Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 793

#793. there is a reason

* * *

Ellis P. Morgan.

He was one of the greatest geniuses in the history of the Morgan family, the representative family of the Golden Dragon clan.

In fact, she did a perfect job as the president of the United States, as well as becoming an aide to the princess at a young age.

That’s why it’s called all-round indiscriminately.

From ability to lineage, personality, beauty, etc.

She was a woman who was called the most ideal sidekick in every way.

but recently.

That Alice was devastated to the point of exhaustion.

Her blonde hair, which was always neat, was disheveled, her pale face full of fatigue, and her clothes full of wrinkles.

Even when he was active abroad, he could not hide the impoverishment, so the media even talked about it.

Some gossips were even spreading rumors that she was busy dating and neglecting her political affairs.

That behind it is the Democratic Party.

It is also an operation for the presidential election.

Alice knew.

But I didn’t really try to stop it.

It wasn’t because she couldn’t afford to pay attention to her, who oversaw the affairs of the United States of America, the Gold Dragon clan, and Fafnir.

Whether or not you have an extension.

It’s because I had no interest.

Because the only thing that filled her tired and sleep-deprived head was remorse.

‘It’s because of me.’

After the main fire infestation intensifies.

Charlotte entered the lungs to self-medicate.

And according to her will, Ellis thoroughly hid the fact and instead supervised the Golden Dragon clan.

This city is fighting against the world federation.

The fact that the Golden Dragon clan returned without any problems to the extent that no one noticed Charlotte’s absence meant that she had done an excellent job.

So it was.

What Alice couldn’t help but blame herself even more.

‘Because I was perfect, the princess became that way.’

I’d rather have her fall short.

If Limon noticed Charlotte’s absence because of that.

Because he could have cured the coin affliction before things turned out like this.

‘No, it’s because I wasn’t more perfect.’

In the first place, he had to thoroughly assist Charlotte so that she would not even fall into the coin intoxication.

I should have confessed everything to Limon and asked for help, even if I was punished for breaking the order.

she didn’t do anything

He only called Maia after Charlotte lost her memory and disappeared after falling into the coin intoxication.

Even so, in the end, he lost Charlotte, who ran out of control.

It was to the point of lamenting that throughout the history of the Seven Dragons, there would be no one in his aide who was as lacking as he was.

Tadada dat!

So it was.

Why is she running like crazy at this moment?

It was a waste of time to wait for the elevator, so at the end of climbing the stairs as if flying halfway, using telekinesis.

The moment you open the roof door.


Elise hardened.

It wasn’t just because of the gigantic gas filling the wide rooftop of Fafnir’s office building.

The figure of the opponent who appeared at the boarding gate of the aircraft made her heart beat as if it would explode.

“While I was away for a while, the appearance has really deteriorated.”

radiant blonde.

beautiful beauty.

A languidly subdued voice.

Above all, even the golden eyes full of self-confidence while being extremely dignified.

Alice, who felt her heart choking at the sight she missed so much, opened her mouth with a trembling voice only after a long time had passed.


Please let this be real.

And if it’s a dream, I hope forever can fall asleep in this dream.

With sincere longing, Elise knelt before the beloved princess who had finally returned.

“My princess.”

* * *

Charlotte’s disappearance is a top secret.

It’s a secret that only a few, including the elders and the head of the prestigious family, knew among other clans as well as among the Golden Dragon clan.

Her return came unexpectedly and quietly.

Those who felt the strange atmosphere saw Charlotte return on a flying spirit and accepted that she had gone to the fairy kingdom to prevent the danger of the spirit crisis.

Of course, that’s the general clan’s job.

The elders and heads of households, who knew the truth, were so happy that they shed tears when they heard the news of Charlotte’s return.

For the members of the Seven Dragons, the princess was faith, everything, and the meaning of life.

But that was only until then.

That’s what they could be happy about.

“Hello, you’re a spectator.”

Rest your chin on one hand.

Sitting with slender legs crossed.

Charlotte, who was checking the electronic documents, continued languidly.

“Ellis. Did you think I was dead?”

“Could that be?”

“You must have thought that one could die. Isn’t that why you prepared this plan?”

After returning to Fafnir.

Charlotte was the first to check the backlog.

No matter how hard Alice and the elders tried, they couldn’t completely fill her vacancy.

Fortunately, as befits the Golden Dragon family, their work was neat and tidy.

Unfortunately, the direction of the work was completely wrong.

“In the midst of everyone busy supporting the world peace plan, I was just busy preparing for retaliation.”

“…I just apologize.”

“It’s fortunate that you know shame.”

Charlotte was cynical.

after she disappeared.

The Golden Dragon clan didn’t stay silent either.

Rather, I prepared to attack the World Federation with all my might.

Of course, if that happens, an all-out war between the World Federation and the Seven Dragons will begin, and the world will be in chaos.

That’s why they indirectly cut each other’s power and influence, but avoided direct battles as much as possible.

However, the Golden Dragon clan did not hesitate.

If the dragon’s blood was cut off, it wouldn’t matter if the world perished or not.

And, according to the standards of the Seven Dragons, Alice’s judgment was both a very natural right and a duty.

“All responsibility lies with me, so please punish me and restore the family’s honor.”

“You’re not wrong.”

Still, there was one reason why she asked for punishment.

Because he didn’t trust Charlotte.

The proof is that he prepared for revenge.

As a result, the Golden Dragon clan lost face by wasting energy alone when other clans were struggling.

For the Geumryong clan, who were born with arrogance, it was a sin they could not repay with their lives.

“Eris, are you really prepared to receive any punishment?”

“of course.”

“If you do, prepare the Seven Dragon Branches.”


“The fault of the limbs is the fault of the owner. Isn’t it my job to take responsibility for the mistakes you made?”

“Princess, that’s…!”

“I will not listen to objections.”

Why does the punishment against himself lead to the Seven Dragons Branch?

Alice, who was puzzled, realized Charlotte’s intentions only belatedly and opened her eyes wide.

But Charlotte refused to answer.

I was just talking languidly.

“You are the one who said you would accept any punishment.”

“…if that’s the princess’s will.”

The Golden Dragon clan doesn’t have a single word.

Take responsibility for her own words.

Alice, who had been looking at the princess she spoke indifferently with an indescribable face, finally lowered her head in sorrow.

Charlotte added another word as if she had just remembered.

“And prepare for the Chilryong branch meeting in a slightly special way.”

“How are you talking?”


So after a while.

After Ellis retreated to prepare for the Seven Dragons meeting as soon as possible.

It was time to open the electronic document again.

A warm feeling came from behind her back.


“It’s so kind, our black dog.”

“Didn’t I tell you not to call me a dark dog?”

At the words of Limon, a gray-haired man who hugged her from behind, Charlotte snapped a shot.

But contrary to her words, she didn’t push him away.

Just like a wolf playing while biting the nape of his neck, he gently stroked his cheek with one hand as he lightly kissed her neck.

“But is it okay to go beyond this?”

Opposite of tickling kisses.

A strangely cold voice.

As a guardian deity of mankind, who would have held the responsibility if the Geumryong clan had run amok before being her lover and groom.

In order to prevent this situation from recurring again, isn’t it necessary to be punished?

To Limon, who pointed it out calmly.

Charlotte responded immediately.

“That’s enough. There will be no punishment worse than this for Ellis, as well as for all of my family.”

They are the Golden Dragon clan.

They were more arrogant than any other clan, and that’s why they valued their pride more than their lives.

That’s why breaking that pride is the best punishment.

speaking as their princess.

Put down the fingers that were touching your cheeks.

Charlotte gently touched Limon’s chin.

“Above all, shouldn’t they also learn now?”

“That our princess has a surprisingly sloppy temperament?”

“…not everything has to be perfect, and anyone can make mistakes.”


It’s like being really mean.

Even glanced at Limon for a moment.

Eventually she pulled his chin.

To cover his mouth with her own lips.

Like that, Limon laughs at the strongest seal, even if it is the softest in the world.

How long had it been since hot breaths and soft breaths passed between the lips of the two lovers?



Maybe it’s because even the Absolute took a long time to breathe.

Or was it because the war of words was so intense?

Charlotte let out a bewitching sigh as soon as she separated her lips, kissed Charlotte again on her collarbone, and slipped her hand between the hems of her dress.

Limon suddenly asked,

“By the way, Princess, do you really need to open the Seven Dragon Branch? If it’s a simple story, I think just communication will suffice.”

“There is a reason.”

Could it be because the time I spent with him for seven weeks and nights was already familiar to me?

Extend your arms and wrap them around your neck.

With your back gently tilted back.

Until he pulled him to the chest bone that was exposed before he knew it.

Charlotte, who had finished all the actions naturally, continued with a groan in the thrill of the thrill of Limon’s movement.

“Because we can’t hold a banquet by communication.”

* * *

“Charlotte, I don’t know if he’s doing well.”

[Soybean Burger of Happiness]

In that shabby restaurant in a city in the corner of the wilderness, Jenny was sighing.

It was nothing new.

After Lee, a dark violinist who came to the store one day, hired Charlotte as a temporary maid and took her away.

Because all Jenny could hear were sighs and monologues.

…Of course, it didn’t increase as much as the bank account balance received from Charlotte’s wages.

“If I had known it would be like this, I would have followed it… Then I might have been able to hear Mr. Lee’s performance at least once more.”



loneliness, etc.

Jenny was preparing for today’s business while wandering through all kinds of mixed feelings.


“I have a letter.”

“huh? What kind of letter is it?”

I haven’t received anything other than bills and flyers since I settled here.

Jenny, puzzled as to who sent the letter, opened the door with a bit of anticipation and was surprised for another reason.

“Blue Dragon Post? Who sent this expensive item?”

“Yeah? Who sent it



, kidding

. ”

It wasn’t long before it was decided that [Bean Burger of Happiness] would be closed on the same day due to the sudden fainting of the president.

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