Solo Swordmaster

Chapter 1056

#Side Story 25. A beast longing for a mate (1)

* * *

Time passes.

Time passes.

Time passes.

The sun that rose has set.

A sandstorm sweeps the land.

The snowstorm stopped.

Even after the melted thin ice turns into muddy water.

Time is absolute and fair for everyone, so it flows in an extremely cruel and unfair way.

There are only two things you can do there.

Just dreaming.

That’s why I dream.

When I open my eyes and when I close them.

Waiting for my wish to come true.

To keep a promise that is so precious and earnest.




* * *

When I woke up.

He felt heavy.

From the heavy head as if covered in fog to the heavy body as if it were being held down by scissors.

I feel hazy as if I had just woken up, but my senses are too vague to be like I’ve just woken up, so I press my limbs to regain consciousness.

That was when he was about to fall into a deep and endless dream again.



A gentle heat passed through him.

Like a cat playing with a toy.

Or like a puppy carefully tasting delicious food.

The sticky, hot, sloppy, but intense heat that tormented him finally brought him out of his dazed consciousness.

And after opening my eyes.

I stayed silent for a long time.

Limon slowly lowered one hand and slightly lifted the blanket and fell into silence again.

Why was my body so heavy and what was the intense heat that woke me up? This is because I only realized it after looking at the inside of the raised blanket.

“…Suri, what are you doing?”


Even his presence was killed.

Come crawl under the blanket. The scantily clad Indian girl,

who eagerly pursued his desires,

tilted her head and answered as if asking why he was asking such an obvious question.

“Ready to mate.”


“request. “When the master male wakes up, he will quickly mate with me.”

Even the debt collector who came to collect the debt would not be this proud.

As Limon perked up, he seemed happy that he was ready for mating without any effort on his part.

Limone, who was looking at the girl who asked for sex with a smiling face, placed a hand on her forehead.

And right after the fingers curled slightly….



After a while.

Limon, fully dressed, sat with his chin resting on one hand and opened his mouth softly.

“After thinking about it carefully, I understand.”


“I’ve been busy these days, so I barely got to see Suri’s face. “It must have been nice to be able to be alone together like this for the first time in a long time.”

“Positive. “The male teacher is my partner, but we didn’t have much time together.”

“Yeah, that’s my fault. “I apologize to you.”

To the running Suri who is grumpy.

Limon apologized honestly.

No matter how busy he was, it was the groom’s fault for making the bride lonely.

Considering that most of the busy work was taking care of other brides, there was no room for excuses.

“Forgiveness is okay. Strong males have many mates. “Of course you’re busy.”

Surprisingly, the running repair readily accepted Limon’s apology.

Unlike his size, he has a big heart.

Have the mindset of an animal.

As a husband before being a teacher, Limon had to be very grateful to her, but even more sorry.

…If only it were the way it was.

Nevertheless, at this moment, there was one reason why Limon had no choice but to have a blood clot on his forehead instead of giving thanks.

“But Surya, don’t you think that no matter how married you are, you shouldn’t attack your sleeping partner without permission?”

“Question why not?”

“Because that is against the law.”

To Limon, who spoke sternly to her as her teacher who raised her on his back from a young age before becoming her husband.

Running Suri, who was kneeling naked and holding both hands above her head, tilted her head and asked repeatedly.

“Point out. The male teacher also mated with the female younger sibling while I was sleeping. “What difference?”

“…The situation was critical at that time.”

“plea. I’m in a hurry too. “It’s estrus season, but I can’t meet a male teacher so I keep holding back.”


That was a rescue operation or something.

That and this are different, etc.

Limon couldn’t get the words out of his throat reflexively.

Not only was it difficult to convince Suri that he was running using general logic, but as long as he had the original sin, anything he said was just an excuse.

In the end, with nothing left to say to him, both as a teacher and as a groom, Suri continued to protest.

“Additional comment. Moreover, I woke up my teacher several times. “Still, it’s the teacher’s fault that it didn’t happen.”


“Point. Above all, I have the right to demand that my teacher mate with a male partner. So, I want to copulate all day today.”

“…No matter what, it’s not like we’re just mating all day. “A mate isn’t just for mating.”


I tilted my head.

It’s time to tilt your head.

The running repairman tilted his head to the other side and asked again.

“question. “Why have a mate if you’re not going to mate?”

“It’s not that they don’t mate, it’s just that there are a lot of things they can do besides mate.”

“opinion. Anyway, the most important thing is reproduction. “It is easier to give birth to offspring if you mate at least once during estrus.”

The reason females and males mate is ultimately to reproduce according to their instinct to spread more of their genes.

I don’t know if it’s a situation where I can’t do it.

If you can do it, why not?

Limon covered his face with one hand as he watched Suri running around asking questions as if he couldn’t understand.

And after pondering for a while about what to do with this girl who still couldn’t let go of her animal mentality, she opened her mouth.

“Okay, if that’s what you want, I’ll hang out with you all day long, whatever you want.”

“Admiration. As expected, the male teacher! Masculine! “He is the best male!”

Dali, who seemed to have been waiting for those words, jumped up from his seat and tried to cling to him, saying things that were either admirable or insulting.

But unfortunately, Limon’s words are not over yet.

As a teacher.

Also as a groom.

In order to educate his disciple and priest who had no common sense or self-control, Limon spoke coldly.

“Instead, mating is prohibited today.”


It was the moment when the running Suri blinked blankly like a cat that had been robbed of its food.

* * *

[…Did something like that really happen?]

“Yes, I’m sorry for asking you so suddenly.”

[There is no need to apologize. Rather, I should be grateful to the two of you for taking the time.]

“Anyway, this is something that Suri and I asked for, so we can’t be thanked.”

[No, if you put it that way, I….]

“Even so…”

It’s literally a chain of apologies and gratitude.

Like a Möbius strip that circulates endlessly, we debated right and wrong, but after a long time, we ended the conversation by not apologizing or thanking each other.

Limon suddenly asked.

“Is Na-kyung there yet?”

[Yes, I think you’re having a hard time because there’s more to prepare than you thought.]

“Hmm, I didn’t know you’d be going through so much trouble that I couldn’t even see your face… I’ll have to buy you lots of delicious food later.”

[That’s good, but please spend a little more time with your daughter.]

After pausing for a moment.

After a short hesitation, she blushed slightly and muttered in a low voice.

[…I think I would be happier that way.]


It seems like he understood it perfectly.

After nodding seriously.

Limon whispered into the ear of the noblest fairy in the world who was floating in front of him.

“I will definitely keep that in mind when I go to visit my mother-in-law.”


[That Saturday communication!]

[It looks like the communication is bad. Stay healthy, son-in-law!]

It was just a moment.

From long ears to the nape of the neck.

The hologram of the Fairy Queen, all bright red like a tomato, disappeared as if running away.

When Limon bursts into laughter at the cute appearance that is so unlike an immortal who has been part of human history.

A low murmur was heard.

“…criticism. “The teacher is too male.”

Take a peek.

Limon looked back.

A bush with a deep shadow.

To see an Indian girl sitting inside, crouching down, hugging her knees like a cat abandoned in a box.

“Why don’t you lighten up, Suri?”

“plea. I don’t feel well. “I’m full of betrayal.”

“What kind of betrayal is this? “When did I betray you?”

“answer. Today is the day you spend with me, but you are not mating. Even other females are attracted to it. “He is a bad male.”

“First of all, the Fairy Queen is already my bride, so I didn’t really seduce her.”

After shrugging his shoulders.

Limon raised one hand and pointed forward.

“Besides, there’s no way we can just mate all day when there are so many kids we have to look after.”

What he is pointing to is the lush forest of the Amazon.

To be exact, there were about a dozen girls with the same appearance as the running repairman standing side by side in the middle of it all.


Created during the Star Wars.

Most of them were destroyed in the process.

However, thanks to their survival, the dolls whose use had become unclear after the war ended were looking at them with expressionless faces.

“ignore. “It’s none of my business.”

“Hmm, really?”

Maybe it was because I was so disappointed that mating was banned.

Limon shook his head as he saw the running repairman talking bluntly without even pretending to look at the Dreamroid.

“Then there’s nothing we can do. “I have no choice but to do it alone.”


“Guys, let’s get started.”


The Dreamroids who received Limon’s instructions nodded in unison and began wandering around the jungle.

And so…

the observation of the Dreamroids, who became the Amazon’s new sentinels in place of the spirits destroyed during the war, began.

* * *

“Are you taking out the trash?”


“The Amazon was definitely damaged during the last war, so there must be a lot to clean up.”

‘…dissatisfaction. ‘Male teacher is bad.’

The running Suri was looking perplexed with her cheeks puffed out.

Dreamroids that look exactly like you, holding pincers in one hand and carrying large nets on their backs, are walking around the jungle at a hurried pace.

And Limon follows those Dreamroids around, talks to them, and observes their work.

Of course she knew.

Limon’s actions are strictly business.

This is to check whether Dreamroid can work properly as a forest keeper.

This was not for nothing; in fact, Dreamroid’s movements were awkward or slow in many ways.

It was something that could not be helped.

Dreamroid was originally a drone.

Otherwise, he was just a puppet operated by Suri’s sword.

The Fairy Queen took pity on them and turned them into independent spirits after the war, but they were born less than a year ago.

Even though I have downloaded knowledge and information, I am not yet skilled in handling it.

It is even more different from ordinary spirits because its basic design comes from corrupted spirits and the power of stars.

‘plural. I do nothing and the male teacher suffers alone.’

Running repairs were expected.

The Dreamroids get into an accident and Limon struggles to clean it up.

I was hoping that if that happened, Limon would realize what a good mate he was, reflect on his feelings, and mate with her.


‘I never knew it would be like this.’

And her prediction, having lived with corrupted spirits all her life, was exactly right.

Of course, not even a few minutes had passed before a Dreamroid tripped on a tree root and fell into the mud.

In the process, I ended up splashing a lot of mud on Limon who was following me.

Dreamroid will be scolded even more because he, who was trying to mate in the morning as a bride’s natural right, also got a honeymoon.

I watched Suri running with anticipation.


“Are you okay?”


“Tsk tsk, there’s mud all over your body.”


“Don’t push yourself too hard. Although you are strong, you have many delicate parts, so if you get hurt, you will get hurt.”



She blinked.

He was so strict with himself, the bride.

I couldn’t understand why Dreamroid, whom I had never met before, took such kind care of me even though I had made a mistake.

Even while she was watching blankly, Dreamroid picked up the trash that fell down.

Limon saw that and smiled.

“Okay, work hard.”



He seems really nice.

Limon pats my head.

The moment I saw Dreamroid’s blank face as I paused at the first feeling I had ever experienced before and looked back at Limon.

The double wick of the running repairman was raised.

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