Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 194

Episode #194. Do you have a conscience?

* * *

Demon War.

The worst event caused by black magicians taking advantage of the chaos immediately after the World War to bring together death and despair that overflowed the world.

At that time, even though Limon took a serious injury and cut down the demon with a number close to the plan of both sides, the demon resurrected from the dead and destroyed Europe.

All Europeans despaired.

It was because he thought that no one would be able to stop the demon god once even Limon, the last sword master, had fallen.

However, witches of the 27 lineages of magic gave them hope by blocking the demons with the London battle system.

Thanks to that, Limon was able to drag his half-dead body back, defeat the demon god, and complete the end of the demon god that escaped after chasing after circling the earth 37 times.

Everyone in the world cheered that day, and Europeans, especially those who suffered direct damage from demons, made it a festival to commemorate the day.

That’s Walpurgis Night.

It was a festival that was considered the best event not only in the British Empire but throughout Europe, which lasted for four days.

“Here’s another beer, sir!”

“I’m busy drinking too, so please drink it yourself, sir. Don’t you know it’s Walpurgis today? It’s all self, self!”

During these four days, normal work after sundown is prohibited in Europe.

And, of course, food at all restaurants is provided free of charge, and people of all ages play, eat, drink, and chatter everywhere.

It was a rule set in the sense of reproducing the joy of Europeans who cheered on the day the demon fell.

Because of that, London is now overflowing with crowds everywhere, from streets to restaurants and parks.

“welcome. Sir Alfred.”

“Oh thank you for the hospitality. Count Rose.”

“Thank you for coming here and making the place shine.”

“Hahaha, Countess Rose is putting gold on my face.”

And it was the same with the Countess Sea Serpent.

Three differences.

One is that unlike other places, quietness and order were maintained.

The other was that they were all dressed in fancy clothes such as tuxedos and uniform dresses.

The last one was that every face of the customer is a face that often appears in newspapers, articles, TV, and the Internet.

“There is no one in London who would refuse the honor of being invited to the Ball of the Countess of the Sea Serpent on Walpurgis Night.”

“I just don’t know what to do when you praise my parents’ small event like that.”

“This Countess Rose is still humble. Anyway, I’m off to the party, so see you later.”

Laugh heartily for a while.

A man in a military uniform called Alfred simply cut off the conversation and headed to the party.

It seemed rude at first glance, but Rose smiled bitterly.

It was because he knew that it was Alfred’s own consideration to not hold her host for a long time.

“Hello Count.”

“I was invited to this place…”

“This is how I greet you…”

But Rose’s smile quickly disappeared.

Today is Walpurgis night.

There were many guests invited to the Countess’s house, and not all of them were considerate of her.

In particular, after dealing with those who clung to her in order to look good for her even a little more or to share a few more words, it was inevitable that fatigue would build up.

But she never showed fatigue.

As always, he greeted guests with a polite attitude and a perfect smile.

“Hey Count. What are you doing?”

The moment when you feel like your efforts have paid off, and you’ve finally managed to process all the queues of customers.

Rose looked back.

Then he stared blankly at Limon, a cheeky-eyed young man who was leaning against the doorway, and answered.

“As you can see, we are receiving guests.”

“Then why are you doing it yourself? There must have been an employee to use it for a time like this?”

“It’s because I think it’s rude to have someone else greet someone who came with an invitation from my family.”

Hearing that answer, Limon frowned.

And as if he didn’t like something, he crossed his arms and casually asked a question.

“It doesn’t matter if you live like the blue dragon clan and suffer, but will that be okay?”

“Is there any reason not to be okay?”

“I don’t think you’re okay just by looking at the color of your face right now, right?”

“…I don’t know what you mean.”

Rose calmly answered with her usual sincere face, although she was shocked inside.

Looking at her like that, Limon narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth quietly.

“If you really want to do that, it doesn’t matter, but do it in moderation. What would you do if you overworked yourself and collapsed?”

“Not even once will that ever happen.”


“yes. That’s right. So, don’t worry about me and focus on preparing for the next performance.”

“Well, if the Count says so.”

Limon let out a laugh.

Then, he slid his back at the doorway he was leaning on and entered the party hall.

Looking at her back, Rose made a complicated expression without realizing it.

‘…a man I really don’t know.’

Certainly, the lack of sleep lately had made her feel unwell.

So I perfectly adjusted my condition with psionics to decorate my complexion, and even put on a little makeup just in case.

Why was that man able to see through all of that and point out the complexion?

I didn’t understand at all.

‘It looks like there’s something more to hide…’

Rose, who had forgotten even her fatigue in her agony, shook her head.

As he was investigating the murder of witches in the 27th line of magic, he already guessed that Limon was not an ordinary person.

But in the end that’s all.

Whether he’s a high-level player hiding his identity, a wizard or a legendary magic knight.

As the princess of the blue dragon clan, she was not someone to be concerned about, as she led countless class masters and elite knights.

I don’t know if it’s an absolute class individual who has the power to change the world alone, like a monarch or a great witch.

That’s how Rose quickly erased her worries about Limon.

It was shortly thereafter that the person I had been waiting for the most today and at the same time least wanted to meet appeared at the count’s house.

“Heh heh heh. Thank you for inviting me again this year, Count Rose.”

“I just want to thank you for visiting me like this. Prince Carol.”

A gorgeous robe wrapped around her body.

A long staff studded with crystal balls.

Shoes, accessories, etc.

Unlike usual, the old man is more reminiscent of a longevity who has invaded with a sharp sword rather than a visitor dressed in top-notch items.

Rose smiled at the magic lord, Carol.

With the conviction that today’s prom will never be enjoyed.

* * *

“The atmosphere is bloody.”

Limon, who was watching the ballroom with his arms crossed, read the subtle air around him and muttered quietly.

It was Julia who was drinking juice beside her who received those words.

“It’s natural to be brutal. Because today is Walpurgis night.”

“Is that the reason?”

“What’s happening outside is a reenactment of the festival that took place after the Demon God War ended, but this ball is a reenactment of the Great Council of Europe.”

“Then why are you reproducing such useless things? If it’s a festival, just enjoy it.”

“It must be that high-ranking people have their own circumstances.”

“The reason for this is probably because of the lofty pride of not wanting to be treated the same as the common people.”

Limon snorted.

A European convention in which the representatives of each country that was devastated after the demon collapsed risked their country’s life and death.

To Limon, who had clearly observed how messed up the meeting was, this lofty ball felt nothing but deception.

But Julia, who had no way of knowing that fact, smiled bitterly at Limon’s words.

“It’s a bit ostentatious, but anyway, this ball is an important occasion. In fact, it is said that all important European agendas are decided here.”

“I know that.”

Limon replied indifferently.

Even if all sides gathered right now, only the top class of the British Empire and European countries.

Moreover, considering that this place was the Countess of Sea Serpent, it would not be strange if the international situation was decided by a single joke exchanged here.

The Blue Dragon Clan, who controlled the British Empire, had that much wealth and authority.

‘Well, it doesn’t seem like that’s going well for today.’

The problem was that the blue dragon clan wasn’t the only one exerting influence in Europe anymore.

It was obvious just by looking at the number of people gathered around Carol.

Of course, in terms of numbers, there were far more people gathered around Rose.

However, the fact that he received as much attention as I did at the party held in Countess Sea Serpent’s family showed Carol’s influence.

‘…But what is this atmosphere?’

Limon narrowed his eyes.

He was also treated as an absolute in the past and attended a party to the point of getting tired of it.

That’s why, at a glance, it was possible to recognize the war of nerves between Rose and Carol.

It is also the fact that those gathered around the two are holding each other in check by pretending to have a friendly conversation.

There was nothing strange until there.

It was a planned result from when Carol decided to attend this ball.

However, the sword master’s keen senses read a strange sense of incongruity in the tense nervous warfare.

‘Why is it like waiting for something…?’

When he looked at Carol, who occasionally turned to Rose and smiled strangely, he put on a suspicious expression.

Lucas appeared at the ballroom.

Unlike usual, he was wearing a uniform instead of armor, and as soon as he appeared by teleportation, he hurriedly spoke to Rose.

“Princess, I have an urgent report to you.”

“…Is there a problem?”

“Right now in downtown London…”

Not only are they still partying, but people around them are paying attention.

Rose hardened her face as if she felt something unusual about the attitude of posting the report regardless of all of that.

It was when Limon raised his eyebrows as he heard the report Lucas whispered in her ear.

“Hey, is there any necrosis like this!”

What spread throughout the party was the blatant elasticity that openly attracted people’s attention.

“Is there a problem?”

“Everyone, don’t be surprised and listen calmly.”

An old man who asked for attention by knocking on the floor with a cane as if that was not enough.

With a serious expression on his face, Carol reported the contents of the report that her guild members had rushed to at almost the same timing as Lucas.

“It is said that the time of twilight has now begun in downtown London.”

“Such nonsense…!”

“Is what you just said true?”

The ballroom was agitated by people who were astonished and embarrassed as if they had been told unintelligible words.

It was natural.

It is now evening when the sun has already set.

Because it was too late for the dark hour to come.

Because it was so out of the blue, there were not a few among them who looked at Carol with suspicion.

But that suspicion did not last long.

“It’s fog!”

“My God, really…?!”

They couldn’t hide their agitation when they saw the fog thicker than the clouds that began to roll outside the window.

“All of you calm down. It is just fog.”

Meanwhile, Rose acted calmly.

Aside from not hearing the sound of the bell, it was clear that the gloomy hour hadn’t come, just because I couldn’t feel the aura of magic in the fog right away.

But only a few realize it.

Most of them could not hide their anxiety as they watched the rolling fog outside the window.

As far as they knew, it was impossible to have such a thick fog outside of twilight hours.

It was for this reason that Limon made a suspicious expression.

‘Hmm, I can’t feel the aura of magic.’

‘But it’s too suspicious to see it as a natural fog.’

‘Is it the operation of the spirits? No, this is not something even a high-ranking spirit can do.’

‘If it’s the remaining possibility, it’s a skill? But if you want to do something like this with a skill, no matter how much a monarch-level player is alone…’

Limon hesitated for a moment.

He frowned when he saw Carol leisurely stroking his beard in the midst of this chaos.

Because that’s when I realized.

A ball attended by all the dignitaries of London.

The fact that not a single high-level player in the Magus Guild participated in this important event.

‘…That damn bastard?’

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