Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 115

#115. I mean, it’s an occupational level.

Wang Fengcheng sincerely thanked the Wei Black Dragon Lord.

He was in a position to lose everything and wait for the day when the Shanghai royal family would fall.

Because Ryu Kang-cheol, the culprit behind all this, was alive and even appeared in front of him on his own.

From his point of view, it was a fortune that could only be thought of as the protection of the great founder.

“I can understand why Comrade Geo is happy… Haven’t you forgotten something?”

Of course, there were people who had no choice but to watch such a royal function.

“Don’t worry about the convoy. This time, I will personally escort you so that no one can touch you.”

“No, not that.”

Ryu Gang-cheol shook his head slightly.

Then, feeling excited, he aimed a bloody knife at Wang Shik-song, who seemed to have tasted it slightly.

“I mean, even a bastard dog is a wolf pup who came to kill his comrades.”

I am not a mutt that you can catch as many times as you want, but rather a beast that will bite your neck with this knife.

So, be a little nervous now.

Ryu Gang-cheol speaks with his life.

“Oh, of course I didn’t forget that either.”

However, even with that terrifying warning, Wang Fengsong was not particularly nervous.

I just smiled and smiled.

“I just didn’t care because I didn’t have to.”

“…Isn’t that overconfident?”

“There’s no reason not to, is there?”

“Will you wait?”

Wang Ki-sang, with a relaxed smile on his face, as if he were watching a dog barking hard, insisting that he was a wolf.

Looking at him, Ryu Kang-chul was fed up.

Then, holding the knife in reverse, said in a cold voice.

“Then you have to come up with a reason.”

right at that moment.

The figure of Ryu Gang-cheol disappeared in front of Wang Shi-sang.

Instead, it was the blade of the blue knife that aimed at the nape of the neck and was swung.

As sharp as a guillotine for a king’s wooden car, yet stealthy and swift as a mosquito’s snout, it was a perfect surprise attack.



The king’s ability to turn like a top.

If only his five fingers, held together like dragon claws, hadn’t grasped the blade of the knife.

Ryu Kang-cheol widened his eyes when he saw that his knife, which could cut down rocks as a high-level item, was caught with his bare hands, not even gloves.

Even in the midst of this, it is the instinct of a skilled swordsman to sharply twist the knife and cut off his fingers.

But the results were futile.


“…Comrade, what the hell are those fingers made of, so they’re harder than a level 90 blade hawk’s knives with feathers?”

“The main ingredients are training and hard work.”

Like a hydraulic press crushing junk cars.

Ryu Kang-cheol asks, dumbfounded, when he sees his finger crushing the knife.

Wang Shikyeong did not bother to explain to him how great the seventy-two kinds of martial arts were and what kind of jeolhak the 10 Jeonryong-ryu were.

He just drove away at Ryu Gang-chul, who was holding a spare knife, waving his half-groomed hands.

Paba baba baba babat!


The moment he avoided the finger that was aiming for his neck.

Claws with eerie anticipation, like blades, stretched out and cut the throat.

Before he had time to stop the bleeding in his throat, he blocked his hand with a knife as he tried to pluck out the eyeball.

but it stuck.

As if waiting, he grabs the knife, and his fingers, like a wriggling snake, bite the wrist holding the knife at once.

Wood deok!

It was just the beginning.

He chases after him as if he is prone and scratches his leg.

I flicked the knife that was being swung with just my fingers.

It relentlessly reaches for the eyes, nose, mouth, and even the groin, grabbing and tearing it off.


It was not just a slightly strong finger or sharp fingernail that was swung without stopping for a moment.

Two hands wield a mighty mace.

The two arms are alive and shaking whips.

Ten fingers are bone-crushing hooks, and ten claws are flesh-cutting daggers.

It is a state that only a warrior who has trained his body to the limit through rigorous training can show it.

It was the reason why Wang Shik-yeong could run amok with the enemy’s air force and the reason Ryu Kang-cheol had to be on the defensive unilaterally.

Because the 24 weapons possessed by the king’s hands were too vicious to handle with only two knives.

‘Apart from martial arts, strength…no, speed are all faster than me?!’

That was not the only scary thing about Wang’s function.

Physical abilities such as strength and speed.

Thoroughly trained hands and fingers.

There is even a technique that transcends dimensions.

Thoroughness that overwhelms Ryu Kang-chul in every way, but does not let his guard down and only aims at the vital points.

Even so, he is cunning, not obsessed only with vital points, and taking advantage whenever he can inflict even a single nail-sized wound.

In addition, instead of rushing the game, it is prudent to accumulate blows little by little to clearly gain an advantage.

I’m already behind in my skills.

There is no gap in the mindset.

No matter how hard Ryu Kang-cheol struggled, there was no way he could become an opponent.



In the end, even before he reached 50 points, Wang Shikyeong smashed all of Ryu Kangcheol’s hands and knee joints.

Then, stepping on Ryu Kang-chul’s chest, he smirked.

“Do you still think I should care whether you are a dog or a wolf?”

Despite the sarcastic remarks, Ryu Kang-cheol couldn’t even get angry.

He coughed up a handful of blood and just asked as if he was dumbfounded.

“…Comrade, what kind of medicine did you take to be so strong?”

“Tendep Show, which I have told you about before. I’m telling you not to look down on me for being respectful.”

During Weiring, we even fought hard.

It seems unbelievable that this situation was played by someone who is not even a player.

Looking at Ryu Kang-chul, who had an unrealistic expression on his face, Wang Shi-sik said calmly, as if asking for something so obvious.

“It’s natural to be strong. I’m a rank-and-file master of the Seven Dragons.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“You don’t know what that means, that’s why you’re such an asshole for walking in here on your own.”

It’s like looking at the idiot in the world.

With a face full of ridicule, Wang Fengsong continued his speech cheerfully.

“Since you’re from North Korea, you probably know what it means to be a servant.”

“Doesn’t that mean you’re a respected teacher or an investigator of a sect?”

“Then what does it mean to be a servant of the Seven Dragons?”


Ryu Kang-chul, who had not lost his composure even with his limbs broken, shut his mouth for the first time.

He only knew the basics of the Seven Dragons, but he did not know or care about their detailed doctrines or history.

But that was enough.

It is not enough to understand the meaning of the words of the king.

“Did you know now? In our Seven Dragons, the only ones who can be called servants are the seven ancestors who created the seventy-two kinds of martial arts.”

“Then, the rank of master is…”

“As you guessed.”

Common sense that anyone who knows even a little bit about the Seven Dragons should know as a matter of course.

However, while raiding affiliates of the Seven Dragons, Wang Shi-sang said coldly, laughing at Ryu Kang-cheol, who was a player who did not know the obvious common sense.

“In terms of only one of the seventy-two kinds of Buddhism, he is a warrior who has risen to the same rank as the great founder.”

seven dragons.

Absolutes who ended the Silver Age and dominated the Bronze Age by devouring even the gods.

Although it is said that it is now only a legend, the weight of the legend was never light.

Of course there will be exaggerations.

The age gap should also be taken into account.

But even taking all of that into account, the legendary seven dragons were terrifying.

It is said that even the first Sword Master, the Sword Emperor, eventually lost his life in a battle with the seven dragons.

“Why don’t you come back after at least level 90? Then it would have been about the opponent.”

That is why the king’s function was asserted.

If you want to deal with yourself who is in the same class as the seven dragons, even if it is limited, you have to be at least a great supply player.

And he twisted the corner of his mouth as he saw Ryu Kang-chul, who jumped into the limb with pride.

“Look forward to it. I will tell you what true pain is this time.”

* * *

“You mean odds?”


“Hmm, I don’t know…”

At Li Qingyu’s sudden question, Limon opened his mouth after thinking for a while.

“I can’t assert, but if you use the knife, you will have to do it well.”

“You mean even affiliates with masters like Wang Ga-joo?”


One more time to nod.

Limon continued in a low voice.

“You masters of the Seven Dragons are definitely strong. Because psionics and the seventy-two kinds are fraudulent powers.”

Pyrokinesis (ability to fire).

Psychokinesis (telekinesis).

Teleportation (space manipulation).

Precognition (precognition).

Telepathy (mental telepathy).

Clock up (time manipulation).

Healing (biological manipulation).

Seven types of psionics born of the descendants of the seven dragons.

It was truly an amazing superpower.

However, it was also an undeserved ability for humans.

Being born with psionics isn’t necessarily strong, and if the mind and body didn’t support it, it could have destroyed itself.

The greatness of the seventy-two species was there.

Of course, psionics can be accumulated through acquired training.

Because by controlling the flow of psionics, he was able to display superhuman physical abilities as well as combative superpowers that had nothing to do with innate abilities.

That’s why psionics were considered the most deceitful mysteries until the Iron Age.

“Especially if you’re a class master, if you’re talking about pure force, it’s better than most large-scale players.”

In that sense, a class master is truly a superman.

Those who mastered one of the seventy-two kinds of martial arts to the limit were the masters closest to the pinnacle in the Seven Dragons.

“Do you still think it’s half and half?”


But Limon insisted.

If you take Ryu Gang-cheol as a standard.

Even Black Dragon Construction, which has the royal function, has less than a 50% chance of stopping the beasts.

“Because those beasts are all players.”

“…You mean skill is the problem.”

“Yes, because there are so many things that deviate from the common sense among the player’s skills.”

Psionics and seventy-two kinds.

A skill that makes the impossible possible.

It’s like an X-scene that discusses which of the two abilities is superior, but I didn’t intend to tell an interesting story.

The important thing was that if you were a high-ranking officer of the Liberation Brigade, it wouldn’t be strange if you had at least one special skill.

The power allowed only to one person.

Each one is like a miracle.

That is the unique skill.

“Of course, no matter how powerful a unique skill is, it’s not without limits, so if you respond calmly and well, you can block it…

Limon, who had been measuring something with his chin resting on one hand, continued to speak sullenly.

“Even if you don’t know their abilities and trust in your own strength, if you’re not careful, even a master class master would die?”

* * *

“I’m a little confused about what to say.”

The royal function was incomprehensible.

Why is his mouth so dry?

How did you end up in such a predicament?

And how can Ryu Kang-cheol, who suffered from broken limbs until just a moment ago, be able to smile like this with a normal appearance.

And above all…

“Who was the one who just offered to tell me about the pain, fellow sergeant?”

How many times has this Ryu Gang-cheol already been there?

Surrounded by a total of eight Ryu Gang-cheol, with knives stuck in his back and side, Wang Shi-sik had no choice but to grit his teeth.

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