Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 742

#742. what do you want to get?

* * *


reinforced exoskeleton.

Or cavalry, etc.

Depending on the era, by the manufacturer or from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Even though they were called by various names, their origins and purpose of manufacture were basically similar.

In that it is a steel armor modeled after a spirit so that even ordinary humans can exert superhuman strength.

The pinnacle of it is, of course, the spirit armor.

It was a legendary cavalryman that the Fairy Kingdom gave as a gift to the Golden Dragon Lord in exchange for a peace treaty.

But a legend is a legend.

Excluding those whose existence is unclear, in fact the most outstanding are armored cavalrymen created by shamans.

After being invented in the golden age.

evolving over a long period of time.

The armored cavalry, with all their skills added, had power comparable to that of the spirits.

But armored cavalry was expensive and rare.

After all, the most commonly used in North America is the mixed armor cavalry (雜甲機兵).

It was a tattered cavalryman made to be usable for the time being by assembling the remains of the spirits at will.

As much as the parts are different.

Its performance is also very different.

It was not uncommon for it to stop at all during operation or break down here and there.

Still, those parts belonged to the spirits.

Because it contains technology that transcends humans.

Most of the cavalry cavalry demonstrated performance beyond Bahamut’s latest reinforced exoskeleton.

In particular, the strength of the armored cavalry made of good parts was as good as that of most armored cavalry depending on the skill of the shaman who converted it.

That’s why the more skilled gunfighters hunt the fallen spirits and collect their parts.

in that sense.

It is reckless for a naked human to oppose a cavalry.

Even a fairly high-level player would refuse to do so unless he wanted to die.

‘I was blinded by money…’

So at this moment.

Black Dog couldn’t help but think.

It was a mistake to serve as a bodyguard for that tout.

If it wasn’t for that, there wouldn’t have been such a crazy shooting against armor.


the moment the trigger is pulled.

Gunpowder explodes inside the casing.

Bullets rotating at high speed along the steel wire of the barrel rip through the air at a speed that exceeds sound.


But unfortunately.

The bullet bounces off.

No matter how special the bullet was, the penetrating power was insufficient to penetrate the 30mm thick composite armor made of the same spirit metal.

And the counterattack began.

Doo doo doo!

The gatling gun protrudes from the shoulder and rotates furiously, firing thousands of rounds per minute.

Heavy rain of special bullets that would kill even high-level players.

As if she had expected it already, she opened the cylinder of her pistol, avoiding the armored remains of the sheriff’s deputies as a shield.

The shell casings spilled out.

new bullets.

Then he turned the cylinder and reloaded the pistol.

Black Dog murmured.

‘It’s the worst, really.’

Even after using dozens of these expensive special bullets, they haven’t been able to achieve proper results?

Of course, that was depressing too.

But more than anything, what made her lament was the situation in which she had to deal with cavalry with a short sword.

She was confident that she could catch even the fallen spirits, but that was the story of a situation in which she was fully prepared.

Great Spirit Warduna.

Or a sniper rifle.

Spirit’s magic wand, etc.

At least you need to have a weapon that can pierce the spirit’s outer shell, so you can fight it or not.

Still, as long as there are special bullets, it would be okay if it was a moderately reinforced exoskeleton…

‘Why is the armor of the three guns protruding from this place…’

The mixed armor cavalry used by the three guns.

Looking at Armand, she stuck out her tongue.

Originally the city’s aces, the three Musketeers earned more than any other gunfighter.

And since most of the money earned was spent on buying better parts and remodeling the armor.

Although uniformity may be lacking, Armand’s armor and firepower were enough to surpass that of custom-made armored cavalry.

To think that he had to deal with Armand with only a pistol.

It was a very daunting task.

If it had been the way it was, I would have said I didn’t know about the future and ran away.

But I couldn’t.

It was because the person who blocked her retreat was right behind her.

“Dark dog, fight lightly. Your boss is eating, right?”

“Is that what you mean by letting the bodyguard commit suicide right now…?”

“If you don’t like it, you can run away.”

It’s really all-around.

Although the bullets are flying.

It’s like watching a puppy petting a toy doll.

Black Dog gnashed his teeth at the black-haired man who was still slicing steak at the table and enjoying his meal.

It’s nasty.

Even if it’s nasty, it’s too nasty.

It’s a guard and a nabal, and I want to throw it in front of that armor right away and run away.

No, at least I had no wish if I could slap him on the back of the head, knock him out, and drag him away by force.

One problem.

“Oh, by the way, you know that if you run away, the penalty is 10 times the contract violation, right?”

“Even if I die after eating, I have no money for that!”

“What can I do without money? You just have to hit it with your body.”


No matter how famous you are, you should have realized something strange from the time you gave out an outrageous down payment for security work.

It was a mistake to mistake such a madman for a solicitor.

But what can I do?

If you vomit that much money, you’ll be a debtor and a slave for the rest of your life.

For her part, she had no choice but to hold the pistol, crying and overspending.

“Cheer up, and if you catch that instead, I’ll give you a bonus.”

“…a bonus? how much?”

“Well, not that much. Roughly as much as the down payment?”

“Boss, look at me leisurely there! I’ll take care of this scrap right away!”

Black Dog reflected.

The nobleman remains here at his own risk for the safety of the citizens and is even giving away money.

He said that he was a fool for treating a nobleman as a madman without knowing the far-reaching meaning.

After the Great Awakening.

She ran out right away.

And while Armand was replacing the ammo belt of the Gatling gun with the automatic loader, he aimed the pistol.

Of course, through the fierce battles up until now, he knew all too well that special bullets couldn’t work through that thick armor.

But she had no hesitation.

Huge armored eyes with just calmly sunken golden eyes.

To be precise, I just looked directly into that lens.


ringing gunshots.

A bullet that bounces off.

but she saw

The armored lens that bounced off the bullet vibrated violently.



In the midst of cracks in the shaking lens as the bullets fired again matched the same position without the slightest deviation.

The trigger is pulled again.



Finally a broken lens.

Of course, even so, it’s a small gap.

The triple lens made of bulletproof glass rotates fiercely even when it is broken.

The cracks created by successive shootings are swallowed up by the rotation and complement each other so that not even a single needle can go in.

If you have more ammo, you might be able to break the lens a bit more to open up the gap.

However, in the fierce battles so far, she has used most of the precious special bullets.

There is only one special bullet left.

Pierce the lens with just this one shot.

Even knocking down the huge armor was impossible for anyone to see.



…no, it seemed impossible.

The moment Black Dog fired the last shot.

As if it were alive on its own, the bullet whose trajectory had been changed exquisitely pierced between the rotating lenses.

Until after repeating the bouncing inside the armor dozens of times, it pierced the core part and caused an explosion.

Pajik Pajik.

Is it the limit of the cavalry?

Although the outer armor was so strong.

It seems that the internal organs have not been remodeled.

At the end of a single bullet that dug in and exploded, causing sparks everywhere.

In the end, the steel giant fell.


End of the distant golden age.

Would the saint David, who announced the birth of a new era by defeating the armored Goliath made by Unsyeongsa at the time with only a magic sling, would have been like this.

Not even a high level player.

Black Dog, who accomplished the feat of defeating armor with only a pistol, wiped away his sweat.

Then, he approached the fallen Armand and kicked him in the torso.


“Me and my bounty.”

send a blackmail

Kill the three guns and steal the armor.

They even staged such a terrorist attack.

A criminal who is certain to be able to collect a very hefty bounty, excluding the bonus that Lee has agreed to give.

In other words, a couple of more taps on the cockpit to get Armand’s pilot out.

“If you don’t want to come out, I’ll bring you out myself.”

Black Dog did not waste any time.

I just opened the small hatch next to the cockpit and operated the manual override to force open the cockpit.

But right after that.

She blinked.

“…where did my bounty go?”

It’s just full of bloodstains.

It was the time when Black Dog made a puzzled expression while looking at the cockpit where there was no really important pilot.

“Hmm, was it empty after all?”

“Is that so?”

“I wanted to somehow not feel the presence of people after all the noisy movements.”

“Isn’t it natural that you don’t feel it when riding in normal armor?”

“That is usually the case. I have good ears.”

Black Dog shyly asked the tout who, far from being surprised at the sight of the empty armor, seemed to know that, of course.

“Anyway, according to the president, Armand was empty from the beginning…? Did you fight by remote control until now?”

“The front is fine, but the back is not.”

“…why not?”

“Because it’s almost impossible to control a reinforced exoskeleton remotely?”

It was a very convincing story.

In the first place, armor was created by shamans after imitating the structure of spirits.

However, it was not possible to replicate the most important part, so it was necessary for humans to directly board and control it.

Of course, it wasn’t that there weren’t any shaman who tried remote control in the past….


“Boss? Then what about my bonus?”


“You don’t mean to say that you couldn’t catch the culprit, right? huh?”

what you don’t like

To the appearance of the employer locked in silence.

When Black Dog frets with full force.

He suddenly turned his head.

“Stop moaning like a puppy needing to pee. I will give you a bonus.”

“Really? An oral contract is also a contract! If you say anything else later, I will sue you…!”



I looked at the black dog with bloodshot eyes, afraid that I would not receive a bonus for the noun that is usually added when certain conditions are attached.

Lee said calmly.

“Dark dog, get some training from me.”

“…what do you want me to get?”



Is it because I don’t understand at all?

Lee crossed his arms and said to her, who blinked blankly.

“I hate to see my bodyguards struggling with only one piece of armor. So, I have to become stronger than I am now.”

“How can you become strong…?”

I showed you the feat of beating armor a while ago.

Of course, looking at it, you see yourself as pathetic.

Looking at the violinist who said he would train him, Black Dog put on a dumbfounded expression.

“Don’t worry about the method.”

But Lee didn’t care.

I just added a word with a meaningful smile.

“Even if I am like this, I have never taught the best gunman in the wilderness to shoot.”

* * *

“Hmm. A dep show that makes me feel like someone is talking about me.”


“Don’t look at me with those eyes, Sister. There’s no guarantee that someone is swearing at me, right? It could be a compliment.”


“I don’t know what you mean, but don’t be too sensitive about it.


“Well, the days when I was being rolled like a dog by Master here are still nightmares.”

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