Solo Max-Level Newbie

Chapter 691

Episode 691 The last banned book, ‘Necronomicon’ (1)

Same time.

A large-scale military parade was being held on the 42nd floor of the Tower of Trials.

thud! thud! thud!

A huge number of armies and all kinds of Egyptian deities gathered in front of the holy site, the Great Temple of Abu Simbel.

The only purpose is to invade the demon world.

The plan to form an alliance with Beriel, who was related to Jinhyeok, to wipe out the remaining demons and divide the entire demon world went smoothly. Now only the final inspection remained.

And among them…

there were elites among the elite called ‘guardians of the royal family’.


Osiris nodded with satisfaction.

The strongest martial arts group created with great effort.

The monsters, all made up of Egypt’s great heroes, were powerful enough to hunt down the Demon King or even something greater when combined.

“That’s great.”

“The hard work was worth it.”

Anubis and Horus also wiped the tears from their eyes.

The hard work that had been going on all night, literally staying up all night, was bearing fruit.

The sun god ‘Ra’, the greatest god of Egypt, also let out a purring sound as if satisfied.

It’s time.

Now is the time to conquer the Demon World and make Egypt’s name known throughout the Tower of Trials.

“Now, proud soldiers of the desert! Now go to the Demon World and clearly show how great and powerful we are!”

Ra’s voice rang loudly.



The soldiers, whose morale was sky-high, raised their weapons high.

Ra did not miss the timing and pointed to those standing at the forefront.

A vanguard and elite armed with sand-colored armor.

“The beginning of the holy war is to protect the royal family… huh?”


Ra’s eyes turned round as he gave a long speech.

The hawk-shaped head tilted left and right.

…does not exist.

The guardians of the royal family literally, not figuratively, evaporated.


[The Great Warrior is summoned!]

A large number of troops appeared before the Gardener and the Judge of Repulsion.

“What are these?”

The gardener, seeing the royal guardians, took a step back without realizing it.

Since the power of Egypt appeared out of nowhere, it was natural to be embarrassed.

No, if it had stopped there, it wouldn’t have been so absurd.

The real problem is….

‘It consists only of specs optimized for the Guardian of the Labyrinth.’

It was as if he had come out to defeat the Judge of Repulsion.

The confusion was bound to be further amplified because they did not know that Anubis’ judgment specialized in crushing challengers.

“Okay. Not bad.”

Jinhyuk nodded, looking at the royal family’s guardians.

chuck! chuck! chuck!

A total of 24 guardians followed Jinhyeok’s orders as if measuring them with a ruler.

The magic power carved with great care by the Egyptian gods was blooming from the helmets and golden armor made in the shape of various animals.

Individual specs and numerous combat experiences. And even the method of joining together to hunt down the strong.

Everything was like a well-refined gem.

It’s thrilling.

It means taking the decisions others have worked hard to make and using them.

I guess I can’t give up using my abilities for this taste.

Along with those feelings, I felt like I could hear someone yelling loudly from the 42nd floor in the distance.


[Anubis asks why he took away his abilities and his royal guard!]

There was actually a complaint.

Not one person, but many people.

[The Horus and Osiris set is also available right now…]

[Before Ra put it in the middle of the quicksand…]

Jinhyeok looked at the red status window that kept appearing one after another.

I thought the villi on my conscience trembled slightly, but it only lasted for a moment.

[Block the conversation.]

Anyway, spam text messages are a problem.

It’s so annoying to be interrupted before an important battle. Tsk.

“How far did you go?”

Jinhyuk, who blocked all the status windows, asked the gardener once again.

“Ah, that’s right. It was the perfect time to show off my opponents.”

Guardians of the royal family under the protection of the ‘Sanctuary of the Sun’.

It is not known whether they will be able to defeat the Judge of Repulsion or not.


There would be no more perfect chess piece than this to tie up that powerful guardian.

Jinhyuk snapped his fingers.


Before the gardener could react, the Pharaoh’s soldiers left their positions and rushed forward.

The royal family’s defenders surrounded from different directions formed their formation in the blink of an eye.


The great sword in the hand of the Judge of Repulsion let out a loud scream.

At the same time, the sword was drawn horizontally.

Blah blah blah…!

The air tore apart and the wind blew towards everything in sight.

The shock wave continued only after leaving a clear trace in the air.


Three at a time.

The guardians of the royal family at the forefront were cut to pieces.


A shield the size of a house was placed in front of the enemies approaching from the rear.

A wave shaped like a turtle shell was created, and one side was completely blocked.


Naturally, the guard’s move to attack was in vain.

It’s like wasting a precious turn.

Quang! Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak!

An attack and defense immediately followed.

Unlike the first time, this time the Judge’s great sword did not reach the guardians.

This is because there was no reason for it to be easily defeated once the range and power were understood.

Hanhap Hanhap.

The strongest shield and the strongest spear threatened each other.

There were blows so fierce that it made my hands sweat, but there were no effective hits.

The pattern of one side attacking, the other side dodging or retreating was repeated.

This time, it is the guardian’s turn to counterattack after avoiding the attack.

Naturally, the Judge of Repulsion continued to raise the magic wave he used and looked for an opportunity to counterattack.

But that was when the shield was fully unfolded.

[‘Rainbow Bridge’ is activated!]

[‘Mandala’ and ‘Day Light’ are activated!]


A flash of green struck the Arbiter’s wavelength.

The surface of the incontinence wavelength.

The guardians dug into the loophole like ghosts.

The two were hit again by the judge’s counterattack, but the result was completely different from before.

Sigh! Phew!

The spear and sword came together and succeeded in piercing through the armor.

Red blood spurted out.

I flinch.

The judge’s balance was slightly broken.

[The healing effect of the wound is halved due to the light of the sacred desert.]

From the judge’s perspective, the wound is clearly no more than a mosquito bite. It would be better to assume that there was no physical damage or magical damage.

However, it was difficult to recover from the mental damage of being attacked by small creatures.


The judge’s mouth was grotesquely torn apart.

The roar of death like a violent rage resounded throughout the labyrinth.

“Calm down. Don’t dwell on those wounds… just deal with them one by one!”

It was the gardener who was having a hard time.

The battle was still overwhelmingly in their favor, but this fight was not simply about who would win or lose.

Protecting the Necronomicon.

Only when that is achieved will annihilating the opponent become meaningful.

In fact, as the battle was in full swing, Jinhyeok was trying to sneak away from his position.

I plan to leave it to the rest of the members and achieve the most important goal.

“Catch that guy!”

It is none of the business of the royal family’s guardians.

If Jinhyuk is killed, the rest can be resolved somehow.

Fortunately, the judge also agreed that all enemies must be killed.

[‘Judge of Repulsion’ summons the unique ability ‘Sword of the Storm’!]


A black whirlwind swirled around the sword.

A wide-area skill with tremendous power.

Just the sound of the resonating wind made my whole body tremble.

I have no idea how powerful the blow will be.

A skill suitable for literally annihilating the enemies of the labyrinth was completed.

“Hee hee hee! No, what if I buy it here and use it…? Do it just enough to kill one person. Only one person!”

The gardener hurriedly tried to distance himself.

This is because the power was gathering to cause even the part of the garden that did not identify Pia to be destroyed.

And that moment.

The huge whirlpools expanded hundreds of meters and swallowed everything in sight around them.

Then, purple lightning fell like crazy over the vortex.



The plants and vines were all covered in dirt.

The entrance to the labyrinth in front of you was completely ruined to the point where it was embarrassing to call it a garden anymore.

Acrid dust and dust scratched my lungs.

“What an idiot you are. He almost killed me. If it weren’t for the Labyrinth Master’s special ability, I wouldn’t have been able to save his bones.”

The gardener barely got up from the ruins.

However, unlike grumbling, there was a deep smile on the corner of his mouth.

It is a single blow that can make even the owner of the labyrinth feel threatened for his life.

Of course, it was obvious what would have happened if they had been caught at a much closer distance.

Or disappeared without a trace.

If you’re lucky, you’ll probably only have a few pieces of meat left.

It definitely has to be that way.


Between the rising smoke, I felt a familiar yet eerie magical energy.

There is no doubt that it is Kang Jin-hyuk’s magic power.


An earthquake occurred in the gardener’s pupil.

This is because the sight of the royal family’s guardians being turned into charcoal in a pyramid formation came to light.

It goes without saying, but there are no survivors.

There was no case in which we saw people whose whole bodies were shattered by even the slightest wind and assumed that they were ‘alive.’

Instead, everyone succeeded in protecting only one pharaoh by sacrificing their lives.

[The mighty spirit of the desert has fulfilled its final duty.]

“Thank you.”

Jinhyuk whispered softly and turned his gaze forward.

Blame… blame… Quaaaang!

And he used ‘Heavenly Demon Lord Limbo’ to narrow the distance to the Necronomicon at an incredible speed.

A few minutes at most.

If you do not interfere, you will succeed in securing the Necronomicon inside.

“Bar Balseter!”

The gardener shouted at the last remaining labyrinth designer.

Now the balance has not completely collapsed. As long as Balseter tied Jinhyeok’s feet, there was still a chance of a turnaround.


“Everyone, activate all the traps you set up right now! Right now!”

It could almost be said at the same time.

“Smell like feet!”

Jinhyuk also shouted at the same target. It

was a bonus to send a warning with a bloody look in his eyes.

He said that if you move from here, I will show you what hell is really like.

“Bill… “What the hell.”

Balseter’s expression turned earthy. A

labyrinth designer at a crossroads of his life.

Arguably, the moment when he had to make the most important choice of his life had arrived.

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