Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 192

Episode #192. I don’t know what you’re talking about


Rose swung her sword vigorously.

A shadow monster that splits left and right as if it were splitting itself the moment it felt like its body touched the blade.

three four five six.

The one who burrows into his side to avoid the sword The one who leaps over the corpse of his comrade The one who extends tentacles from a distance The one who shoots slime.

There was no sense of intelligence in the random movement without any strategy or strategy.

Instead, what filled the void was tyranny.

The appearance of a shadow monster that runs like crazy regardless of the death of a colleague makes you feel instinctively creepy.

‘Three four.’

But don’t be intimidated.

Cut down the guy who rushed to his side.

Pierce the guy who jumped over his head.

At the same time, I waved one hand lightly toward the flying tentacles and slime.

Following the movement of the hand, the mist in the air twists and tentacles and slime bounce off to the side.

A single sword swung at the same time.



Rose muttered inwardly.

Although he succeeded in cutting down part of the fog, he was unable to cut down the target tentacles and the shadow monster that shot the slime.

It was a truly disastrous result for her, the Blue Dragon Princess, to even use the Cham Gong Jeol Sword style.

But even though she regretted it, she wasn’t surprised.

This is the time of the dark.

It was the only time when the psionics of the Blue Dragon Clan, who could manipulate space like breathing, were restricted.

That’s why he couldn’t save Jessica in time before, and that’s why he couldn’t avoid it by teleporting with Limon.

Of course, there was no reason for Rose to be afraid of these monsters.

She is the Blue Dragon Princess.

Because he was the strongest knight of the blue dragon clan.



Rose grabbed a hand and flicked the droplets of water from it with her fingers.

Then, as if he had been hit by an artillery shell, he took his eyes off the shadow monster with shattered tentacles and rushed at the last remaining slime monster.

Is it the last step?

A shadow monster that spews slime like a fountain.

But instead of avoiding the slime, Rose rushed through the slime and cut down the shadow monster.



Blood and mucus pouring down like rain.

However, all the filth fell as if blocked by invisible armor, and did not even wet the hem of Rose’s clothes.

Rose, who was the only one who swung the soiled sword to wipe the blood off the blade, put it into the scabbard.

And he sighed as he watched the remains of the shadow monsters disappear as if they were melting.

‘Is it the same this time?’

If there’s even a corpse, we might be able to examine it.

For a while, I felt cramped at the bizarre sight of the monster that had disappeared without leaving any remains as if its body were made of shadows.

Rose looked back, worried that Limon might have panicked at this sight.

And I was bewildered.

“Hmm, this is pretty unusual.”


Limon is comparing something by alternately looking at the vacant seat where the body of the shadow monster has already melted and the blood on his pants.

It’s almost astonishing to see that calm appearance.

Seeing her taste the blood stains with her fingers, Rose couldn’t help but lose her senses.

“…what are you doing?”

“What are you checking?”

“What are you checking?”

“Didn’t you say that these monsters were responsible for Jessica’s murder? Then, of course, you should check your identity.”

Limon answered as if asking something so obvious.

Rose, who was pondering over what she had asked wrongly at her natural virtuous attitude, hesitated and asked the question again.

“Can you tell what a monster is by tasting its blood?”

“No, I don’t know.”


“But I understand that this is not a proper creature.”

I don’t even have a DNA analysis function on my tongue, so how can I do that?

Limon, who repeatedly baffled Rose with his brazen answers, continued quietly.

“At least as far as I know, there is no creature with such sweet blood anywhere in the world.”

“You mean blood is sweet?”

“Yeah, looks like a mix of this and that… From my experience, this is usually the case.”

Limon spat the remaining blood from his mouth.

And, like the corpse, he looked at the blood that disappeared as if it boiled and then evaporated.

“It’s an artificially created monster.”

“…how do you know that?”

“Let’s call it experience and age.”


Rose fell silent.

It wasn’t just about hearing such an absurd answer from Limon, who at most looked the same age as him or a little older.

It was because of the powerful persuasive power felt in the words, despite the fact that there was no basis at all.

What the hell is this young man really capable of saying such outrageous things so convincingly?

Limon calmly asked Rose, who had a complicated expression on her face.

“Looking at this, it seems clear that someone is behind the witch murder case, but do you know anything more?”


“Hmm, it looks like there is no clear clue or evidence even though there is something like a heart attack.”

Limon laughed.

And he crossed his arms and spoke.

“Don’t make a suggestion.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s nothing special, but until we catch the culprit, let’s share some information.”


“How is it? It looks like you guys haven’t been able to find a clear clue yet, so wouldn’t it be better to join hands with this side?”

Receiving an unexpected offer, Rose fell silent.

It was an attractive proposition.

If you join hands with Limon, you can get the cooperation of the Witch of the 27 Lines of Magic behind it.

No, looking at the situation so far, I didn’t know that putting aside the witch, Limon’s personal cooperation would be of great help.

Especially in the current situation where the investigation is facing difficulties due to the check of the Magus Guild.

“I will refuse.”

But Rose shook her head.

Limon was not disappointed either.

On the contrary, I just asked indifferently, as if I knew it would happen.

“Is it dishonorable to solve what happened in London with the help of others?”

“I won’t deny that there are reasons for that.”

“Then what is the other reason?”

“Because it is too dangerous.”

Rose said right off the bat.

It was the same with the shadow monster from earlier.

It was said that it was arranged in an instant, but it was only possible because she was the blue dragon princess.

The power of the shadow monsters was so formidable that even a tolerable high-level player or a master of the Seven Dragons felt threatened.

It was too risky to find out what was behind those monsters. Even Jessica, who was an outstanding witch, would have died right now.

Much less could a ‘weak player’ be involved in such a thing, Rose said earnestly.

And Limon was dumbfounded.

“…to confirm, are you referring to me as that ‘weak performer’?”

“I’m sorry if I offended you. However, it is my judgment that this task is too much for you, who could have been assaulted by a single servant.”

Rose slightly bowed her head.

I could tell from his courteous demeanor and his eyes as clear as a lake.

That this isn’t just plain talk.

That Rose was so genuinely concerned about Limon that she declined the offer.

Realizing that, Limon let out a blank laugh.

“Surely that’s an answer worthy of the Blue Dragon clan.”

“What are you talking about?”

Rose put on a puzzled expression.

It was because I felt the indescribable subtle emotion contained in those words.

Looking at her with cold eyes, Limon asked casually.

“Hey Count. Do you remember that you forgave the thief and the street vendor who cheated on you earlier?”

“of course.”

“Others might call it an act of benevolence. But it seems to me that you are not forgiving them because you are merciful.”

Limon kept a cynic in him.

And he said in a soft voice.

“Because I ignored them.”

“…that’s hard to accept.”


Limon didn’t erase the smile on his face even when he saw Rose’s hardened face.

Rather, it only contained a deeper mockery.

“Then, did the Count’s family feel any disappointment when they found out that they had been scammed?”


“No. Disappointment is a feeling that can only be felt when you first have expectations.”


Rose fell silent.

Did you feel sorry for them?

Do you really feel sympathy?

Or, if I had asked them if they had treated them with a sense of responsibility, they would have been able to assert that they did without hesitation.

But if you ask them if they expected anything?

I couldn’t answer anything.

To her, even those two swindlers were weaklings to be protected as knights and nobles, not people to expect anything from.

“You have always been like that. They exercise justice and show mercy, but expect nothing from others.”

Limon laughed at Rose’s silence, as if he knew it.

and said

“Do you know what people usually say when they feed, sleep, and raise unilaterally without any expectations like you?”


“It’s called livestock.”


“Will you take care of me and call me a pet? Well, there is no difference anyway. After all, it’s the same as not seeing humans as humans.”

It seems like you want to object.

Rose opened her mouth involuntarily.

However, Limon coldly said to Rose, who could not answer anything with her red lips twitching.

“So you were the most terrible rulers even in the Bronze Age.”

The Blue Dragon clan has always been merciful.

Everyone took the lead in whatever they did, providing food so they wouldn’t go hungry, protecting them from enemies and threats.

But that’s why the humans they rule have become lazier, weaker, and duller than any clan’s subjects.

What they give is the happiness of livestock.

You don’t have to grow up, get stronger, or work hard.

It was a rule that made it possible to be happy without any inconvenience just by living like a pig.

That is why, among the seven clans of the Seven Dragons, the Sword Emperor despised the Blue Dragon clan and despised the humans who praised their benevolence.

“It’s up to you to decide what standards the Count’s family will treat others with.”

Limon said quietly.

Whether or not to take care of all human beings as inferior and weak beings who need protection.

It’s Rose’s heart and she won’t interfere with it.

“But don’t arbitrarily put me on that yardstick and treat me as weak and incompetent, unable to do anything without your help.”

But that’s just the case of others.

If you want to treat yourself that way, first prove that you deserve it.

Limon said coldly and continued speaking while facing Rose directly.

“Anyway, if you don’t want to cooperate, that’s fine. I will continue the investigation on my own.”


“If you want, I’ll go out from the county’s house too. It would be uncomfortable if I continued to stick around.”

Rose, who had been hardened like a stone, suddenly came to her senses after hearing those words.

And almost reflexively, he opened his mouth.

“There is nothing like that.”

“why? Is it because I’m worried that I’ll get hurt like Jessica if I wander around on my own?”

“…no. Because if you leave now, the preparations for the event will be disrupted.”

“That’s right.”

Limon turned around after laughing out loud.

And, still moving through the thick fog, he continued talking quietly.

“Don’t worry if it’s a performance. For the sake of Julia’s face, I’ll give you the best performance this Walpurgis Night.”


Rose, who had been watching her back with complicated eyes, eventually moved on following Limon in silence.

No matter how displeased Limon was, he couldn’t let the frail musician wander around alone in the dark hour.

She is the Rose Sea Serpent.

Because she was a princess of the blue dragon clan who was just and compassionate.

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