Solo Leveling: I Am The Only Supreme With the Cheating System

Chapter 10: Camp

"Boss! Wait for me!" The Brown hair player yelled to the Indonesian man who was running ahead through the forest.

"What? Don't you dare follow me! I am no longer your leader!" The man yelled back increasing his speed.

The LV 1 player was a little confuse.

why is a LV 3 player running away from a LV 5 player?!

For God's sake, it's only Two level difference.

"Boss! Why are you running from that bitch?! She is just a LV 5 player!"

"Yeah, a LV 5 player with a powerful weapon." the man said in a low voice.

The more they ran deeper into the forest the more uneasy the LV 1 player felt, he didn't understand why he was feeling this way so he yelled at the Indonesian man ahead, who had also slowed down a little.

'I think he felt it to.' The LV 1 player thought inwardly.

"Boss! This forest give me the creeps! I think we should turn back!"

"Turn back to her! Are you..." The man word were cut short as he saw different bones of both monsters and humans around him.

He stopped and looked around slowly, bones were all over the place, from the ones as big as an elephant on earth to the smallest bone of a rat.

Simple words, bones were everywhere.

"What in the God's name" he exclaimed.

"Boss, I think we should head back" The LV 1 player said staring at the bones in horror.

The Indonesian man looked at him over his shoulder but didn't say anything, he was debating inwardly, whether their chances will improve against the LV 5 player with a unique Epic weapon skin, or this unknown monster, which they haven't seen yet.

"Why did you two stopped? I was enjoying the chase" Blood-Arrow's voice sounded with a touch of disappointment.

The two players swiftly turned around and stared at the demoness who sat calmly on a tree branch, 20 meters from them.

"How did she?" The LV 1 player exclaimed out loud.

The Indonesian man kept silent but with his trembling body, you will know he was trying to hold back his rage and anger. 'This bitch is toying with us!'

Blood-Arrow frowned slightly seeing where the two players were currently standing, the next moment a devilish smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"I think you two are bored, let me invite a friend for you" as she said this, she slowly stood up and aimed her bow at the center of the two. Without hesitation, she released a shot.


The LV 1 player closed his eyes, preparing to meet his doom, but after 10 seconds he was till breathing. He slowly opened his eyes and discovered that the bloodred arrow struck the ground, 10 feet from him.

The two players stared at the red arrow, truly perplexed.

LV 3 player: 'Did she missed the shot? It's not possible considering the distance, then why did she strike the ground?'

LV 1 player: 'thank God she missed the shot, or else I would have lost my head.'

Two players, two mindset, and worst team ever.

The two looked up at the silver hair beauty who stood on the branch calmly, she slowly raised her hand and showed it to the two players, then she folded her palm into a fist and muttered while opening it.


"Fuck! Run!" The Indonesian man yelled out.

"What?!" The other was still confused.


At the same time, the bloodred arrow exploded, throwing the two players 5 meters back.

"Cough! Cough! What a stupid bitch!!" The man growled as he slowly stood up. He raised his AI bracelet and check his HP.

'One attack wiped out fifty of my HP?' He was a little shocked, he turned to the other guy who was trying to get up and check his HP.

'It removed 100 HP from a LV 1 player?! Is that how deadly a unique Epic weapon skin is!' The man thought staring at Blood-Arrow in terror.

'But the problem is, why haven't she killed us already?'

Blood-Arrow stared at them for a while then hid behind the tree.

"What is she...?"


His word were cut short when a piercing roar sounded behind them.

The two players gulped down and slowly turned around to face the monster.

In front of them was a twenty-foot tall humanoid monster with massive four hands filled with deadly long claws. Two strong looking legs, its four red eyes were fit on the humans who disturbed its slumber.

"I think we should run" the LV 1 player said, but he couldn't bring himself to even move an inch as the pressure of the monster fell on them.

"What is this creature?! How did we run into a LV 15 monster without even knowing?!" The Indonesian man yelled in horror as sweat the size of soybeans run down his temples.

The monster opened its jaw, revealing sharp rows of teeth, the next moment it shot forward with a terrifying speed, much more frightening than Blood-Arrow's.

That was all the two players saw before they were ripped to shreds, with no intact bodies left.

The monster stoop down and picked up the heads of the two players and brought it to his big jaw, and with a crack, he bit off a big piece of the skull and spat it out.

He then used his third and fourth hands to pull out their brains and devoured it whole, the monster then went down and started feasting on the flesh of the two players slowly.

Blood-Arrow stood calmly on the tree, hiding from the monster. She smiled and quietly jumped down, and shot forward running away from the monster.

Even she knows when to run and when to fight, a LV 15 monster will easily crush her, even if she could multiply herself she might not win.


"We need to find a place to camp, it's getting late" Supreme said staring at the sky.

Poisonous Queen followed his gaze and nodded, for once she agreed with him.

Supreme looked around the flat landscapes they were currently walking on and saw a hill in a distance. "That will do, we can't stay on the ground."

The two nodded and walked towards the high hill.

Finding the right place to make a camp is also a challenge, because you need to find a place in the center of the map or a place which had a good distance from the save Zone, as AI warned; save Zone decrease every 2 hours. You don't want to sleep for a whole six hours and not knowing if you are inside a save Zone or already out.

Of course, you will know if you are outside the save Zone because of one reason.

Instant death.

The save zone was not a transparent barrier or a light dome, but a wall of flames which had the power to burn any player to ash in a second.

The other problem finding a good camp is monsters, make sure your camp is in a considerable distance or height, so monsters won't easily get to you.

Supreme and Poisonous Queen walked for two whole fucking hours before getting to the hill, not something the two of them appreciated.

"Now, how do we get up there?" Poisonous Queen asked staring at the high hill in front of her.

"Climb of course."

Supreme tied the green bag containing their food tightly across his body like a one-hand bag, and started climbing.

"Aren't you coming?" He asked after moving five meters high.

"I don't know how-to climb" Poisonous Queen said in a low voice.

"Your problem, you can stay down there and wait for monsters." He answered and continue climbing.

'He can't even ask if he should carry me, what a heartless fool!' She growled inwardly and walked up to the hill surface, after observing for a while she gripped the edge, and followed Supreme's movement, climbing slowly.

The hill was freaking 500 feet in height, not really high but for her, it was Mount Everest.


Supreme first got to the top of the hill and sighed in relief. Which only lasted a second.


He tilted his head to the right seeing a six-foot tall bear staring at him with bloodlust.

"Sorry bro, but we need to use this hill" he said calmly, unsheathing his dagger.

'A LV 4 monster, how wonderful.'


The big black bear let out an angry roar.

"I think that is a no, well then... you will make a good dinner." Supreme said and the next moment he lunged forward with his dagger.

"Grrrraaaaa...!!!!" The black bear let out an anger filled roar and lunged forward at the charging human.



We finally reached the Tenth chapters guys, please leave me a review and comment.

If you have any idea about the novel, please let me know in the comment section.

A challenge, Two power stones, one extra chapter.

Four power stones, two extra chapters.

And so on. Let see those who are reading! 😂😂😂

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