Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 720

#720. Let’s make a decision.

* * *

Out of breath.

My heart is beating.

The limbs tremble.

A voice permeates as even half of the already reddened vision becomes blurred.

[Foolish ■B.]

Is there a problem with your ears?

Or is it because of a confused consciousness?

Following the inaudible voice, I raised my head and saw the blade of a sword.

[Are you going to do this again? You should have known that you could beat the ■.]

Now, you knew enough that your opponent could decapitate you with just a slight movement of your wrist.

But don’t be afraid either.

don’t hesitate

With a bloody look.

Just look straight up at your opponent.

“It’s not something I do because I can win.”

[Then why are you willing to risk your life for doing something like this?]

Maybe it’s because of the backlight.

face is not visible

But I knew what kind of expression he was making.

Being defeated in a duel and getting tattered like this had already happened several times before.

So this time as well.

He vomits blood and replies.

“The reason is…”

* * *


Spinning around like a top.

Deflecting a knife with a sword.

After kicking his outstretched fist like lightning with the sole of his foot, he flew backwards with the rebound and increased the distance.

Limon let out a deep sigh.


deep and heavy.

Throwing up the remnants of fatigue.

Instead, circulating new vitality through his body, Limon raised his head.

“Thank you. Wake me up when the time is right.”

“It is an overestimation.”

“…isn’t that too humanly?”


When Gandhi, who took the meal without any disturbance even though his whole body was covered in blood from numerous wounds, smiled gently.

Billy, who spat out blood from his mouth, made a face as if he was dumbfounded.

“Even if you provoked him first and then just ran away for six days, what’s the case with him sleeping while fighting?”

“If it’s unfair, you can sleep too.”

“Are you saying you’re going to die very openly?”

“Thank you for doing so.”

Looking at Limon, who smiled.

Billy stuck out his tongue.

Limon’s condition is as messed up as the two of them.

Of course, his whole body is stained with blood and wounds more than Gandhi’s due to the fight that has been going on for the past six days.

In particular, the wound on his left shoulder, which had barely recovered after being injured while escaping from Gulag, burst again in the fierce battle and was dripping with blood.

while avoiding combat as much as possible.

I even ran away and focused on wasting time.

The joint work of the two sword masters was not easy enough to handle that much.

Even more considering the heart of the Demon God who stretches out countless tentacles from Gulag and does all sorts of tricks.

It’s a shame because he passed the hurdle by generously pouring dragon psionic into the photon blade at every desperate moment.

It would have been really dangerous without the enormous amount of psionics he had accumulated from mixing with the two brides for several days.

However, despite being cornered like that, Limon’s complexion wasn’t bad.

to know why.

Billy grumbled, scratching his bloodied neck.

“I didn’t know that Geocham’s sister-in-law’s dream-drowning sword could be used like this.”

“If I have to say, this is rather the original usage.”

Growing up in virtual space.

without distinction between reality and dreams.

A sword spirit that finds rest only in dreams.

Her dream drunk sword was originally made and taught by Limon based on drunken powers.

The true value of this swordsmanship appears when a running repairman uses it, but even Limon could use it for a short rest.

“Anyway, do you fall asleep in this situation?”

…although that itself was absurd.

Not even halfway.

To think he fell asleep while fighting against two sword masters.

It was an atrocity that even Billy or Gandhi, who could imitate any swordsmanship, could not imitate because their lives were too precious.

“If you get used to having your throat tickle while sleeping, it’s quite worth it.”

After shrugging.

Limon murmured quietly.

“…Thanks to that, I had a nightmare that I miss quite a bit.”

“If it’s a nightmare, it’s a nightmare. If you miss it, you miss it. What is a nostalgic nightmare?”

“A lot of things happen in life, right?”

Is it because I fell asleep in the overflowing life?

Or maybe it’s because it’s been a long time since we fought so fiercely.

When Billy tilts his head to see Limon with a bitter smile in a dream that is not so unpleasant even if it is a nightmare he has had in a long time.

Gandhi asked quietly.

“Master, I have a question for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“―Do you really think you can defeat the Demon God just by wasting time like this?”

It wasn’t a mockery.

It wasn’t even a question.

A warning, to say the least.

The advice was that just holding on like this would not be able to prevent the resurrection of the Demon God.

Billy heartily agreed.

Clearly, Limon was able to maintain his concentration more than the two of them by taking breaks from time to time with the dream drunk sword.

However, in other words, it means that the situation is not good enough to use such residual talent.

In fact, Limon’s injuries were more serious than both injuries combined.

“I can win.”


Limon wasn’t nervous.

I just said it without hesitation.

“Because my brides aren’t that formidable.”

“…You say it very confidently, isn’t that a bit like trash if you look at it objectively?”

“If it’s unfair, you can get married too.”

“I want…”

How did the nobleman who used to grind his teeth in the Chilryonghoe become so corrupted?

Even as he stuck out his tongue, Billy took out the few remaining knives and held them between his fingers.

Whether it’s a ring tightening around the neck.

Even to the demon god’s tentacles that have finished regenerating.

Since he was under pressure in many ways, wasting time chatting with Limon was the limit.

So Billy pulls his arm.

The moment the battle is about to resume.



That was the moment.

Billy, Gandhi, and Limondo.

All of them looked to the far north.

Twenty-four pillars towering through the sky.

Among them, the sight of the 23rd pillar, the northernmost one, collapsing to pieces made them stop what they were doing.

“…You did it.”

even though I believed it.

I couldn’t let go of that worry.

So when Limon smiles at the success of the two more welcome girls.

Billy involuntarily put on a stunned expression, and Gandhi lost his gentle smile and fell silent.

who is already in the north.

Because as much as I knew it, I could understand what it meant that the 23rd pillar had collapsed.

“Is this a true story…?”

“So that’s what I said.”

Adolf collapsed.

To an existence that is not even a sword master.

Unlike the two disciples who looked in disbelief even though they knew there was no other possibility, Limon grinned.

“My brides are formidable.”


“So I shouldn’t disappoint the brides either.”


A carving knife that I took out before I knew it.

Within it, he devoted himself to defense for six days and generously poured out the dragon psionic he had been saving, creating a blade of brilliant light.

Limon said coldly.

“Now, let’s make a decision.”

* * *

“Ha ha ha….”

The 23rd Gulag.

No, the place that used to be Gulag.

But now in one place, almost in ruins.

The moment Yekathrice, who was breathing heavily, stumbled and was about to collapse.

A small hand supported her.

“I want to know if Catherine is okay.”

“Yeah, that’s okay.”

“Don’t lie. It’s obvious to anyone who sees it being excessive.”

The prosthetic is also broken.

My right arm is also broken.

I can’t even use both arms.

The result of fighting tenaciously, brandishing its wings and tail until it broke the demon’s eyes.

Now that even Yonghwa has been released, Yekathrice was not at all intimidated by Ainsha’s expressionless face.

I just grew up and laughed.

“Well, being a bride, you can’t make the groom wait too long, can you?”


“I’m a bit tired though… I’ll rest for a while.”

“It may not be for a moment. Leave the work behind me to me and get some rest.”


At the end of the forced march of six days.

Fighting with Adolf.

The result of gathering the remaining large army of undead and leading the clan to finally destroy the Eye of the Demon God, who had been struggling to the end.

Leaving Kana in charge of Yekatrice, who really didn’t even have the strength to lift a finger.

Ainsha moved on.

Across the remains of Gulag.

At least on top of the unharmed tower.

standing tall.

look away slowly

Even though they are all messed up, they hang torches, set up a temporary altar, and hold their own musical instruments, including Tata and Shinryongdae.

Thousands of silver dragons raised their heads while stopping to retrieve the fainting prisoners of Gulag.

A girl leaning on a maid.

With all of them in their clear eyes like a mirror.

the girl moved


Tattered clothes.

More than half of the broken jewelry.

Scarred feet stained red with blood.

Even if it was better than Yekathrice, who had been squeezed to the limit, it was still a mess as she had gone through the same hardships.

There is no hesitation.

fluttering the torn hem of his dress.

Bumping broken trinkets and giving a final breath.

He slips his small feet while leaving red marks on the snow piled up on the foundation before he knows it.

It is a ritual not a dance.

anytime, anywhere, anyhow.

You reach God just by doing it.

Non-magical magic allowed only to the priests of the Holy Alliance, which neither witches nor priests could use.


So, at the peak of the dance.

The girl’s pink lips opened.

What comes out is the most beautiful song in the world.

Even in a state of exhaustion and even dancing, the jade sound, which is not disturbed in the slightest, resonates clear enough to reach the heavens.

Unfortunately, the sky is dark.

The pitch-black clouds that covered the whole country without a single light swallowed up even such jade sounds.

No, it seemed so.


far south.

under an all-dark sky.

Until a pillar of light rises in Moscow.

Too feeble compared to the darkness that covered the entire sky.

However, the light that appeared for the first time since the Russian Khanate was covered by clouds soared to the end of the sky and collided with the clouds.

Pajik Pajijik!

crash into the clouds

The mountains are breaking apart.

Even though it gradually loses its brilliance.

The light never breaks, and I tried to cut off the darkness even a little bit.

It was just the beginning.

Pad Pavat! Papa baba babat!

Saint Petersburg.


Kazan, etc.

one another one.

Dozens of beams of light from large cities in the Russian Khanate illuminated the darkness and collided with clouds at various locations.

GOD brand.

Made with divine crafts.

Because it contains a miracle of God.

A mass-produced divine object that has direct contact with the gods, albeit in a limited way.

The product, which countless people had made while sleeping less for the past six days, was responding to Ainsha’s song, which was transmitted across the country through Tata’s transmitter.

And the effect of the GOD brand didn’t just stop at creating a pillar of light.

Finished products of the GOD brand that workers deployed throughout the country according to the plan left before the silver dragon clan went out.

The faint light flowing from there drew a huge figure by connecting the pillars of light rising from each city.

A magic circle of light covering the entire country.

So, on top of the magic circle of darkness, which originally consisted of 24 darkness, but now only 1 pillar remains.

The moment when the magic circle of light connecting dozens of pillars overlapped upside down.


Brilliant light explodes.

The decisive battle magic, Abyssus, was activated.

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