Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 775

#775 Try it if you can.

* * *

“…what did you just say?”

[Ah, you must be deaf because you are old? Then I’ll tell you again.]

PAB days.

no, from before that.

Limon gained notoriety by being called a mad dog.

He always undertakes tough assignments, and he often works overtime while being punished for accidents.

Due to factors such as transfer, leave of absence, and even retirement, even agents who had been with Limon for more than three months could be counted on one hand.

only one.

Except for Yuna-kyung.

And it wasn’t just because she was steadfast and optimistic that she was the only one who endured the ordeal.

Rather, it was close to the opposite.

[―You’re saying shit.]

Hair twisted.

Two wings with folded arms.

Even openly sarcastic remarks.

Giving off a very bad tea.

In PAB, the blue bird, who was called the light-year, said in a bold voice that he was a clever bloke who secretly crossed the space.

[Is it funny that grandpa makes money?]

Maybe it’s because it was so unexpected.

Looking at the golden lord who kept silent instead of answering, Yuna-kyung nodded her head on her own.

[Oh yeah. You’d have to look silly. Because he was born with a golden spoon and continued to win as the world’s best investor.]

“My investment has also failed.”

[A failure that can be rectified with any amount of money compared to the gains from the investment.]


[Your expression asks how you knew it, but it’s not very difficult.]

Eat it.

After shed a laugh resembling a swordsman who has lived a life of disgust in the world.

Yuna-kyung said sarcastically.

[If the world wasn’t that kind, you wouldn’t have been able to confidently say nonsense about being unhappy because you had a lot of money.] ”

…Are you saying that my family’s unhappiness is nonsense?”

[No, of course, what happened to my family is unfortunate and regrettable.]

Do you think you look like such a careless blue bird?

After a blunt objection.

Yuna-kyung added a word.

[It’s just absurd to hear the grandfather boast that he is the most unhappy in the world, using his family’s unhappiness as an excuse.]

“When did I say I was full?”

[Then did you think that eliminating the value of money in the world would be a hungry sound?]

“At least it’s for the hungry.”

The reason why the world is full of unhappiness is that even though money has become the criterion for happiness, a small number of rich people monopolize that wealth.

freed from the domination of money.

If you win happiness freely.

That a lot more people will be able to enjoy happiness.

Seeing the assertive Golden Lord, Yuna-kyung twisted her head about 5 degrees more.

[You say shit again.]


[Hey, you said that money makes people unhappy. Have you ever seen a person with no real money?]

“Have you not heard that my son committed suicide because his business went bankrupt?”

[I’m very sorry to say this. You don’t call a person with slush funds poor even if he fails in business after living well-to-do all his

life?] Of course, if you don’t feel lack of money all your life and lose most of your wealth.

You can despair enough.

I feel the futility of life and want to die.

But what if you feel sorry for someone who is contemplating suicide while drinking 10 million won wine because there is no 100 million won cognac?

Yuna-kyung was able to assert.

I’m deceived and I’m falling for it.

[Do you know the feeling of eating three meals a day with cup noodles because you don’t even have enough money to buy food?] [

Have you ever worried about where to sleep if you are kicked out because you couldn’t pay your rent?] [Have you ever

made money by sweating in the first place ? ?]

Nursery school.

An institution that takes care of orphans until they reach adulthood.

However, if you turn it upside down, it also means that after you become an adult, you will not have any background.

What is given when you become independent is a small amount of self-reliance support.

They disappear like snow while they are looking for a room and a job, and if they want to go to university, it is not enough even if they work hard to earn tuition and living expenses.

Still, if you get a job or go to higher education, you are lucky.

Clumsy, unguarded children who grow up in an orphanage are perfect prey for scammers and rogue corporations.

In the blink of an eye, there were a lot of ex-convicts who sat in debt or were treated like slaves.

That’s why I see an old man who has never had a bank account balance in his life since he was born in a wealthy family.

said the blue bird.

[A person who doesn’t even know what it’s like to have no money says he’s going to get rid of money, so you can feel how persuasive it is?] ”

…I’m sure you haven’t experienced that kind of life, right?”

[I know better than my grandfather.]

He’s not even a person.

It was a while to be silent while watching the spiritsoo who asserted as if he had worked hard to the bone.

The golden lord quietly opened his mouth.

“Then I don’t understand it even more. If you know the lives of those who are struggling because of wealth inequality, why are you affirming the current world?”

[Of course, I’m not saying that the current world is unconditionally good.]

Yuna-kyung was not ignorant either.

How unfair and absurd it is to become anything with money.

Friends who bully you for being poor.

A customer who behaves in a shop.

A boss who treats his employees as slaves.

In addition, the prime contractor who only takes money while leaving all the work to the subcontractor.

Because she has seen and experienced the genetic innocence created by the gap between the rich and the poor, from her days in nursery school to her PAB days.

[But I know what Grandpa is doing is wrong.]


Even if the current world is absurd, it is better than the world he wants to create.

What is the reason for the assertion without hesitation?

To the golden lord who asked quietly.

the blue bird asked.

[Grandpa said he would get rid of the temptation of money, right?]

“That’s right.”

[But what we’re really trying to do is bring down the Seven Dragons and collapse the economy. As a result, many people will be unhappy.]

“Unhappiness is only temporary. If you realize that money is not happiness, you will find meaning in life elsewhere.”

[Is that so? Rather, aren’t they trying to earn more money?]

“That’s not going to happen.”

[It’s not that it can’t be, it’s just that my grandfather is trying to make it that way. Even by forcibly taking money from people.]

“If people who are addicted to drugs can’t get out, someone will have to stop them.”

[But for that, you have to monopolize money and power.]


The golden lord was silent.

His power comes from money.

That’s why we come to the contradiction that in order to take away the world’s money, we must monopolize the world’s wealth.

[In the end, if grandpa monopolized all the wealth, how would that be different from now?]

“It’s different. Unlike the Seven Dragons, I won’t use that wealth for personal use.”

[Ah, that’s definitely a difference.]

Unexpectedly, it’s cool.

Yuna-kyung agreed with that.

With just one condition added.

[In the sense that the world my grandfather will create is rather worse than it is now.]

“…Does that mean that the Seven Dragons, who monopolize wealth for themselves, will be better than me who doesn’t?”

[The princesses of the Seven Dragons may have monopolized the wealth of the world, but they gave me a chance to be happy with money.]

Hospitals and medicines to protect my health.

Best food and service.

Fast and comfortable transportation.

Inspirational art and culture.

All kinds of high-tech products and sundries.

Cheap and plentiful food and energy.

And convenient and reliable finance.

Even though all of that requires money, and the seven clans are the ones who benefit the most.

That’s why people got a chance to buy happiness with money.

Above all, they were maintaining peace in the world with that enormous amount of money.

[Of course, not everyone can enjoy that happiness. If you don’t have money, you can become more miserable.]

That you can’t enjoy the happiness that others take for granted.

It can definitely make people unhappy.

There must be someone who sincerely wishes that it would be better for others to be unhappy as well.

[But it’s better than irresponsible actions that deprive everyone of the opportunity to live happiness and ask them to find other happiness on their own.] A

world where even if you have money, you can’t solve disease, hunger, isolation, starvation, discomfort, cold and heat.

In the end, a life in which human relationships are valued in order to solve everything by oneself or to borrow the power of others.

There may be some people who are looking for spiritual happiness such as love, friendship, fulfillment, and enlightenment instead of material happiness.

However, most of them will suffer from labor and starvation without even having time to find happiness.

thousands or tens of thousands of years.

The reason why mankind has made money and developed the economy is that it is easy to obtain happiness in the end.

[In the end, Grandpa, you’re just trying to deprive everyone of the opportunity to be happy.]


[And no one in the world, not just Grandpa, has the right to judge other people’s happiness and misfortune and deny their efforts. ]

I have a wealthy and happy family.

There are rich people who are rich and unhappy people.

There is an orphan who is sad because he is poor.

There are beggars who smile even when they are poor.

Above all, no one has the right to ignore the efforts each of them made to be happy, saying that they were swallowed up by the desire for money.

Even though he was an orphan, the blue bird confidently asserted that he had enjoyed a sufficiently happy previous life through his perseverance.

And I saw the golden lord.

[Above all, Grandpa is fundamentally mistaken.]

“A misunderstanding, what do you mean?”

[The illusion that the cause of my grandfather’s unhappiness is money.]

“…then do you know what the cause of my unhappiness is?”

[No, but I can roughly guess.]


After letting out a small sigh.

Yuna-kyung asked casually.

[When your wife was robbed, where was your grandfather and what was he doing so he wasn’t there?]

“He was working.”

[What about when your son was having a hard time because he failed to invest? Did he comfort you by his side?]

“…I was busy fixing my son’s ruined business.”

[Even if it was during the time of his wife, his son suffered enough to commit suicide, but in the end, it means that he valued business more.]


[Don’t you still know? Grandpa became unhappy because he lived only for money.]


[That’s still the case now.]

“Do you think so?”

[yes. Well, if grandfather really cared about his family, he would have been spending time with his granddaughter instead of fighting in a place like this.]

On the subject of saying that money makes people unhappy, so he will get rid of all money.

The beliefs that Limon kept.

Even the efforts the Fairy Queen has made.

The peace that the seven princesses have supported.

He’s a person who doesn’t look at anything and only thinks about money more than anyone else in the world.

Saying that there is no such thing as true happiness in the world he creates.

Yuna-kyung finished her speech.

[I don’t know if you know it yourself, but from my point of view, my grandfather doesn’t even care about the happiness of others, let alone his family.]


[He just wants to use that as a reason to monopolize wealth and happiness by himself forever.]

Ban everyone’s wealth sun.

into despair and misery.

By enjoying wealth alone.

His true desire is to obtain absolute gold rights, which even the Seven Dragons couldn’t achieve, and to monopolize even happiness.

At the end of silence after seeing the blue bird talking clearly.

The golden lord quietly opened his mouth.

“I don’t care what you think. I’ve already invested in building a new world.”

[I can’t allow my grandfather to steal everyone’s happiness.]

“I see.”


I was born rich.

I’ve lived in abundance all my life.

Because I don’t know of any other way.

The old man, unable to even think of going back, gazed into the eyes of the blue bird, who was too free compared to himself.

And the squeak said

“Try it if you can.”

[I’m not going to do that!]

I already knew better than anyone that peace negotiations were impossible.

Yuna-gyeong answered right away and threw the white flag she was holding.

And he flew up and shouted.

[Shinsinga Shera! Let’s go!]

[…Let’s go.]

[Booster Call Stand―by.]

Right after that.

A semi-transparent girl and unmanned vacuum cleaners and all sorts of machines protruded from the hatch where Yuna-kyung was half-hidden.

[Argo kArga HaOl!]

[argA KargA LaoL.]


And so the bluebird and the ghost’s spell echoed in the air.

The moment the mechanical sound of the spirits overlapped.

[The law of unity of gods and demons is activated!]

[…is activated.]

[Final Fu―sion.]

After a brilliant light bursts.

A single figure protruded from the place where countless shadows overlapped.

It looks like an angel with wide spread white wings behind its back, but its body is clad in thin metal armor.

The gem inserted between the big breasts contains the cockpit of a translucent girl as small as a finger.

In his hand, he held up a complex mechanical blue spear.

Wearing armor made of spirits.

To the body created by the spirit water.

with the soul of an adult.

The blue bird, unprecedented in history, who gained power that transcended even the absolute by forming the trinity of spirits and spirits, shouted so vigorously.

“The armored saintess, Sir Iron Shena, appears!”

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