Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 1096

Solo Swordmaster Chapter 1096

#Side Story 65. Bride accepting a drink (5)

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Virgin ghost.

A ghost who dies without being able to get married and remains in this world,

could be said to be a ghost representing the Republic of Goryeo in that the tradition is mainly passed down to the Korean Peninsula.

But if you actually see it.

There are surprisingly many similar traditions.

Regardless of time and place, the woman in white was the most common ghost.

However, if interpreted occultly, it also means that women, especially young virgins, are more likely to become ghosts than men.

In ancient magic, such a phenomenon was interpreted to mean that the younger a woman was, the more likely she was to become a ghost because her spiritual power was stronger.

That is why witches mainly took young girls as their disciples and passed on their vision and magic.

But any truth.

Things change over time.

Over the years, as magic has developed…

or rather, as psychology has developed, new inferences have emerged.

The theory is that the reason why young girls have more ghosts may be because they are more likely to have a simpler cause, namely resentment, apart from spirits or magic.

Of course, like most magic.

There was insufficient evidence for that inference.

In the first place, resentment itself was a concept that was difficult to explain clearly.


Let me add a little speculation.

The legendary archwitch could guarantee it.

[In my view, the reason why younger girls are more likely to become ghosts is because of jealousy.]


[It’s not that men don’t get envious and jealous, but it’s not as deep and complex as a woman’s feelings.] To

put it in a good way, it’s simple and clear. To put it bluntly, the jealousy of ignorant men is often expressed and resolved in a simple way.

On the other hand, women’s feelings are complex and delicate, so it is difficult to understand them properly and even more difficult to resolve them.

Because such thoughts become entangled and become resentful, it is easy to become tied to this world even after death.

After hearing what Sir said.

He asked softly.

“…So Master is tied to this world because of jealousy?”

[At least that’s how I see it.]

“Don’t talk nonsense, old lady.”

[Why do you think it’s nonsense?]

“Do you think Master is the kind of person who would be jealous of others?”

[Well, if you’re a swordsman in your lifetime, you’ve never experienced anything like jealousy.]

Limon’s cold rebuttal.

Surprisingly, Sir agreed readily.

Geomje is a hero among heros that even she acknowledges.

He was a hero who cut down seven dragons and restored control of the world to mankind, but at the same time, he was an outlaw who lived in complete disregard of laws and norms.

There was no reason to be jealous or anything.

Because her life was one of destroying, stealing, and obtaining whatever she wanted.

Before I was alive.

[But will it be the same even after death?]

“…What do you mean?”

[Baby, you know. Originally, the dead were jealous of the living.]


[Because life is something the dead cannot have, no matter how hard they try.]

After hearing those words.

Limon was silent.

Because he had lived a long life and had a lot of experience meeting the dead as well as the living, he knew that Sir’s words were true.

The same goes for the sword masters who were immediately resurrected using the law of lion resurrection.

Even they, the absolute of the absolute, were ultimately obsessed with their long-cherished wish and could not escape the illusion.

It was something that could not be helped.

The dead are those whose life has already ended.

The more miserable the old man is, the more likely he is to live immersed in memories of the past.

Because they had no future to live in, they were unable to start something new and had no choice but to cling to the remnants of the past.

And only then.

Limon realized.

Who is the real cause that bound Geomje, who had returned to the afterlife after all his sorrows were released, to this world again?

“…It means that because of me, Master has developed a new attachment to you.”

[I’m not sure, but I think at least meeting you was an opportunity.]

After being revived by the Wanderer.

Meet Limon.

Sipping a glass of wine.

Listen to his story.

After competing with each other again.

In the end, Geomje died again in the arms of his disciple.

It was all over in just a little over an hour, let alone an hour.

However, just as a moment is enough for a flame to burn a moth, it would have been more than enough time to make Geomje feel new regrets.

[That must have been a really small regret. Because of the accident that caused Valhalla’s gate to explode, I was only bound by that small regret.] [

But while I was still tied to this world, that regret would have continued to grow.]

[The more I see the happiness of others, the faster and stronger it becomes.]

The light is strong. The more I try.

As the shadows become darker.

The happiness of the living makes the dead more sad.

Therefore, the boundary between life and death was strictly demarcated and the living and the dead were not to be touched carelessly.

However, Geomje, who was somehow tied to this world due to a runaway of magic, must have gradually become immersed in regret.

It’s like falling into a bottomless swamp.

Or like white paper being stained with ink.

Above all….

[Perhaps it was even more so because there were cases like your disciples.]


Even the Geomhwa Geomnyeong Geomhu.

Even though he was already dead like himself.

The sight of the three Sasons, resurrected by the power of the stars and enjoying happiness as Limon’s brides, must have further stimulated the Geomje’s regret.

Of course, it brings out a craving that she didn’t even know she had.

Enough to make me feel feelings of envy and jealousy that I have never felt in my life.

And the ending is…

“…If this continues, Master will eventually become a vengeful spirit.”

[Yes, perhaps the worst disaster ever in history could occur.]

It’s still just simple jealousy.

The envy is a bit severe.

However, as time passes and her soul deteriorates, her jealousy will become uncontrollable.

Because I have a lover.

Because he looks happy.

Or just because you breathe.

Enough to cut down anyone in sight and even destroy the world.

That is an evil spirit.

It was the worst ending that would happen if the Lion King, who hated and tried to harm all living things even though he had no particular grudge, failed.

And Limon knew how many times he had seen such an evil spirit when he was hunting down a warlock.

No matter how strong the Geomje’s will is, it is difficult to avoid that outcome.

So, after a long silence.

Limon opened his mouth heavily.

“There must be a solution, right?”

That wasn’t a question.

If you don’t have it, create one right now.

Otherwise, it was an extremely sharp and cold threat that conveyed the will not to let go.

[Fortunately, it doesn’t exist. [That’s three things.]

But Sir didn’t waver at all even after hearing Limon’s voice.

As if he knew that of course, he just let out a laugh through the crystal ball and then spoke leisurely.

[However, all of these solutions require a large price.]


[Please answer in that sense.]

Gift a leg to the mermaid.

Invite the children to the cookie house.

Like blessing a princess’s spinning wheel.

The legendary Great Witch, who deals with mysteries that make any impossible possible if the price is sufficient, asked with a meaningful smile on her face.

[Are you really willing to do anything for your teacher?]

“Of course.”

[You answer without hesitation. What would you do if I told you that you had to use black magic?]

“In that case, we should cut down the old woman first and find another way.”

[Hehe, don’t take the joke too seriously. Anyway, you know that I would never suggest such a method, right?]

That straightforward answer.

Sir let out a low laugh.

In reality, the most effective way to deal with spirits was black magic, but she ruled that out.

Even though he revered his teacher more than anyone else… no, because he knew that Limon would never cross the line.

That’s why she was interesting.

Is the solution he finds within his good will or outside of it?

To confirm that fact, Sir continued speaking lazily.

[First of all, the quickest and surest way is to just destroy the soul of the swordsman.]

“…cut off the master’s soul?”

[Baby, you can do it. It’s not my first time doing this anyway.]

Yes, that’s right.

That’s the first solution.

Because the Geomje was to be cut down with his own hands before he was corrupted into an evil spirit.

This was possible because he was a sword master who could cut through anything, and among them, he had mastered the sword spirit of a swordsman who could pierce even the soul.


“If the only solution you prepared was a crappy solution, I don’t think there would be any reason to listen any further.”

Limon said coldly.

When he was resurrected by Wanderer, he was the one who cut down the Sword Emperor.

But that was because she knew that only then could she be satisfied and rest in the afterlife.

But this time the case was different.

Cutting the soul means that even the soul is erased.

It would have been more cruel than falling into hell, where one would not be able to go to the afterlife, let alone reincarnate, and be scattered in the void for eternity.

That was why in the past he personally cut down the Sword Demon, evaluating him as the worst sword master.

Moreover, cutting off the Sword Emperor’s soul was something he could never do.

[Calm down. I just let you know that there is a way to prevent the knife-wielding girl from becoming an evil spirit.]

“Stop talking nonsense like that and tell me a proper solution.”

[Hmm, to be honest, the best solution is still to fulfill the sword-wielding girl’s lingering desire.]

“It has already been proven that running a tavern for a hundred days is useless.”

Limon frowned.

In the first place, Geomje’s regret was not about taverns.

I just tried it as a test because I couldn’t think of anything else… but it was a mistake.

For no reason, watching him and the brides from the side made Geomje feel distraught and his regret only deepened.

There is one fortunate thing among misfortunes.

Thanks to that, the way to resolve her lingering regrets became clearer.

[I’m not talking about a tavern. [It’s about the true resentment of the swordsman.]

“You mean you found out what the master’s resentment is?”

[I already told you. Now, the knife-wielding girl is in the same state as a virgin ghost.]

“What did you say?”

[What do you think is the easiest way to make a virgin ghost into Buddhahood?]


[That is, all you have to do is to make it not a ‘virgin.’]

“…So, at least call the bachelor ghost and have a soul wedding with the teacher. “You want me to join you?”

[I’m sorry, but that method is impossible. Right now, the soul of the swordsman is in a very unstable state.]

If it were an ordinary ghost, I wouldn’t know.

Such general methods did not work on the Sword Emperor, who was tied to this world due to runaway magic and star power.

But, like the legendary great witch, Cyr found a way.

[There is another way instead.]

“Another way?”

[okay. If the problem is that the Knife Holder’s soul is unstable, you can stabilize the soul by temporarily putting it in a body.]

“…Is that possible?”

[Actually, it’s usually impossible.] No

matter what anyone says.

Geomje is the first sword in the world.

Even if she became a ghost, the level of her soul was extremely high and powerful.

It was impossible even for the world’s Sir to create a body that could accommodate her soul.

In fact, I tried to strengthen her soul in the body of an unset Dreamroid that I had previously received for research, but it couldn’t last even for a moment and was destroyed.

No matter how elaborately it was made, in the end, a fake was nothing more than a fake.


If it’s ‘fake’.

[But fortunately, there are only three special bodies in the world that can handle the souls of the sword-wielding babies.]

“Special bodies?”

[Yes, the baby is right next to you.]

That moment.

Limon’s face hardened.

This is because I intuitively realized what the special body Sir was talking about.

No, I had no choice but to realize it.

After all, if there was anything that could handle the Sword Master’s soul, it was only one.

That’s right…

[―Brides with the most perfect bodies in the world.]


The body of the ‘real’ Sword Master.


Sword spirit.


Of course, in the sense that he is a resurrected Sword Master.

Since it is not a descendant of a dragon, there is no way it will clash with the sword of the dragon slayer.

Considering that she is the object that most stimulates the Geomje’s jealousy, it has the most perfect conditions to capture and stabilize her soul.

Limon’s disciple.

Talking about brides.

Sir laughed meaningfully.

[So, baby, you have two options.]


[Either lend the bodies of your brides to the knife-wielding girl and have her marry another man….]

Put poison in the apples to be given as a gift.

Give a curse along with a blessing.

They are kindly fattened and eaten.

With a grumpy voice like a witch from a fairy tale.

The world’s most sinister legendary archwitch gave humanity’s stern-faced guardian deity a choice with a set answer.

[―Or you can personally hold the sword-wielding baby who entered the bride’s body.]

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