Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 724

#724. I’ll take it.

* * *

As the master of the Sword Tower.

living a long time

Limon raised many disciples.

Excluding those who became sword masters, the number exceeded hundreds, and all had worldly talents.

From a fool who died fighting a beast.

Even the fool who ran away from the sword tower and became king.

Even if he couldn’t leave his name in history.

Limon remembered each and every one of them by name.

However, if you ask who is the most memorable, of course it could only be the seven people whose names were engraved on the sword tower.

The sword I loved the most.

The most worried sword demon.

The most difficult sword command.

The most pissed off sword.

The most absurd swordsman.

The sword that suffered the most.

…the most special postmortem.

It was.

Postmortem Anastasia.

The girl was special in many ways.

Whether it is the outstanding talent among all disciples.

In terms of the fact that he took a girl with the blood of the Silver Dragon clan and taught him how to use the sword.

In that she boldly proposed to herself and could have been her last bride.

Of course, the ending was catastrophic.

But why did she come to a catastrophe and what did she hope for that had to happen?

Even if others don’t know.

because he knew

in a place no one knows.

leaving her tombstone

forgive the sin

I asked for forgiveness again.

Anastasia after the sword was the most painful finger and scar even for Limon.

So the moment I met her.

he felt disturbed.

I proposed to myself.

died to himself

come back from the dead

fought to defend themselves.

What kind of face should I treat this last disciple and what should I say?

It was a really difficult and complex question that even his experience of living for hundreds of years could not find an answer to.

but this moment.

He forgot all the trouble.


with the chest pierced.

scattering red blood.

A slender body crumbling without strength.

And it appears suddenly, as if springing out of thin air.

The figure of a monster who pierced her heart with a blade of thin thread and wrapped her whole body in bandages.

It was because the countless worries that had been swirling in Limon’s head were burned and instead he was swallowed up by a single emotion.


…with anger.


stick out forward

Severing the thread that pierced her.

Until he catches Anastasia’s falling body.

Limon, who completed all the movements in an instant, swung his sword while holding her.

However, as soon as he pierced her heart, he could not cut Rashid al-Din Sinan, the sword that left the examination and disappeared into the air again.

He is an old man on the mountain.

As an assassin before being a swordsman.

His swordsmanship, which cuts through all forms and signs, is such that even a sword master cannot pursue it once it is manifested.

It was close to impossible for even Limon to find and slash the hidden sword.

So he suppressed his seething anger.

And stretched out his hand.


“Asha, wake up!”

gauze and bandage.

Hemostatic and analgesic.

Even the elixir of the green dragon clan.

Limon hurriedly started first aid, almost pouring out all kinds of medicines he had stored in the shadow space.

spray the medicine

give an injection

such as pressing the wound with gauze.

The quickness of Limon’s hands, which carried out the entire process in the blink of an eye, was nothing short of swift.

It was so perfect that even most doctors who learned it on their own through overwhelming experience, not books or education, would be amazed.


‘No, the bleeding won’t stop!’

Limon gritted his teeth.

if it was a different part.

His first-aid measures would have had a sufficient effect.

However, even for a sword master, the wound stabbed through the heart was too fatal.

Eventually he got out the thread and needle.

In order to stop the bleeding, beyond simple hemostasis, even by cutting Anastasia’s chest open and directly sealing the wound in her heart.


right at that moment.

One trembling hand.

It touched Limon’s cheek.


like consolation.

or miss you

brushing his cheeks.

To the touch of a soft finger.

Only then did he take his eyes off the wound and see.

Even though my heart is pierced and blood is pouring out.

Silver eyes looking at oneself with mysteriously peaceful silver eyes.


nice to meet you



Looking at him with eyes that contain so many emotions.

It sounds like you have something to say.

At the end of licking your lips.

Instead of a voice that doesn’t come out.

In the end, he quietly smiled.


A finger touching his cheek.

I fell powerlessly on the snowy field.

“…Ah Shah?”

in a trembling voice.

calling a disciple

he hoped

let her answer

Even gestures, not words.

Or, that he would respond to his call with just his gaze.

But he already knew.

A pupil who has lost his light.

Blood that no longer flows.

A white hand stretched over the snow.

Above all, a heart that has lost its beat.

Now she can’t answer anything.

He was making it very clear that he would never be able to hear an answer.

…just like that day 80 years ago.

Watching the last disciple cool down in his arms like that, Limon was frozen as if he was frozen.

The air splits again.

A strand of thread was shot out.

It was the blade of death that stretched out without a trace or a sound.

The thread that could deceive even the sword master’s senses and pierce his heart pierced Limon’s defenseless back.


No, it seemed piercing.

Until Limon, who had picked up the sword before he knew it, cut the thread without looking back.

Limon’s actions did not end there.

After putting down Anastasia in his arms and closing his eyes, he tried to launch himself in the direction where the thread had sprung out.

But before he could take another step,

he had to stop.

It was because there was a girl who stood in his way before he knew it.

“Fix it, Swordsman.”

“Get out of the way, princess.”

“I can’t escape.”

Li Qingyu knew.

The fact that Limon says to get out of the way is in itself a consideration for the bride.

If he stopped taking the blood because it was dangerous, even if it was her, he would incur his resentment.

But she didn’t back down.

no i couldn’t get away


“Because swordsmiths still have a chance.”

“…What do you mean?”

“It’s too early to conclude that we can’t save her.”

“Stop talking nonsense.”

“No, that makes sense.”

No matter how many sword masters have come back from the dead, there is no way that they can be resurrected as long as their heart is stabbed and their breath is cut off.

judge soberly.

started moving for revenge.

However, because of his anger and shock, he didn’t realize it.

Li Qingyu pointed out calmly.

“Did you forget Swordsman? There is a precedent for a sword master whose heart was already pierced and revived intact.”

“That’s because I have dragon psionics…”

“Yes, that’s right.”

there is no way you don’t know

Because it’s his own story.

That’s why while I was arguing with a furrowed brow, I saw Limon hardened as if he had realized something.

The black-haired girl turned her head.

And even if my heart stopped.

The warmth still remains.

He looked at Anastasia, who was lying neatly in the snow, and continued.

“If it’s psionic, she has it too.”


Of course, compared to Limon’s dragon psionic, which even regenerated his heart, it was too weak.

However, it was clear that Anastasia possessed psionic abilities that were so powerful that it was difficult to find anyone comparable to them except for the seven princesses.

If you use it…

“In some cases, it might be possible to bring her back to life.”

Of course, that is impossible for a normal doctor.

But at least one in the world.

There was someone who didn’t know if it would be possible to revive even the dead with pure medicine without the use of black magic.

The best interest in the world.

He is a healer comparable to the Divine Lord.

At the same time as the best expert who has been studying dragon psionics using himself as a test subject all his life.

The first bride to receive a ring from him.

“So go swordsman.”


“I’ll take care of the back.”

to raise any possibility.

You have to hurry even for a second.

Even after hearing Li Qingyu’s urging words, Li Mon did not move immediately.

I just asked instead.

“…do you know what it means for me to leave you behind?”

“Yes. I know.”

“It’s not just about knowing. If you don’t…”


Even in this situation, he had no choice but to hesitate because he had not lost his judgment.

Cut off Limon’s words.

Looking straight into your golden eyes.

Li Qingyu smiled quietly.

“Please trust me.”


Limon fell silent.

It is not that there was no conflict.

It was too absurd for her to accept it on faith alone.

But that smile, as calm as always, is somehow so deep and sad.

It looks like it overlaps with someone.

finally close your eyes

After vomiting a short lament.

He turns away from her.

He hugged the bloodied Anastasia.

Then he turned his head and looked straight at Li Qingyu.

“…Please be safe.”


He seems to be happy that he believes in himself.

At the end of looking at the bride with a round smile.

Limon draws on the power of the stars.

The first Constellation he destroyed.

A snake from end to end.

The two powers obtained by slashing the constellation that connects the real and the fake and overlays lies on reality.

Along with the power to change shape freely, bring out another naturally established ability to the limit.

The moment when I poured my strength into the still unstable space due to the influence left by the demon.


space is distorted.

he and she are gone

that’s too risky

It was an atrocity that even Limon could become lost in space or even die.

But she wasn’t worried.

The man Limon Aspelda knew by Li Qingyu was not someone who would perish in vain over something like this.

“…You really did a good job.”

so calmly.

she opened her mouth.

“To be honest, I don’t care if she dies or not.”

It’s like talking to yourself.

A voice that rings in the snow.

But it can’t be self-talk.

Having an obvious conversation, Li Qingyu closed her eyes.

“But since I brought her to the swordsman, this must be my responsibility.”

Why did Limon instinctively avoid meeting her?

Did Anastasia feel the need to visit Limon?

Indeed, it is not that I regret the result of the intuition of the two sword masters that was terrifyingly accurate.

If he hadn’t brought her, Limon might have died or suffered a fatal wound comparable to that.

“Black. No Rashid al-Din Sinan (رشيد الدين سنان).”

Even so.

Because responsibility is responsibility.

To make ends meet.

And above all…

“You made him sad.”

Even if it puts your own life at risk.

I wanted to protect it intuitively.

The most special disciple.

a lover from the past.

Because I know very well the cruel feeling of losing it right in front of my eyes.

The moment Li Qingyu finished his speech in a chilly voice with no smile.

“That is why you will die at my hands.”


The void is swaying.

Wei Ling appeared.

And 32 samurai wearing ink dragon robes with dragons and covering half of their faces with white masks.

The strongest armed force of the Black Dragon clan, who has been with us on every journey since the plane crashed while coming from the Commonwealth of China.

Leaving Mukryongdae behind.

As a bride who loves him.

Decided to pay the blood debt instead of the groom.

The moment when the weakest princess of the Seven Dragons lifted her psionic with a face colder than ice.



That moment.

With Southern Wei-ling, who protects the law.

The Mukryongdae, which had just been deployed, was taken aback.

In order to help the beloved princess, all the members of the Mukryongdae were trying their best to resonate the psionics.

It wasn’t just because Li Qingyu wasn’t responding to their resonance.

It was because of the dragon psionic that exploded without resonance.

Even by the standards of a princess who can amplify her own psionics through the seasons, the energy is too enormous, even while they are holding their breath.

The amplification continued over and over again.

2x to 4x to 8x.

16 times, 32 times, 64 times.

128 times 256 times.


512 times.

The moment when a colossal flow made only of pure psionics penetrated her body, not the ten-fold combination.


-two kinds of martial arts and ten seasons

of seventy-two kinds

of martial arts


Li Qingyu’s pupil.

split vertically

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