Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 803

#803. Isn’t that what democracy is?

* * *

“You misunderstood! I never meant to use swordsmanship!”

Shin Myung-woon reflexively shouted.

No, it was more like a scream.

It wasn’t just because of a sense of crisis about going against the planting of the absolute.

The desperation that there is no way to save the country if he can’t convince Limon here made him nervous.

“Then let me ask you one thing.”

However, despite Shin Myung-woon’s earnest excuse, Limon did not change his attitude.

It seems like you’re already tired.

Or maybe you’re not interested.

I just asked in a voice that felt even more cold because it was calm.

“Have you asked the Infinite Lord the same favor?”

“…What do you mean?”

“Literally, have you ever begged him to save the country?”

Shin Myung-woon was taken aback by the sudden question.

“Isn’t the World Federation and the Seven Dragons hostile?”

“So shouldn’t you have asked for it first?”


Shin Myung-woon shut his mouth.

Because it was an accurate comment.

How the enemy of the enemy can become an ally.

Since the Seven Dragons were neglecting this country anyway, siding with the World Federation was a matter of course to be considered.

Above all, the Korean Peninsula is the territory of the Infinity Guild.

Whether you are being pushed by the Seven Dragons.

or lack of funds.

It is the most powerful force in this country alone.

If the Infinite Lord actively stepped forward, it might be possible to minimize, if not completely, the aftermath of Midas’ collapse.

Even so, Limon quietly muttered to Shin Myung-wun, who dared to beg him.

“Looks like you’ve tried it. But you probably didn’t cling to it as actively as you do now.”

“…I’m sorry if you were offended.”

“Well, you have no reason to apologize to me for walking the tightrope.”

Limon laughed.

As the head of state, it is only natural to consider better options.

Besides, he had no reason to feel sad about this country as he had no interest in it.


“I don’t know about other things.”

“Are you talking about something else?”

“You didn’t cling to the Infinite Lord, but you begged me.”


How to do it to a stronger person who usually begs.

So, if he begged Lee Chun-gi for himself, he might get angry at him for ignoring him.

But why is asking for help from Limon over Lee Cheongi as a reason to apologize?

While Shin Myung-woon is confused because he doesn’t know the reason.

voice that follows.

“Because you don’t want to stick to the disadvantaged side?”

“Or, no matter how hard the Infinity Guild tries, an economic recession and a decline in national power will not be avoided in the end?”

“That could have been a reason, but it wouldn’t have been a decisive reason.”

“As I see it, the biggest reason you do that is one.”

economic problem.

balance of forces.

realistic accessibility.

Putting all of that aside, Limon quietly pointed out why Shin Myung-wun was clinging to him.

“Isn’t it because I looked the most comfortable?”



fed up

After laughing like it was absurd.

Resting his chin on one hand, Limon asked again.

“Then, what if, in exchange for helping the Seven Dragons by moving them, I would disband the parliament and take possession of this country?”

That moment.

Shin Myung-woon blinked.

Because it was so absurd that it took me a while to understand it.

And finally realizing the meaning, he slammed the table unconsciously and shouted.

“Ji, are you saying you’re going to get rid of democracy and resurrect despotism and become king?”

“It’s similar.”

“Such nonsense…!”

“Why doesn’t it make sense?”

Of course I had to say.

Whether the times are different now.

The monarchy is an outdated institution.

that you don’t have the right to do that yourself.

that people will not understand.

Even considering human rights, it is something that should never be done.

However, before Shin Myung-wun could make such a logical persuasion, Limon pointed out in a low voice.

“You said you’d grant me anything I wanted. Could it be that you made such a promise without intending to keep it in the first place?”

“Of course I was going to keep my promise. But…”

“Yes, I was going to keep it.”

Because even if you don’t hear it, you know.

Interrupting Shin Myung-woon’s words.

Limon pointed out.

The reason why he bet the fortune of the country on himself, and at the same time, the inner thoughts that made him tired because he couldn’t get tired of it.

“Because you thought I couldn’t make such an unreasonable request.”


“That’s probably why you didn’t cling earnestly to the Infinite Lord or the other princesses of the Seven Dragons until now.”

An infinite monarch who neglects even the country’s major affairs in matters that do not benefit him.

Any of the seven princesses, who are all presidents of large corporations and occupy the top positions in each country,

will surely expect more in return if they help, and in the end, the country as a whole will be subordinated.

On the other hand, what about Limon?

Although it has been an absolute for hundreds of years.

There is no way that the protector of mankind, who has paid all the taxes for the reason of the law, will not ask for an unreasonable price.

whether or not you want to pay

Either pay the minimum price and leave.

I will never make unreasonable demands.

Limon said coldly, pointing out what Shin Myung-wun had either consciously or unconsciously.

“Good will is a good thing, mercy is a virtue.”

without denying the good.

Giving is a wonderful thing.

That’s why those who are willing to open their pockets and volunteer for the sick and poor deserve praise.

“But forced good will is robbery, forced mercy is exploitation.”

Good deeds must come from self-will.

If you donated 1 million won and there is someone who begged for an additional 1 million won, saying that it was difficult because the price went up.

Or if there is someone who asks the volunteers who come once a month to come every week.

Is it really a plea or a request?

Isn’t it a blackmail with goodwill and benevolence held hostage?

“Even so, people call it a hogu when you deceive yourself and be used because you are just doing good things.”

I received an unrequited favor.

not thank you for that fact.

The moment you feel you deserve it.

Humans rather laugh at the other person and try to extract more unpaid favors.

It is said that recklessly uttering a promise to oneself to ‘listen to anything’ is the same in the end.

After speaking quietly.

Limon muttered without giving Shin Myung-wun a chance to say something.

“In that sense, that was the funniest thing you ever said.”


“The people are innocent.”

It seems really funny.

with laughter.

Limon continued.

“The swordsman said. The president is a fake king who was created to enjoy only power and leave responsibility to the people.”

Kami Itsumi Nobutsuna.

He caused the swordsman and world war.

Rather than adapting to the changing times, the Sword Master wanted to hold the world in its beautiful past.

He thinks of the lofty shogun who valued honor more than anyone else and challenged him to a duel twice.

“I don’t really think the Sword Saint is right, but there is one point I can agree with.”

Swordsmanship is not a skill.

The life itself that the sword master has built throughout his life.

And the swordsman’s swordsman’s robe, which had been five steps during World War II, reduced to three steps over several decades and two steps in duels.

That’s how much I came to understand the sword nature.

No, on the contrary, because he could understand it, the Sword Master, who had deepened his swordsmanship, continued quietly.

“In a democracy, the people are the masters, and the responsibility lies with the people.”

“…Are you saying that the wrongdoings of the former president are also the fault of the people?”

“Well, at least I think it’s too blatant for the president to turn away that it’s not his fault, no matter what he’s done.”

“However, it is too harsh to hold the responsibility of state affairs to the people, who are only individuals.”

“If we can’t do it individually, we should do it together.”


“Isn’t that what democracy is?”

whether to spy on the government.

jumped directly into politics.

Whether it’s impeachment by moving the media.

If anything, it would be to bring about a revolution and overthrow the country or assassinate it.

Wouldn’t it be better if the leader of the nation was an absolute being who could not be stopped at all costs, like Gandhi, the sword?

The people of this country had numerous ways to stop Han Jeong-guk.

However, as long as none of these methods are used or failed, the people are also responsible for what the president did.

Just like when a dog gets into an accident, the owner has to be held accountable.

So it’s kind of funny that the people aren’t guilty.

without even a hint of sarcasm.

Speak calmly, as if appreciating.

Limon added a word.

“So if you really wanted to prove the people innocent, you should have shown that much sincerity before apologizing to me.”

“What gender are you talking about?”

“Well, if I had to give an example, how about cutting off your predecessor’s head and putting it here before I come?”


words beyond imagination.

Myungwoon Shin groaned.

“How, such barbaric…”

“Yes, barbaric and vulgar.”

Unexpectedly, I agree with Shin Myung-woon’s words.

Limon asked again.

“By the way, do you know what makes people so civilized and virtuous?”

“Because culture and civilization have developed.”

“No, because I had power.”


“If you look at an underdeveloped country like Africa right now, you can see that it is a luxury to say that it is civilized or virtuous to those without power.”


“But you have forgotten that obvious fact for too long. That’s why it ended up in ruin.”

Because he kept protecting it.

Taking it for granted.

In the end, looking at the top of a country steeped in peace enough to vomit its own guardian spirit, he affirms.

“That’s the biggest reason I can’t help you. That’s a big reason.”


“A country supported by one individual’s strength is not a country, it’s just a garden


” There must be some who wish for it.


“At least my teacher, Sword Emperor, wouldn’t have wished for a country like that.” ”

…That’s right.” ”

Yes .”

Limon emptied his teacup as he saw Shin Myung-wun making a face.

Fate is a tough thing.

And over the past hundreds of years,

it was fate that tied him to this country.

Even if the king is an idiot that goes beyond the limit of Korea, and people do nonsense, people will hate him. Whether he cursed at him or laughed at him.

If there was even one person who believed in him, followed him, and was grateful for him, he would have remained a hero.

But the moment Kang Jeong-soo, who was the last remaining relationship in this modern age, betrayed himself and Yuna-kyung died.

The ties between him and this country were severed. He lost.

And even though he had protected him for hundreds of years, he didn’t want to give affection to the country that made him feel this bitter. Hundreds of years

later, the same thing would happen again.

This country was already too good for him to reconnect with him. It was very disappointing:

“My property does not have to be returned. It’s just a consolation money…no, it can be treated as alimony money.”


“So tell me soon.”

Maybe it’s because even the remaining hope has been cut off.

Looking at him with his eyes.

The reason why he dared to come to the Blue House after he had no longer had anything to do with money.

Apart from the return of the property, Limon quietly spoke of the price Shin Myeong-wun had offered.

“About the information you said you were going to tell me. ”

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