absurd than saying that a snake doesn’t need a reason to help a mouse.

Nevertheless, there is one reason why Joan of Arc could not dismiss it as a lie.

only one person.

because it was there in the past.

regardless of nationality.

The one who went beyond being thorough and was cool enough to see humans as just humans and protected the entire human race.

The protector of mankind whom she respected more than anyone else and who was feared by everyone in the world.

So Rose, who had been staring at the silent Joan of Arc without saying anything, opened her mouth heavily after a short thought.

“Blackening. No, Joan of Arc.”


“Even though you are now a citizen of the British Empire, a descendant of the French you loved lives in London.” “….”

If you still love France, , Please withdraw your sword right now.”

After facing

Rose who

was trying to persuade her, she was

silent .

Looking at the wreckage of Paris,

not only despairing, but

muttering with regret at not being able to find the rest of the French,

Joan of Arc continued quietly,

“If you were a French aristocrat, not a filthy English, I would be your friend.” I would have been able to.”


“But, Blue White Pig.”


“No matter how much time passes and no matter what atonement is made, the sins will not go away?

” Rose stiffened her face again.

Joan of Arc grinned,

because the deep madness that lingered in her blue eyes told her. No matter

how she persuaded her, Joan of Arc would surely destroy England. It

might be natural

. After all, Joan of Arc is a dead person. Because she came back from the dead only for her own long-cherished wish.

So, to Rose who bit her lip,

Joan of Arc said softly,

“You’d better remember it.

, That it’s the last day of the British Empire.”


Just like that…

Rose raised her sword.

The moment Joan

of Arc drew her sword.

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