Solo Leveling: I Am The Only Supreme With the Cheating System

Chapter 124: Great Queen Echidna's Soul Manifestation.

{Quest: Kill the two elders 2/2. Completed.}

{Congratulation, Calculating Host's reward.}

He slowly stood up. 'Calculating?' He thought in mild surprised.

'Whatever, I know I'll gain something powerful.'

{Cheat gained.}

{Congratulation, Host have been rewarded with a Legendary-Class skill. Known as; [Foresight].}

{[Foresight] Description: Host will be able to foresee any attack and movement from any enemy one rank stronger.}

Supreme froze, Not knowing if he should scream out in joy or cry...

"Did you just said Legendary-class?" He asked again, even though the screen was right in front of him.


'Hey, Partner. Does this voice I'm hearing belong to System?' Drakon communicated with him telepathically.

'Yes.' Supreme closed his eyes and with a thought, Black Mana engulfed his figure. After some couple of seconds, Drakon Appeared beside him; in his small size.

"That power is good." He landed on Supreme's shoulder.

"I know." He jumped down from Queen-Spidax's head.

"Thank you." He said to Blood-Arrow, who was walking towards him with a torch in hand, created with the help of her Mana.

"And why the torch?" He added.

"Not everyone can see in the dark, and it's nothing; we are teammates after all." Blood-Arrow moved her gaze to the huge body of Queen-Spidax. Then at him.

"What now?" She asked.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap...

The three turned their heads to the forest, seeing Miles rushing towards them.

"I can't believe it, you two killed her." He slowed down, walking towards them. 'Is this how powerful these two are?'

"I didn't do anything, he killed her." Blood-Arrow gestured her head to Supreme.

Supreme turned around, and walked towards Destroyers with Drakon on his shoulder. He stopped in front or them, observing the body slowly. Two of Destroyers' heads were missing; that is Yers and Des, Almost half of its legs were also gone.

"Can't you do anything? Or Bring it back to life?"

"I might be a Diamond player, but I don't have the power over death and life." He observed the Soul essence hovering above Destroyers.

'Is there a way to save them?' He asked the system.

{Destroyers is Dead, Host. But... There is a way to bring It back to life.}


{Host need to Hold on to Destroyers' Soul essence, then look for any powerful Monster's egg strong enough to hold their powers. After getting the egg to absorb the Soul essence; Destroyers will be reborn with a new appearance and Powers.}

'Even though it's hard, it's something.' he moved the Soul essence towards him and store it in the system.

"What is the plan?" Drakon asked.

"We need an egg of a Monster, A powerful one." Supreme turned towards Miles and Blood-Arrow.

"Come down you." He looked up at Reaper, who quickly dive towards them, and landed in front of Supreme.

"Both you and Drakon should eat that Body." He pointed at Queen-Spidax.

Reaper nodded, before it could take a step. The whole land shook violently, that Reaper fell to the ground. Blood-Arrow threw the torch away, she and Miles drew out their swords and plunged into the ground, supporting their figures.





"What is causing such tremors?!" Anna yelled, gripping the wall in front of her.

"Stay calm everyone, it's just an earthquake." Robert said with a small smile, standing still on his spot.

"The only problem is, We Don't have Earthquakes!" Alice yelled.


The shaking and vibration increased a thousand folds, cracks started appearing on the huge wall they were standing.

"The Wall!!" Dr Zenon yelled in horror.

"What is going on?!"

"It's the end?!"

"We are all doom!"

"Calm down everyone!" Alice tried to calm down the Anxious and terrified survivors.

"This is no ordinary Earthquake." Robert quickly held on to the wall in front of him.


More cracks appeared on the wall.

"Are we safe here, Leader Alice?!" The man beside her yelled, he was kneeling on the ground; holding his head with both hands.

The next moment the moonless night sky turned crimson Red.


"What the hell?!" Blood-Arrow looked at the now-red-sky with widened eyes.

Even Supreme, Drakon, Reaper and Miles were dumbfounded.

At that moment, The red sky moved revealing two green eyes with red split pupils to everyone below.







{Warning!! Queen Echidna's soul Manifestation detected.}

{Activating Protection Function on Host and Companions.}

The next moment, Miles and Blood-Arrow dropped to their knees, clutching their heads tightly. Blood slowly floor out from their ears, the same phenomenon was happening all over the place; neither Humans nor Infested were safe under the Huge eyes in the crimson sky.

"Protect them!!" He yelled at System.

{1,000 points needed.}

{Available points: 1,426.}

"Do it."


The pain on both Miles's and Blood-Arrow's faces disappeared, they slowly stood up looking at the eyes and themselves in confusion and surprised.

The two huge eyes moved and settled on them.

**Humans from the first Realm?**

A demonic female's voice sounded all over the planet, the voice sounded surprised.

"You know us?" Supreme asked.

**You are the one who killed my Fifth Commander, You mortal have shone your strength. For being a Generous Queen, I won't kill you now but give you a Chance to save your World from my Children. The gateway will now be focus on your realm, and we'll all see if you all can survive my Children's' rage and bloodlust.**

"I'm guessing you are the Great Queen She and Gas-Death mentioned."

**She is called a campe, I reduced 60% of her true powers to send her to this world, and take it over, Gas-Death as you called him isn't worthy of my time. But... you ruined my plan... Oh! I have good news for you humans.**

"What good news?" Miles asked.

**I have hundreds more of Campe under my command, you all know her as Queen-Spidax; I have Hundreds under my command, who are 100 times stronger than this one you killed.**

"You said this one is your fifth Commander? Then how are the rest stronger than her?"

**Are you a fool, Human? I reduced 60% of her strength just to send her here; she couldn't even take her true form. Hahaha.**

The group felt their skin crawl hearing her sinister laughter, not knowing what is so funny.

**It will be amusing to watch as your world turn into ruins right under your eyes.** Echidna added.

'My world? Is she planing on turning my world into the next zombie apocalypse? Wait...' He looked at the two eyes.

"Why'll I believe all these?! As far as I know; we are in a game, and nothing is real!"

**Hahaha.... I see the gods are still hiding the Truth from you mortals, Those fools who called themselves gods are just helping us with our plan.**

Supreme frowned deeply. 'Is this really a game or what? Is someone placing us in these Worlds to fight all these Monsters? And do the gods really exist?' Countless questions ran through his head without answers.

**Don't worry so much about it human, The gateway to your world will open 4 days from now. I'm telling you this so you should be prepared, I don't like killing defenseless ants.**

'Four days from now? If my calculation is right. The gateway will open on the day of the guild war with the vipers Guild.' He flew into the air and asked:

"What about the Dragon Realm?"

Echidna was silent.

"What? The cat caught your tongue?"

**Hahaha... The Dragon Realm is not yet conquered, but it'll surely be.**

"Why are you here then?!" Miles yelled from below.

Echidna turned to him and Blood-Arrow. **I don't know how both of you are still standing under my eyes, well... No matters; I'm here to destroy her body and this world.**

"That isn't happening."

Supreme and the two gripped their weapons tightly.

{System advice Host to run. Even if host separated into 20 and all fuse with Drakon, Host won't be able to touch a single hair on her.}

'That powerful!' He exclaimed inwardly.

**Time for your world to come to an end.**

Queen-Spidax's body disintegrated into particles, disappearing from sight. The two green eyes glowed brightly, ready to unleash hell on the world below.

The group braced themselves for what is to come.




No one knew what happened, but what they saw next was a trail of golden Lightening which stuck the two eyes in the sky.

**AHHHHH!!!!** Echidna screamed in pain, and yelled:

**You might have stopped Me Zeus!! But you Fools won't be able to save the first and second realms!!**

With that said. The eyes vanished, and the sky returned to normal.

Supreme looked down at the two, then at the sky, totally perplexed.

"What just happened? And Who is Zeus?" He asked.

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