Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 1109

Solo Swordmaster Chapter 1109

#Side Story 78. The beginning of everything, the end of everything (1)

* * *

He felt tired.

Like I haven’t slept in a thousand years.

He felt lonely.

As if I had been alone for a thousand years.

He felt empty.

As if a thousand years were meaningless.

It wasn’t anything particularly new.

It’s the distant past. It was a feeling he had felt several times since he lost his teacher, cut down his executioner, and became the protector of mankind.

Yes, that’s right.

To be honest.

Even though he had protected humanity for so long, he rarely felt rewarded.

When he defeated the Sword Demon after seven life-threatening battles, some people blamed him for being the Sword Demon’s priest.

When he prevented a disaster that almost wiped out the entire continent, some people blamed him for not helping them sooner.

There was a country that held students responsible for failing to teach them properly when they cut down a student who went too far and crossed the line.

When the Seven Dragons’ Rebellion was stopped, there were those who were angry that they did not receive peace in exchange for goods.

Of course, it wasn’t always like that.

There are also people who are purely grateful.

There are also people who have shown favor.

There were also lifelong relationships.

As expected, sometimes I can be satisfied with myself, thinking that I did a good job protecting humanity.

But sometimes, just sometimes.

As decades and even hundreds of years passed, and people took it for granted that he protected the world, resentment grew rather than gratitude.

In rare cases, even those who have formed good relationships change, become ugly, or end their lives with the passage of time.

He too was getting tired little by little.

Water droplets break through the rock.

Like the wind carves a cliff.

Hundreds of years in itself were heavy and rough enough to wear out even a will that was stronger than steel.

Nevertheless, he continued to protect the world.




Even if you are ignored by the whole world, you are robbed of wealth and glory, and no one sees you.

Rather than being angry or frustrated by that fact, I just continued to believe in humans and protect the world like a rolling wheel.


“It doesn’t matter where it is. “My family is responsible for transportation.”

The blue-haired female knight, who was both humble and upright, supported his efforts to protect humanity.

“There is no need to ask my opinion. “If you wish, I will just follow.”

The red-haired pharaoh, whose life was struggle, understood his hunger as a swordsman to fight against powerful enemies.

“Don’t worry about the format. Anyway, God and religion are there. “What matters is the heart.”

The white-haired prophet, who only looked at the future, admired the strength of the man who could even choose the future because he could cut through fate.

“Honestly, I don’t care about the timing, right? “I’m more interested in your brother’s teacher than that.”

The silver-haired dictator who lived through twisted times sympathized with his madness that did not break down even as he lived for eternity.

“It’s good to care, but don’t overdo it. “No matter how much you worry, it’s not good for your health to worry too much.”

The green-haired lawmaker, who had been sharply pushing everyone away, removed the thorns he had been erecting and shared his solitude with him.

“There is no need to worry about funds. “I just have to pay all the costs.”

The blonde beauty, who was more arrogant and perfect than anyone else, relieved his burden by revealing her honest sincerity only in front of him.

“I think one year would be enough in terms of timing. Of course, the more time you have to prepare, the better, but there will be more unnecessary waste.”

The black-haired trickster whom no one trusted reminded me of the joy of being repaid by trusting him and making any sacrifices.

“…I’m a little troubled. Honestly, it’s something I’ve never imagined before.”

The platinum-haired saint, who had gone mad and fallen, tried to soothe the hurt she had caused him by asking for forgiveness, even giving up her country.

“question. “Do you really have to do that?”

The most innocent and simple Indian girl reminded him of innocence with an instinctive and even more innocent passion.

“I only hope that the Chamberlain does not cause any inconvenience to the Chamberlain.”

The silver-haired student he saved made him realize his love for her with his supreme sincerity that never asked for anything in return.

“Anyway, the sisters are very reluctant. While we’re at it, we have to make it as grandiose as possible! It took about 9 nights and 10 days…! Quack!”

Bluebird, who was always cheerful, stayed by his side and gave him the freedom to relax in any situation.

“You don’t need to worry about what your daughter says. And I don’t have to participate…”

The queen, who was nobler than anyone else, accepted the marriage proposal even though she felt embarrassed, giving him undeserved happiness.


[…You damn bastard.]

The teacher he had admired his entire life proved with his body and mind that the life he had lived so far was not in vain.

It was like that.

Because they were there.

His world, which had become dull for a long time, suddenly became rich and beautiful again.


* * *


The moment I opened my eyes.

What was visible was light.

It is infinitely gentle, brilliant, empty and full.

It’s higher than the sky, but there’s no up or down, it’s endlessly wide, but you can’t go anywhere, it’s more vivid than reality, but everything is vague.

It’s literally full of contradictions.

Still, there is no discomfort.

The moment I saw that space.

I realize it naturally.

-This is a dream.

And I understand.

-This is not a dream.

Although he was convinced of these two premises, which were so contradictory that they could never be established at the same time, he was not confused.

Anything is possible in a dream.

This was not surprising to him, who had mastered some of the sword spirit’s ability to cut through dreams and reality.

But it was something new.

It wasn’t just because I sensed that this place was not a natural dream, but a space artificially created by someone.

In this light.

And in space.

Because it felt strangely familiar.


“…The Labyrinth of Stars?”

The end of the apocalyptic war.

A trap created by constellations in the gap between space and time.

The labyrinth created by weaving together the power of countless stars just to stop him was truly terrifying.

In fact, if it weren’t for Lord Yuna’s sacrifice, even Limon would have been stranded there for a considerable amount of time.

And when Limon sees it.

This place was similar to a labyrinth of stars.

Not only because it is made with the power of stars, but also because it feels like a strange distortion of space and time.

“No, this is…. “Is it a palace of stars rather than a labyrinth of stars?”


Limon did not feel a sense of crisis.

Unlike the Star Labyrinth, where the murderous will to kill him was permeated in every corner, the grandeur and nobility felt natural.

And a strange energy, more familiar than the power of the stars, was informing him.

This is not a dangerous place.

Especially for him.

When Limon narrowed his eyes and heightened his senses, he wondered what the identity of this strange energy was.




Light filled this space.

From that far beyond.

One gaze.

turned to him

I didn’t do something.

I just stared quietly.

Nevertheless, there was a moment when he made a strange expression as his gaze felt heavy, as if he was looking directly at the sun.

Limon slowly turned his head.

To face the gaze that is looking at you from beyond a time and space so far away that only a few worlds can fit into it.


The moment when two gazes intersected.

He no longer remained in the space where there was only light.

Without moving, I just transcended all distance and distortion and reached the source of my gaze.



Limon saw.

A source of brilliant and soft light that fills this space.

He was the culprit of the apocalyptic war, and he managed to defeat him by using the Auror Blade, prepared for mutual annihilation.

Their reality, their world, created by the gathering of countless constellations, and the law itself, emitting overwhelming starlight that surpasses even the constellations…

…remnants of countless stars.

No, to be exact, a corpse.

Broken, cut and torn.

Even though it is made up of dim starlight, you can see at a glance that it is already dead.

A throne so large that it can contain the entire universe, made up of the remains of countless constellations, whether tens of thousands or hundreds of millions.

No, in that the material is made of stars, it is a seat that can be called a constellation in the true sense.

But at this moment.

It wasn’t the throne that made Limon agitated.

It was because the owner was looking down at him from a small throne that, despite being so huge, could barely seat one person.

“…is it.”

And finally.

Limon realized.

“That’s what it was.”

Starting with what this space is.

Why are you here?

Who is the owner of that throne?

What he realized was not such an obvious fact.

It was about something much more important, older, and something you absolutely needed to know.

“I’ve had a question for a long time.”


“―Why and how was I able to return?”

he recalled.

Not that long ago.

But it feels distant.

Memories of when he was thrown up and Yuna-kyung died.

At that time, Limon cut down the constellations that had offered him a contract and returned to the past, gaining some of their power.

It was only a few days…

but because of that memory, he eventually went to see Li Qingyu and accepted her marriage proposal.

In a sense, it could be said to be the most decisive moment and inflection point that changed his fate and that of the world.

That was why.

How was it possible to return?

The reason why Limon kept wondering.

It was not because the star’s power ran out of control, but because the power of return could not be used after that.

After everything was over and I heard the truth from Li Qingyu, I thought it might have been the result of a coincidence that happened while she was returning.

“But I was mistaken.”

He finally realized it.

Your most important illusion.

All those inferences are wrong.


“I never went back from the beginning.”


“I just received some of that memory along with the power of the stars.”

Yes, that’s right.

I also fell into a trap.

I also lost Yuna-kyung.

He also cut off the attackers’ throats.

In fact, it was all a first time for him.

I just mistakenly thought it was something I actually experienced because of the ‘dream’ that was more vivid than a precognitive dream and because of the star power I suddenly gained.

In the past, I would never have thought such an absurd thing was possible.

But to Li Qingyu.

Also through Joan of Arc.

Limon, who had heard about the experiences the two had experienced through ‘dreams,’ was able to accept that fact without difficulty.

Once he realized that, it was very easy to find out who had given him the memories of the future and the power of the stars.

Because the person responsible was right in front of him.

“Isn’t that so?”


This person was sitting on a throne made of stars, wrapped in brilliant starlight, and was just looking down at him without saying a word.

Cut down all the stars.

Eat up that curse.

A transcendent person who eventually became a star himself.

“I, the ‘me’ who became a monster.”

With white hair as faded as a burnt-out star and golden eyes as brilliant as a morning star…

-The one-armed Limon Asfelder.

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