Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 113

#113. Said it was noisy

Eugene sincerely wished.

May these flies disappear soon.

So I hope I can get a little bit of the joy back again.


“What is this girl? Are you good at speaking Korean?”

“Besides, can you hear well?”

Even if the wind is in vain.

The two arches don’t disappear.

Rather, he just smiled as if he was having fun and kept talking.

“Hey foreign lady. Where are you from? USA? or England? Do you have a boyfriend?”

“Why are you asking that, you idiot?”

“Brands change depending on where you’re from, you asshole.”

“I’m talking about the days when fucking white people were sold into slavery in America.”

what’s so funny

Looking at the two archers who were giggling and giggling, Yujin spoke quietly again.

“I said it was noisy.”

“What? See what this bitch is talking about?”

“Hey girl. It seems like you don’t know what it is, but this is our area originally? By the way, where do you act as a red-bellied sergeant?”

“Originally, you would have to pay us the seat rent, the toll tax, and even the tour tax.”

“What is the spectator tax?”

“I have to pay to see my wonderful face.”

“You’re sick.”

“Ah done. Anyway, if you’re here, give me money.”

“I don’t have any money, so go away.”

A cold voice like cutting with a knife.

The two bullies, who had furrowed their brows as if feeling displeased with the tone that seemed to drive away even the slob, soon opened their mouths again with a smirk.

“I do not have money? So, is it difficult?”

“Yeah, we’ll have to get it somehow.”

“What can I do? It looks like an illegal alien who came from somewhere to make money, but he said let’s make money with his body. Make enough money and calculate at one million won per bath.”

“Kyaa, you are a grown man! So how much is the principal owed to us?”

“One hundred billion?”

“This crazy bastard is very picky.”

What was in the eyes of the two bullies was a blatant obscenity.

It made me feel the urge to run away at any moment, something that every woman can’t help but feel.

“Third, go away.”

But Eugene didn’t even move.

He just issued a final order to celebrate in a dry voice.

“Hey, since the year of the white horse says let’s see, it looks like I’m a cloth.”

Are you angry at the continuous neglect?

The hot-tempered bully pointed a finger at Yujin and yelled at him.

“Hey you know who I am!”

“How do you know the bitch I’m seeing for the first time today?”

“You shut up. I am the nephew and nephew of the Baekdudaegan guild leader! ok? My uncle is a high-level player at a whopping level 73!”

“Oh fuck. I am campaigning with an uncle who is not my father.”

“If it’s unfair, you should leave a marquis-level uncle. Anyway, bitch, if I just say one word to my uncle, turning someone like you into a missing person is…”


“…does it work?”

Yangachi blinked his eyes.

What just broke.

Why did my vision suddenly turn over?

Why is my voice not coming out all of a sudden?

Why is your friend looking at you with an expression that makes your eyes pop out?

It was all so sudden that I couldn’t understand it for a moment.

Unfortunately, he was never given a chance to realize what he had been through.

What flew instead was a bloody hand.

Quadduk! Kwajik Perak!

“I told you three times to go away.”

As the slender hand grips the arm, bones and muscles are squeezed all over, and the arm snaps off.

“Go away, go away!”

Slender fingers digging into his chest grabbed the ribs and pulled them apart alive.

“Don’t mix noise with my partner’s playing! Don’t dirty my soul!”

The fist that he wielded nervously pierced his stomach, causing blood to pour out.

when such a short time has passed.

There were no more bullies who boasted about their uncle’s prestige.

There was only a body that could only be described as gruesome, torn to shreds with its neck bent backwards, lying on the floor


Was it because the anger of being disturbed was so great?

Even if you step on the head of a bully and break it, you can’t calm down your excitement and let out a rough breath for a while.

With trembling hands, Eugene put on the earphones again and pressed the button.



Like ice water flowing on a 10,000-year-old iceberg.

It was only after hearing the melody that instantly cooled his feverish head that Eugene let out a deep breath, finally calming down his excitement.

Then, he slowly ran his messy hair through it.

It’s always like this.

Good music heals the soul.

That’s why she liked music and couldn’t tolerate noise mixed with it.

Especially if it’s a melody that makes you feel comfortable, like your partner’s performance.

“Huh huh uh uh uh uh!”


Was it because it was so sudden?

Or was it because the death of a friend was so horrifying that it didn’t feel real?

Another bully who has been frozen with a bewildered face for a long time, and now sits down and wets his lower body.

Yujin opened her closed eyes at the scream that disturbed the melody again.

And she glared at him with blue, shining eyes that still had remnants of madness.


The moment Eugene’s eyes met.

Yangachi hurriedly crawled back.

And after trying to get up and falling down several times, I finally got up on my own two feet and ran like crazy through the park.

“Save four people! It’s a murder killer!”

Although the reason why this park became their playground was because it was originally a place where no one came.

In fear, he seems to have forgotten that fact.

Or as if clinging to the last hope.

Eugene did not bother to chase after the bully who ran away screaming for his throat to burst.

I just watched blankly.

The moment when the bully, who had been running away like that, reached a place where the light of the streetlights could not reach.



A knife protruded from the darkness and pierced Yangachi’s neck.

It’s like you can’t believe your own death.

The man who lightly pulled the knife from the neck of the archangel who sat down with his eyes wide open and his mouth open, spitting out blood, lightly clicked his tongue.

“The day we go here is market day… why would you do crazy things again at a time like this?”

A lament that seemed absurd.

However, Eugene was neither surprised nor taken aback by the sudden voice.

I just immersed myself in the sound of the headphones, only slightly sticking out my toes and opening my mouth.

“What’s going on?”

“You didn’t say I couldn’t understand you when you spoke English.”

“If you don’t know, learn.”

“Don’t say things so easily. Won’t you learn because you don’t want to learn? What can I do with those tongue-in-cheek words not sticking to my mouth?”

An opponent shrugging his shoulders in the dark.

Hearing that shameless remark, Yujin asked calmly.

“Keep things simple.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, isn’t it too heartless?”

“It is easy to be tracked if you contact the commander’s order, so you should act separately. If you have nothing to do, go.”

“Don’t rush your life. I’m also here because of a mission given by the commander.”


Eugene’s eyes light up as soon as he hears the word mission.

The opponent took a step back.

It was because he knew her danger perfectly well as he had already been on several missions together.

‘I thought it was a little better because it stayed quiet longer than I thought, but it was a useless expectation.’

While secretly kicking his tongue, the other person quickly continued talking to avoid being beaten to death.

“They say Plan A and Plan B both failed. Comrade Commander told me to take special measures.”

“Is there such a thing as Plan AB?”

“…was there.”

“Then why did you fail?”

“Don’t ask.”

The opponent shook his head and grumbled as he slowly walked out of the darkness.

“At most, he became a half-asshole and was even tortured, but right before he succeeded, he was cut off from his head by some strange bastard, and they said he ruined everything.”

“Who is Ganna?”

“Don’t ask. I want to know about it.”

A blind-eyed young man who emerged from the darkness.

He was the one who had his arms cut off by Wei Ling, was captured, tortured by Wang Shisang, and killed by Limon while being escorted.

Ryu Kang-cheol said with a look that was too fine to be a corpse.

“I don’t know who the dark bastard who killed me is, but the next time I get caught, I’ll kill you the most terribly.”

“It’s a boring story. More than that, what’s the mission?”

“They say that even if you make a clumsy plan, everything will be seen through anyway. They say that each of us should run wild as we please, as loudly as possible without interfering with it.”

“Aha okay.”

Yujin nodded as if she understood only then, and asked with a bright smile on her face.

“You mean you just have to kill them all?”

“Comrades say you have a knack for organizing everything so easily…”

“I don’t have anything to praise you for.”

“It’s not a compliment!”

Are you not aware of it?

Or are you not paying attention?

Yoo-jin asked with an excited face, passing the words of Ryu Gang-chul, who was getting angry, in one ear.

“So, what is the operation time? When can I move?”

“When is it?”

Kang-Cheol Ryu bluntly said to Yu-Jin, whose eyes were shining as if she were a teenage girl invited to a party.

“Right now.”

“Now? really?”

“So I didn’t come myself? I’ll take care of the tidying up here, so come follow me.”

“Okay, I’ll go.”

Were you prepared right away?

Figures dressed as cleaners appeared out of nowhere, put the bodies of the two bullies strewn on the floor in a corpse bag, and erased the bloodstains.

Eugene was not surprised by the skillful workmanship of the cleaners, reminiscent of ghosts.

I just smiled and walked along with Ryu Gang-cheol, and said it out loud as if I had suddenly remembered it.

“If you want to dispose of Comred’s body, do it inside this park. It’s in a nice place.”

“It’s Kim Yi-rae who came to see it even if he didn’t want to. How long have you been playing here, so you piled up corpses like a mountain?”

“I just caught a noisy fly.”

“Did you know that such things are called serial murder in the world?”

The two arches would not have known.

And that it was no coincidence that other arch-groups have been less visible in the park these days.

And that they would eventually share a place with them.

But, of course, Yujin and Ryu Kang-chul didn’t care about that fact at all. Leaving the cleaners behind, he just moved on calmly.

“Oh and crazy comrade. I’m asking for confirmation, but have you contacted anyone else?”


“Something like someone you met more than a few times, talked to, or exchanged phone numbers with.”


“Why are you going? In order not to leave room for being tracked down, isn’t it our default to deal with all these useless things in advance?”


It seemed like he was asking why he was asking something obvious.

Looking at Ryu Kang-chul with a puzzled expression, Yu-jin nodded slowly.

The secret to being called specters was to thoroughly process information skills, electronic records, and even witnesses.

“So what?”


“Why is there no answer?”

“No, there is not.”

“hmm…. Nothing happened.”

That’s why Kang-chul Ryu didn’t pay attention to questions he didn’t normally pay attention to, or even when he saw Yu-jin’s strangely slow answers.

I don’t know if anyone else

It was because Eugene had never been in contact with anyone in the meantime.

Even if contact was made, the odds of the other person still being alive were less.

So while watching Ryu Kang-cheol, who was satisfied with the fact that he had nothing more to do, he briefly fidgeted with the headphones hanging around his neck.

Soon after, Yujin shook her head and followed Ryu Kang-cheol again.

Her golden hair, which had originally shined beautifully but was now muddy with blood, fluttered.

A senior officer of the Liberation Brigade.

Among those 12 ghosts, he ranks third.

It was the moment when the blonde woman, codenamed Berserker, returned to the battlefield.

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