Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 799

#799. Remember one thing.

* * *

From the moment Limon appeared.

Rose was already aware.

The reason he was awake until this time wasn’t because he couldn’t sleep like himself, but because he couldn’t afford it.

Who he’d been spending the night with.

Another fragrance mixed with the sweetest scent of the body spoke more clearly than a hundred words.

Inama also has a meeting tomorrow, so I only did it in moderation.

If he hadn’t been considerate, he would still… no, spend days and nights with other princesses.

There was no resentment.

deprived of him in Africa.

Ever since I was forced to come back and confess.

He knew that his bride would not be his only, and that he would never be monopolized.

Nevertheless, Rose chose to become his bride, abandoning everything, including the family’s honor, her own pride, and the dragon’s monopoly.

It wasn’t that there was no hesitation.

But I had no regrets.

the love he gives

the joy that sustains him.

time with him.

It gave her a happiness she had never felt before meeting him and never would have.

As much as I thought I wanted to live like this for the rest of my life.


“Every time I see you with another woman, I can’t be satisfied.”

fit your mouth

dance with him

leave a mark on him

Above all, the appearance of another princess wearing a ring.

It made Rose feel a throbbing in her chest and a visceral urge.

wanted to monopolize him.

I wanted you to see only yourself.

Envy, jealousy, regret, lust, etc.

The mud-like whirlpool of emotions deepened the more she loved Limon, clouding her heart.

So that’s what I realized.

Rose put it in her mouth.

“So I didn’t know.”


“Can someone like me really stay by your side?”

A strong and perfect Charlotte.

Cute and pure Ainsha.

Cheerful and genius Catherine.

Maia is sharp on the outside, but surprisingly gentle.

And the passionate Hasnetti and the clever Li Qingyu.

The more she looked at them, the more dazzling they looked at, the more Rose naturally felt it.

How ugly and inadequate she was compared to other princesses who had abandoned her pride and conscience in the name of loving him.

So, seeing Rose agonizing late at night, rejecting even her own dance request.

Limon said calmly.

“I can’t answer that question.”


“Well, why?”

He must be the one who acknowledges his qualifications as a bride, but why is he saying he can’t answer?

Limon didn’t bother explaining.

I just looked up at the moon in the night sky and asked casually.

“Count, do you remember?”

“…what do you mean?”

“I told you I wasn’t wrong.”

I couldn’t have forgotten

That’s when you confess to him.

Because it was what he said to him, who was wondering if his way of life was right for himself as a protector of mankind.

“It just returned what you said to me.”

“Yes, it is.”

Limon also remembered.

To keep the British Empire proud of its people.

Rose suffered from insomnia as a result of living more righteously and compassionately than anyone else.

That he affirmed that her life was right for her, who was so exhausted that she walked alone in the garden on a moonlit night.

“Count, no, Rose.”

The man who partially denied his life fighting against the Seven Dragons to affirm her.

I asked the priest who abandoned even the beliefs that the clan had built up for hundreds of years in order to affirm himself.

“What is right?”


A little out of the blue, and yet Rose, who couldn’t respond lightly to the too deep and calm voice.

Limon spoke calmly.

“A justice that everyone admires?”

“A moral and common sense thing?”

“A belief that does not break?”

After reflecting on what would normally be right.

The sword master, who had lived for nearly a thousand years, continued his bitter words.

“Honestly, I don’t know the answer.”

It was natural.

If he had known the answer in the first place, he would not have worried about whether he had lived a righteous life as the guardian of mankind.

“All I know is that there is no absolute right thing in the world, and there shouldn’t be.”

“…Are you saying you have to do the right thing to the fullest?”

“To be precise, justice that never changes is worse than evil.”

A spy who does the right thing for his country becomes a spy for the enemy.

Just as child labor, which was right in the past, has become illegal in modern times.

good and evil.

justice and sin.

morality and immorality.

everything is variable.

Therefore, there is no such thing as believing that everyone is right in the world and not changing forever.

The more those who believe that they are right while ignoring the fact, the more outrageous they are.

Just as the magic lord who believed witches to be evil ran rampant and Gandhi started a world war for peace.

“That’s why those who want to keep their beliefs and live uprightly must doubt and ponder whether their beliefs are really right.”

If he had given up on agonizing.

So if you continued to face the Seven Dragons.

He wouldn’t have had seven princesses as his brides, and the monarch and the 10 guilds might have gained world supremacy.

“So I can’t answer that question.”


“Even if it’s me who decides the bride’s qualifications, it’s up to you to decide what’s right.”

It’s easy to say a word.

Rose deserves it.

Then she won’t struggle any more and can try to prove her qualifications with satisfaction.

But it’s an empty joy.

Is it okay for me to stay by Limon’s side?

Subconsciously, she would continue to question her qualifications and try to confirm with him.

There is a big difference between an answer you can be sure of even if you think about it because you found it yourself, and an answer you have to blindly accept because someone else gave it to you.

So I won’t say the same thing twice.

Kind and attentive though.

speak emphatically.

Rose, who was silent while looking at the man she loved, opened her mouth after a long silence.

“…Even if I judge myself unworthy?”

“It could be. It’s up to each person to decide which answer they will find after thinking about it.”


For some reason.

Her heart ached.

Of course, she knew it

. Eun.

Nevertheless, is it just a feeling of qualifications that the attitude itself means that she is not qualified as a bride?

Lonely, savage

, and sad


It was when Rose slightly lowered her head at the feeling that a corner of her heart was empty.

Limon “Instead, remember one thing.”


that moment,

Rose hardened.

Her golden eyes, which were

so deep that they seemed dull, were too deep.

And they were too pure . ” No matter

what choice you make, I will not allow you to leave my side.” Is

it the monopoly desire stemming from dragon psionics,

or an absolute being who has lived for hundreds of years? Is it her desire for dominance,

or the lust of a man?

Hotter than his affection, fiercer than his longing, sticky than greed.

Like a spider’s web that traps prey, he touches her ears, solidified in a whirlpool of vivid emotions

. “Rose, you are already mine,”

he whispered. “Rose, you are already mine.”

Limon gently lowers his head.

Unlike his soft and delicate touch, the heat transmitted by the slightest touch is so hot.

I felt the thrill of being eaten by a wild beast .

Rose unknowingly reflexively tried to push his chest down.

But it was useless. As

if she was

suppressing even that resistance.

Limon didn’t even care about the force she was pushing and kept narrowing the distance



The moment their lips overlapped.

From the tips of their toes to the crown of their heads.

Pleasure ran through their bodies.

And in the happiness and comfort that entangled their tongues, suppressing even their anxiety and worries.

Rose understood that

she would never be able to escape him. That

this cruel man would never let her go, but

that he would make her happy by poisoning and corrupting her with a deeper affection.

That’s why drug addicts suffer from withdrawal symptoms.

It also means that even though she will suffer and blame herself for the rest of her life, she will long for his love and qualifications even more earnestly.

From the moment I fell in love with this man.

Because she’s already broken.


a fool who delights in golden shackles.

Feeling foolish happiness in the restraints that bound you.

The princess, already corrupted to the bottom, willingly surrendered herself to her lover’s gentle touch.

* * *

The balcony of the room.

From wide beaches to forests and skies.

While I was breathing in the wind in a place where I could see the surrounding scenery at a glance.

She took out a cigarette.

and after putting it in your mouth.

I tried to snap my fingers, but he hesitated and put them back in.

It wasn’t like I was thinking about quitting smoking again.

It was because this pleasant residual heat was too precious to cool down with a special cigarette.

Maybe it’s because it’s too deep?

Still throbbing in places, but rather than hard or painful, rather than feeling strangely pleasant, immersed in languid heat.

Hasneti lowered her gaze slightly.

Is it because it is so high?

The scenery on the ground at night was so dark and cloudy that even people could not be recognized.

However, her superhuman eyesight, befitting a dragon descendant, was able to recognize exactly what she was looking for even in the dark scenery.

Walkway seen far below.

Even the man and woman on the bench.

Overlapping lips.

Even the flowing clothes.

Even the skin that was wet with sweat.

Blue hair waving like waves.

Even the face stained with pleasure, joy, and happiness.


Even if you can’t see the whole thing because of the thick branches, that part was enough.

who is doing what right now.

Still, Hasneti was unfazed.

Being loved enough to be more than enough for him, even for just a few hours?

Of course, that was also the reason.

But the biggest reason was that she was a princess who knew Limon better than anyone else.

‘Is it comforting?’

Hasneti himself.

and Rose.

Excluding Li Qingyu, who completed the dragon’s blood, why did Limon visit them first, who had not yet received the ring?

After thinking for a moment, she muttered to herself.

‘It could be a warning at the same time.’

Because they were separated by spirit technology, they could not see or hear the situation in other rooms.

But as the same princess.

Hasneti could feel it.

The dragon psionic flow that fluctuates with envy, envy, thirst, bitterness, and greed.

And why Limon deliberately hugs Rose there, as if to show off, when he could be in his room in seconds.

That’s why, unlike Rose, she wasn’t nervous.

whether you qualify

whether you didn’t get

Because Limon was proving with his actions that he would love them just like the other brides.

knowing that fact.

In the residual heat that gradually dissipates.

She quietly closed her eyes.

Fingers that are still empty, fingering the necklace hanging around her neck…

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