Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 127

Episode #127. I’m also a little thankful.


Yuna-kyung hardened.

Because I can’t understand that word.

Stop thinking at the same time.

I understand that and I don’t like it.

However, unlike Yuna-kyung, Bellos, who had no reason to be shocked, opened his mouth with a frozen face.

“There are more than 10 samurai that I crushed here today.”

“All 16 of you.”

Li Qingyu, who without hesitation corrects the number of victims that even Belos himself cannot remember.

When Yuna-kyung shudders again.

Bellos added a chill in his eyes.

“But are you saying that I was just tailing you?”

“That’s it.”

“I thought you could ambush me anytime?”

“Not anytime. I only had five or six chances out of a hundred.”

He said he had over a hundred chances to attack him who hadn’t noticed his presence at all.

Seeing Li Qingyu talk casually, Velos finally spat out a curse.

“You are such a cunning bitch.”

“You are talking too much.”

It’s like I heard a compliment.

Li Qingyu smiled brightly.

When Bellos exuded a cold life as he looked at her, Yuna-kyung asked shyly.

[That… the princess sister? I’m a little confused.]

“What are you talking about?”

[According to what you just said, you mean that the princess has been secretly following this madman since a while ago, right?]

“That’s right.”

[And in the meantime, watching the samurai brothers die… ahaha, isn’t it? What did I get wrong?]

“No, you got it right.”


Of course, I knew how to deny it and even prepared to laugh it off saying it was my own misunderstanding.

Li Qingyu kindly provided supplementary explanations to Yuna-kyung, who lost her senses at the unimaginable answer.

“It means that the specter of the Liberation Brigade was just watching from behind as the 13 warriors of our clan were killed.”

Calm voice as always.

Calm eyes without wavering.

A beautiful face with a smile.

I hope that Li Qingyu, who smiles and serves tea and snacks every time we go out to play, tells the terrifying truth for a while.

Yuna-kyung managed to ask after flicking her beak several times.


Why did you do that?

Li Qingyu’s answer to Yun Na-gyeong’s question about the reason was clear.

“Otherwise, we wouldn’t have been able to find out that this violin was what the Liberation Brigade was looking for.”

[And that’s why you were just watching the samurai brothers die?]

“Because it was necessary.”

Li Qingyu calmly replied.

The fact that the Black Dragon clan was swung by only three people this time was largely due to the unknown purpose.

Therefore, in order to prepare for another attack by the Liberation Brigade in the future, it was necessary to find out the target at all costs.

Even if it meant sacrificing the lives of several samurai.

“Because it is for the sake of the entire clan that a small sacrifice is made rather than leaving a legacy to protect just a few.”


Yuna-kyung was speechless.

because I could understand

It is also a virtue and duty of a leader to choose to sacrifice a cow for the greater good.

And as the princess who rules the Black Dragon clan, Li Qingyu only made choices that benefited the entire clan.

But I only understood.

Looking at Yuna-kyung, who couldn’t agree, Li Qingyu jokingly added a word.

“There is no reason for me to take care of people who have forgotten what kind of clan they are in the first place.”

[…what happened?]

“Didn’t you feel strange? Leviathan is especially empty today.”

[That’s because the affiliate was attacked…]

“I sent your support. More than necessary.”

Yuna-kyung paused.

Certainly, even in an emergency, it felt like the Leviathan’s boundaries were too loose.

Until now, I thought it was because I hired people to protect affiliates.

But what if it wasn’t like that?

What if there was a separate purpose for dispatching excessive warriors?

What if Li Qing-yu, who anticipated Leviathan’s attack, was in fact taking them outside to protect the warriors, not affiliates?

What about the warriors who were not dispatched?

Unless you didn’t send them.

If for some reason it was intentionally ‘leaved’…

“Except for the traitors who were tricked by other clans into stealing information about Leviathan.”


Yuna-kyung with her beak wide open.

It was Belos who burst out laughing to receive Li Qingyu’s words on her behalf.

“Ha, are you saying that you used me to purge the traitors of your clan?”

“Rather than use, it would be more appropriate to say that it is a combination of both. I benefited from it in many ways.”

Li Qingyu chuckled.

In fact, it was politically burdensome to carry out a massive purge of traitors.

Putting aside the internal confusion, it was the same for the Black Dragon clan that planted spies in other clans.

However, thanks to Belos’ blood on his hands, Li Qingyu was able to clean up the traitor without any burden.

Besides, thanks to that, Belos revealed his purpose without any suspicion.

It was the result of killing two birds with one stone.

“It was a good thing for the ’33’ samurai who passed away today. Instead of being disposed of as a traitor to the clan, I can now die with honor.”

It was fortunate that there were many traitors.

That’s why I was able to finish the purge so that it wasn’t too obvious.

Seeing Li Qingyu speak with a smile on his face, Bellos put on a colder expression.

It was humiliating for him, who always made fun of and used others, to have his schemes seen through and used, and even covered with false accusations.

But he was not quick to anger.

Instead, it was pointed out sharply.

“You’d better not think that we’ll end up with just 33 honorable dead. My comrades are stupid, but not easygoing.”

It was not a wise choice to siphon off the warriors to affiliates.

As long as Ryu Kang-cheol and Yu-jin are running rampant, seeing blood is inevitable no matter what preparations they have made.

Bellos said with a cold smile.

“That’s right, so I think it’s fortunate.”

However, Li Qingyu did not deny his point, nor was he resentful or anxious.

Rather, he nodded his head willingly and added a word with a smile on his face.

“Honestly, I’m a bit grateful.”

“…Are you saying thank you for killing your clan?”



Bellos fell silent.

Even as a specter of the Liberation Brigade, accustomed to all sorts of lunatics, he never expected to be thanked in a situation like this.

[Why are you thankful for that?]

Maybe because I couldn’t stand the question.

Yuna-kyung asked a question in a daze even without closing her open beak.

Li Qingyu smiled at her.

“Thanks to these people running rampant like this, the swordsmith was able to save our clan.”

[…Our team leader?]

“Yes, my prospective groom.”

It seems like an important issue.

Li Qingyu corrects the title.

However, Yuna-kyung, who was in a state of fascination, asked shyly, not even being aware of that fact.

[Uh… is that something to be thankful for?]


Li Qingyu responded immediately without hesitation.

And he spoke in a calm voice.

“The Swordsman laughs at his achievements and is wary of honor. That’s why he hates showing off and doesn’t draw his sword except when necessary.”

[You don’t like to show off. How good is the team leader

at kaengpan?]

Li Qingyu said.

Giants cause earthquakes every time they walk.

The reason people curse such giants for being violent is because they don’t know that they are walking as carefully as possible.

However, those who have seen a giant rampaging with genuine rage cannot dare to ignore the giant, even if they pay awe and horror.

“But thanks to these people, I got the chance to show my clan the power of swordsman without deliberately showing off, so how can I not be grateful?”

[…Even though there could be many casualties?


Affiliates that joined the Guardian System from the beginning are protecting it by mobilizing even the Infinity Guild.

That means that even if damage occurs, it is limited to Limon, which has not signed a contract with the Guardian, as well as affiliates that have a great dislike for Li Qing-wee.

If you block it, Limon’s credit will increase.

Failure to stop will weaken the opposition.

In other words, no matter how things went, there would be no damage to Limon and himself.

Li Qingyu, who explained with a smile, ended his speech by turning his eyes and looking straight at Bellus for the last time.

“Of course, including the ball who caught the ghost of the Liberation Brigade that caused this situation.”


Yuna-kyung was at a loss for words.

It was not only because of the cunning of Li Qingyu, who played with the specter of the world-famous Liberation Brigade in the palm of his hand.

The boldness of using all these incidents as an opportunity to purify spies and strengthen power.

An attitude that seemed to regard even life as nothing more than a tool.

Above all, her smile.

It is because it made Yuna-kyung realize one fact along with a chilling goosebumps.

‘…This is the princess of the Seven Dragons.’

Despite being reborn as a conglomerate called the Seven Dragons Group, the clan still controls crime around the world.

An organization that had a thousand-year history and tried to overturn the world countless times, and was even called the Demonic Cult in the past because of its strength and viciousness.

That one of the seven masters is Li Qingyu.

‘Team leader, how did you have the courage to marry this older sister…?’

When Yun Na-gyeong trembled like that.

A single applause rang out.

mate mate mate.

“I will admit it.”

“What do you mean admit it?”

“That I was underestimating the Seven Dragons too much, and that I was completely played by you, not just one blow.”

As if just a while ago, the appearance that gave off a life with a cold, hardened face was a lie.

Bellos, who regained composure on his face, continued quietly.

“But do you know that the vixen of the Seven Dragons is forgetting one important thing?”

“A reward for you?”

“Of course not.”

If you need compensation, I can promise you a painless death.

It may not have been his intention, but it was the best reward he could give to those who were used by him with all his heart and soul.

Li Qingyu’s favor, which he said with a smile, was politely rejected by Bellos.

Instead, he spoke in a cold, subdued voice.

“There is no one here to protect a cunning vixen like you.”

Li Qingyu’s plan is only successful if she can escape from here.

If you kill her here, recapture the box, and get out of here, you will be the final winner.

Bellos speaks with a hint of murder.

Seeing him, Li Qingyu blinked.

“Why is that a problem?”

“If you thought you could escape from my hands with no one to protect you, I’ll let you know you’re arrogant.”

The Ghost of the Liberation Brigade.

The worst murderer and criminal.

Among them, a level 97 player who murdered the grand duke of the court and also has a cheat skill called “rule of law”.

Li Qingyu was not frightened even after hearing Belos’ murderous explanation.

I just tilted my head.

“Um… I don’t know what you mean. Why do you think I have to run away from you?”

It sounds like you heard something strange.

She looked at Bellos with a puzzled expression, then continued with a calm voice as always.

“You will die to me.”

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