Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 180

#180. Is it really the Seven Dragons?


A mini skirt and boots that are easy to move around, a coat with a slightly longer hem and a sword worn around the waist.

A woman with a neat appearance, as if the uniform worn by knights of the past was made lighter and more refined.

Her body was slim and slender, so she didn’t look menacing at all.

However, the thief who saw her was frightened as if he had met a ghost and brandished his staff.


At the same time, five “shock arrows” were ejected from his staff.

It was an attack that could stun even a long man in one shot, and even threaten his life if he hit all of them.

The woman’s response was simple.

Just a gentle wave of a hand.

However, the flying『Shock Arrow』was twisted in a zigzag direction in the air with just that, and instead flew back to the thief.



A thief who returned a self-attack and bounced off.

Still, it was probably thanks to the defense-type items among the stolen goods from the street vendors.

The thief, who barely escaped fainting with the shield activated just before, threw away even his staff and fled into the air holding a broom that was just rolling by his side.


The woman did not bother to pursue the thief.

He just pulled the sword from the scabbard hanging from his waist and swung it in the direction the thief had fled.

It was an erratic action, as if cutting a knife into empty space, but it was by no means meaningless.

The moment she swung the sword, the thief’s broomstick split in half.


A thief who suddenly lost his broom and fell upside down.

Just before he hit his head on the ground, the woman appeared behind the thief and grabbed hold of his belt as if he had disappeared and then reappeared.

Then, after turning the thief over and getting him to stand on his feet, he said politely:

“More resistance is pointless. Obey the arrest.”

“Uh uh uh…”

Maybe it was because of the shock of almost breaking her head or because she realized there was no way to escape.

A thief who stomped his butt.

It was time for the woman to handcuff such a thief.

“oh! Countess Rose?”

The street vendor, who appeared late and hurriedly chased the thief, looked bright as he saw the woman holding the thief.

“The Count caught this guy! Thank you so much!”

“Don’t do that.”


“I only helped, it was not me who took the interest. So if you want to say thanks, do it to him.”

“Uh… is that so?”

Where did the joy from before go?

The street vendor suddenly had a frustrated expression at the answer of the woman he called Count Rose.

Rose, the limon she pointed to, and the street vendor staring at the floor in confusion.

As if guessing the reason, Rose looked around in the street vendor’s gaze and nodded while looking at the products scattered on the floor.

“Looks like a lot of goods were damaged in the process of apprehending the thief.”

“Yes Count. I don’t mind if this is mine…”

“Are you running a dealership?”

“I’m sorry. Since I live on a daily basis, I receive and sell goods from the guild.”

“There is no need to be ashamed. Supporting a family with the money earned through hard work is something to be proud of.”

“…I have no family. He’s still a bachelor.”

When the street vendor spoke with an embarrassing face, Rose continued with a solemn tone.

“Then take more pride. You deserve it as you live alone in this difficult world.”


A street vendor with a deep expression on his face.

Rose looked at him and smiled lightly.

“To pay homage to your life, my family would like to compensate for the damaged items today. Is that okay?”

“Oh, is it okay? I will never forget the Count’s kindness!”

“You don’t have to think of it as grace. Just continue to persevere as you do now.”

Rose approached Limon only after giving a check to the street vendor, who was several times more impressed than before, with words of encouragement.

And for some reason, after staring at Limon’s face, he spoke to me in a polite manner only after a while.

“Thank you, belatedly, for your cooperation in keeping London safe.”

“…Well, I don’t know why I have to thank you.”

That moment.

The street air froze.

Not only the street vendor who smiled wide after receiving the check, but also the onlookers around him looked at Limon with a face as if he had heard something that could not be heard.

Among them, the first street vendor to come to his senses exclaimed in a fit of fuss.

“Look! what’s that with your tone? I know who this is…!”

“sorry. My introduction is late.”

Rose restrained the street vendor.

Then, with one hand on his chest, he slightly bowed his head and introduced himself.

“I am Rose Sea Serpent. I am the owner of the Earl of Sea Serpent, who is currently in charge of public order in London.”

It’s only natural that London’s Chief of Police pays tribute to Limon for helping him catch the thief.

The blue-haired woman, who spoke politely in accordance with the formality, looked directly at him with blue eyes like a lake and added a few words quietly.

“If you are a foreigner, your status as the president of Jǫrmungandr might be easier to understand.”

The owner of Jormungand, a conglomerate that forms an axis of the Seven Dragon Group as the world’s best transportation company in shipping, air, logistics and distribution.

In other words, seeing the Blue Dragon Princess, one of the seven princesses of the Seven Dragons, Limon could only frown.

* * *

[…something is unexpected.]

“What do you mean?”

[No, that sister.]

Yuna-kyung spread one wing.

Then he handed over the thief to the knights who appeared before he knew it and muttered nervously as he looked at Rose, who was helping to clean up the messy streets.

[I didn’t know that an older sister like the Blue Dragon Princess would be doing such a thing herself.]

Of course, Yuna-kyung also knew that the Blue Dragon Princess was Countess Sea Serpent, a powerful figure in the British Empire.

But I didn’t know that she would be a female knight patrolling and catching petty thieves, not a lady giving out elegant orders while drinking tea.

A princess who even rolls up her arms and sweeps the broom.

For Yuna-kyung, who had only seen Li Ching-wi, who was working hard on paperwork, or Ainsha, who was active as the world’s best singer, it was a sight that was really unimaginable.

Even if she put aside her status as the princess of the Seven Dragons, it was hardly an act worthy of being the richest man in the world.

But Limon’s answer was sluggish.

“Everything is unexpected.”

[Then, what is this unexpected?]

“Something is natural.”

[The princess of the Seven Dragons couldn’t help cleaning herself, so she’s even playing with the kids?]

I was just sweeping the broom a little while ago.

In the meantime, Yuna-kyung makes an even more confused expression when she sees Rose giving out candy to children who ran somewhere.

Limon spoke calmly to her.

“Because he goes to volunteer work at a nursery school every weekend. You must be used to dealing with children.”

[…If it’s nursery school volunteer work, that’s it, right? Why don’t you call the kids over and take pictures with a smile on your face?]

Maybe it’s because he’s from an orphanage.

As soon as he heard that it was a volunteer activity by a high-ranking person, Limon shook his head to Yuna-gyeong, who asked with a suspicious expression.

“No, they say he’s hammering on the roof and changing the kids’ diapers.”


“They even give generous donations to those in need.”

[What is that, I envy you! What kind of princess is so easygoing? No, more than that, is that sister really the princess of the Seven Dragons


Maybe it’s because it sounds so unrealistic.

Limon clicked his tongue as he saw Yuna-kyung almost having a mental breakdown.

“There’s no way all seven clans, who originally inherited different powers from different ancestors and acted separately in distant cultural areas, were all the same.”

It has been like that since the seven dragons.

Was it because of racial characteristics?

Or was there another reason.

It was because they completely divided the sphere of influence and dominated the world as their dispositions were so different from each other.

It was also thanks to him that the Sword Emperor was able to defeat the seven dragons individually.

Anyway, from the beginning, it was only natural that the Seven Dragons would have completely different tendencies for each clan.

Just as the Black Dragon Clan, who excelled in telepathy, made scheming their specialty, and the White Dragon Clan, who had foresight, had a simple way of thinking.

“The seven clans of the Chilryonghoeji, who speak the same language, should be considered as completely separate organizations. The blue dragon clan is especially like that.”

[What does ‘especially’ mean?]

“It means that the clan is the furthest away from the Seven Dragons as a criminal organization.”

[If it’s the head of the family… maybe better than the White Dragon clan?]


Yuna Na-gyeong put on a puzzled expression.

Having already experienced a girl named Ainsha, I didn’t understand what I had to do to be cleaner than the white dragon clan full of idiots.

However, after hearing the reason, I had no choice but to doubt my ears.

“They are the most ‘compassionate’ and ‘just’ clan in the Seven Dragons.”

[…Hey, I think I just heard something wrong.]

“You heard it right.”

Limon said calmly.

Isn’t it natural that the furthest from minus is not zero, but plus?

And Yuna-kyung was astonished.

[Does that make sense?!]

“It makes sense.”

[why? It’s the Seven Dragons, isn’t it? The world’s largest criminal organization, once called the Demonic Cult!]

Is it because of the years I spent hanging out with him, or is it because I’ve seen too many Black Dragons while living in Leviathan?

Yuna-kyung makes a strong argument against the Seven Dragons.

Limon did not particularly deny her prejudice.

I just pointed out one fact.

“I may have forgotten, but originally the Seven Dragons were the governing organization that ruled the world as the limbs of the seven dragons.”

The Seven Dragons became a criminal organization after the seven dragons fell, lost their power, and turned into a secret society trying to restore the world.

Until then, they were the same ruling class as royalty or nobles who governed each region.

And no matter how hellish a country is, there are at least one or two nobles who are just and merciful.

[…In short, are you saying that the blue dragon clan is the clan that has the strongest tendency as a good ruler?]

“It’s something similar. They’ve been like that since the age of bronze.”

Even when they were called the Demonic Cult, it was the Blue Dragon Clan that pursued justice and mercy and even acted as bandits.

Because of that, he is said to be the culprit behind creating countless romances about bandits, secret knights, and princesses on white horses in Europe.

Limon, who made Yuna-kyung’s beak open with low words, suddenly had a cold sneer.

“That’s why my teacher, Sword Emperor, is the most disgusting clan.”

[yes? Why?]

“The most righteous and merciful of the Seven Dragons are the Blue Dragons, but the Blue Dragons were also the most terrible rulers during the Bronze Age.”


Whether or not Yuna-kyung blinks at the unknown words.

Limon didn’t care.

He just muttered quietly as he looked at Rose, who waved to the children with a light smile and started patrolling again.

“And that’s one of the reasons they’re prime suspects in witch murders.”

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