Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 692

#692. My butt hurts.

* * *


When rumors first circulated about a new product that Bahamut Company had launched under the sponsorship of the Taoist Federation.

The public reaction was lukewarm.

‘Is this the last push?’

‘No matter how great Bahamut’s technology is, it’s impossible to exceed the current LW products.’

‘There’s nothing to be sponsored by a technologically underdeveloped country like the Holy League… I guess the situation is bad enough that we have to sell our products even to religious people.’

It was unavoidable.

It is also an old saying that Bahamut boasted the world’s best technology.

LW’s products were dominating the global manufacturing market in a short time with overwhelming performance and cost-effective production.

But in the midst of this, the release was a new product made with the Holy Alliance, which has only a long history and religion.

It was impossible to think positively.

But Bahamut is Bahamut.

I’m tempted by the value of the name I’ve accumulated so far.

Or for personal reasons.

Or just out of interest.

There were also people who purchased GOD brand products.


the blue happened.

“…weren’t these waterproof sneakers? Why can I run on water?”

“No, is it real? I’ve had chronic insomnia for 10 years, but I fell asleep as soon as I used this Morpheus pillow?”

“The fire rat’s fire suit? You say you never burn and never get burnt in a fire?”

“What kind of washing machine puts it in and finishes washing, spin-drying, and drying in one minute, and then comes out with finely folded laundry…?”

People were confused.

When I tried the LW product released by the World Federation, I was surprised but I could understand it.

Performance has only gone up dramatically.

After all, it was an extension of existing products.

However, the new GOD product from Bahamut showed a level of performance that almost hit the back of the buyer.

This is almost item level.

No, in a sense, it surpassed even the items.

Items from dungeons, as well as items made by players in the production world, only show the performance that was created according to the skill.

It was impossible to mass-produce products that were so diverse and transcended common sense.

Of course, GOD products also had problems.

exorbitantly high price.

Small quantity for mass production.

Strange advertisements for each product.

If the performance was slightly better than LW’s, there were so many disadvantages that everyone would just curse and ignore it.

but only one.

The outrageous performance overturned all its shortcomings and made both you and I feel the urge to buy it quickly.

As a result, Bahamut stores around the world were turned upside down.

“I’ll take the store or kidney as collateral, so ask for a loan! I can’t die seeing my cheeseburger getting overtaken by something like a vegan burger!”

“I’ll pay twice, twice! Not an auction item? Then how about three times?”

“My family bought me a GOD brand vacuum cleaner, and how comfortable it is. Not only does it clean itself, but it also flies through the sky?”

equipment such as cranes.

electronics such as air conditioners.

Even everyday items like matches.

Of course, those who desperately need new products.

Even those who didn’t really need it bought GOD brand products at random if they had enough money.

The result of the high price and scarcity working in reverse.

This is because the GOD brand itself has become a kind of luxury product that cannot be bought even with money.

As those who saved at least one GOD brand like that showed off it to those around them, those who didn’t have it became even more trying to save it.

Thanks to that, the value of the brand is skyrocketing.

As if it was a lie that they had been ignored until recently, people became busy admiring them, saying that they were the Seven Dragons group, and

questions grew as much as their admiration.

“But how do you really make these?”

“By collaborating with the Holy Alliance?”

“So what kind of collaboration?”


* * *

Divine Alliance.

A country of faith and religion.

Among them, in a place that is a little strange to be a newly built temple in the center.

The ceremony was taking place.


Eight monks sitting cross-legged in a circle in the shape of a lotus flower.

The mantras they uttered echoed everywhere and permeated the box placed in the center of the lotus flower.

So the mantra resonates.

A moment focused on the electronic chip in the glass box.

The pattern of God engraved on the electronic chip shone brightly.

After completing the task, the monks paused the mantra for a while and took a deep breath.

Wee Ying Chunk.

But that’s just for a moment.

As the mechanism lowered the box in the middle and raised a new one, the monks held their breath again with tired faces.

“Ada kaRa oRola.”

and right next door.

An altar full of holy energy.

To be precise, dozens of priestesses sang in hoarse voices as they faced the cloth on top.

“ira au sa tyhpnata KUCER.”

another room next door.

In a pond half-filled with holy water.

Shamans in half-naked clothes chant incantations while dancing like they are possessed around the engine.

A total mess indeed.

It was a sight that made my head dizzy.

But it wasn’t just three places where it was happening.

It was because almost the same thing was going on in every studio in this vast building, which was a combination of dozens of tolerable large temples.

What kind of god are you?

It’s just that what you make is different.

And in the middle of that strange building, a beauty with dark red hair was squinting her eyes.


A half-disassembled car.

Take a moment to carefully look at the magic circle engraved on that part.

Sir took off his monocle glasses.

Then, he drew a line on the magic circle drawn on the parchment next to him and said.

“This won’t work, so send it back and engrave a magic circle on the axle instead of the engine and send it. Then it will be quite usable.”

“All right.”

“Oh, and call the kids in charge of this too. I’ll tell you a new spell that matches the changed magic circle.”

“Are you talking again?”

“I know it’s hard, but don’t be so tired of it. Is this all for your god?”

“…Yes, it is.”

Is it because he is a high-ranking priest?

Looking at the faithful servant of God who obediently followed his orders even though he had a tired face.

Shir laughed.

‘Anyway, it’s something the world doesn’t know.’

In the Age of Silver, he was called the Demon King while standing up to the gods, and he was in charge of the business of the gods.

It was ironic.

But what made her more interesting was the structure of this GOD brand product.

Originally, magic tools could not be mass-produced.

after the item appeared.

That’s why it was treated as a traditional craft and was half-dead.

The wall of impossibility was so high that even Shire, the legendary great witch, could not mass-produce magic tools even though she created all sorts of divine objects.

Even so, there is one reason why GOD products are popping up at this moment.

Because it is not a mass-produced product.

Rather, it is more like a craft.

The sight of the priests enchanting each new product received from the Russian Khanate was tantamount to proof of that.

Of course, that did not mean that all GOD brand products were handcrafted by priests.

they make the base.

Syrr only inspects and improves.

There were separate people who did real handicrafts….


Brilliant light flashes.

The moment the light hits the electronic chip.

The electronic chips engraved with the god’s pattern, which had been one a while ago, increased one after another.

It is truly a miracle.

Just like feeding thousands of people with five loaves of bread and two fish, it was a feat of God multiplying the same thing dozens of times.

And that miracle didn’t happen just once.

ppa ppa ppa!

Each line installed in the temple.

Because dozens and hundreds of gods were working hard like an old man picking up cans.

Then, the completed parts were transported back to the Russian Khanate, where they were created as finished products and sent to various places.

This is a sacred craft.

To Bahamut’s technology.

Add the magic of the priests.

God works… Rather, it was a product of miracles.

Of course, it wasn’t easy.

The core of the magic circle installed in the center of this vast building.

Of course, it was possible by using the power of Dagda’s cauldron borrowed from Leviathan.

It was because he was consuming a huge amount of faith every time he performed a miracle.

Even so, the reason why the gods continue to perform miracles is because they were recovering an immense amount of divinity beyond what they consumed.

It is through customers who use the GOD brand they created.

‘Anyway, that baby always does things beyond my imagination.’

Being invested in miracles by the gods.

Use your product as a billboard.

Gather your faith again.

A simple thing that just replaced faith with dividends as an investment in miracles.

However, it was a possible idea because he was a sword master who regarded God only as a part of his providence.

Including the fact that the great witch, who has surpassed even God, is being used as a slave in the production of magic tools.

knowing that fact.

Shir laughed and murmured.

“Whooping World Federation, those babies must be in trouble too.”

* * *

Meanwhile at that time.

Headquarters of the World Federation.

The usual meeting of monarchs was wrapped in heavy air.

Since the launch of the GOD brand.

The decline in the growth of LW products, which had been supported with huge investments, was painful for the World Federation as well.

But at this very moment.

There was a different reason why most of the six monarchs gathered here had serious faces.

“Are you sure?”

“I am sure.”

It’s like I can’t believe it.

To the divine lord’s question with a strange expression, the creation lord answered without hesitation.

And with a hardened face, he declared.

“The stronghold of Manmamun has collapsed and the reincarnated monarch is dead.”

“…that’s amazing news.”

hear that

Other monarchs swallowed their moans.

Although he lost a mess in the duel with Geomrang Billy, it was only because the opponent was bad.

Until Wanderer resurrected the Sword Master, the Reincarnated Lord was the second most powerful of all monarchs and boasted overwhelming power.

Not only did he die abruptly, but even Manmamun, the 7th largest guild, was annihilated overnight.

It was hard to believe.

“Is this what the Seven Dragons did?”

“It won’t be.”

in that sense.

The Golden Lord’s suspicions were natural.

Because this was possible and the only reason for it was the Seven Dragons.

However, his doubts were denied by a calm voice.

“Currently, the Seven Dragons would be distracted just by responding to LW products, but it is unlikely that they would have done this in the midst of this.”

“On the contrary, it could have been because of that, didn’t it?”

“In the midst of launching a new product called the GOD brand?”

“…well, that’s right.”

The Golden Lord agreed.

If the Seven Dragons wanted an all-out war, they would have attacked it long ago.

It was unlikely that the Seven Dragons, which had already launched the GOD brand, would come to a corner and act helplessly.

The problem is that there is no suspect then.

But fortunately.

Or unfortunately for some.

A calm voice offered the answer.

“Actually, I have an opponent who accuses me of doing this.”


“Have you heard of a master called the White-Haired Witch who recently appeared in the Commonwealth of China?”

“…You mean that a white-haired witch could have killed the reincarnated lord and annihilated Manmamun alone?”

“Right now, that’s our best guess.”

“Isn’t that a bit speculative? Even if the white-haired witch reached level 100, I don’t think such a thing would be possible.”

“If she were a player, she would be.”


“In that sense, there is something I want to confirm.”

Holy Lord and Golden Lord.

While the two of them paused after hearing something meaningful.

The man who led the conversation in a calm voice slowly turned his head.

To the purple-haired woman with darker-than-usual eyes who had been silent throughout this meeting.

“Can you guess anything about the white-haired witch, Commander?”

“…what do you mean?”

“If you don’t understand the meaning of my question, ask again.”

over monocle glasses.

looking straight at her

Infinite Lord Lee Chun-gi had been suspicious of it before.

However, Wanderer quietly asked the core of the problem that he had been desperately hiding until now.

“Are there really only 6 sword masters you resurrected?”

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