Solo Cultivation in The Apocalypse

Chapter 94 The Joy Of Living Dangerously.

Kamiya took heavy breaths. Reon noticed him panting over the air, she turned around and grabbed Kamiya by his shoulders.

"Kamiya, Oi, Kamiya," she pulled his straight.

Kamiya grunted and groaned. He raised his hand and grabbed Reon's shoulder to take support.

Kamiya had grabbed his chest tightly and was choking on his own words multiple times.

"Kamiya, get a hang of yourself…" she muttered while examining Kamiya anxiously.

Kamiya opened his teary eyes. The same glimpse of the forearms full of scars flashed in front of him. He heard his sister's painful moans and screams till she lost her energy to shout and gave up.

He recalled how he was beaten to almost death by Kuzu and his men. They cracked open his jaw, then smashed his head on the wall.

Kamiya slid down against the wall, a bold red line appeared on the wall as Kamiya sat on the ground.


Kuzu swung his leg professionally and knocked Kamiya to the ground. Blood and saliva poured out like crazy.

Kamiya recalled the words he heard before he was knocked unconscious and woke in a hospital, "If this word goes out, you will be tortured to death… with even scarier techniques." Kuzu's voice reverberated.


Suddenly, Kamiya snapped out of his daydream when Reon placed a tight slap on his face. His eyes opened wide and he stared around like a lost kid. What just happened?

"Snap out of it!" Reon shouted, Hitori glanced at her and so did Onogi's clone, "sort yourself!"

Kamiya stared blindly at Reon. Reon was panting hard, 'is this how irritating I was?' she thought as he calmed herself.

"Get over it. Get over your trauma!" Reon held Kamiya, her glare pierced through Kamiya's eyes.

"I- it is not that easy! You know it!" Kamiya threw her hand away and shouted back.

Hitori and Onogi decided it was no use listening to their conversation so they both decided to focus on their fight.

" still need to get over it," Reon whispered softly.

Kamiya dropped his eyes, he did not look at Reon and continued staring at the ground.


"It is not that easy! I- I can not—" Reon landed another tight slap and Kamiya looked around like a lost kid again.

"Get the FUCK over it." His eyes met with Reon. They both stared into each other's eyes without breaking the contact, "sorry." Reon added.


Onogi and Hitori continued shooting at each other. Although Hitori was safe and had not lost his health, the same was the case for Onogi's clone.

The disadvantage was Hitori could not move forward with the wall as Onogi might kill him before he reaches because… ever since Onogi started firing, he had not reloaded his gun even once.

Kamiya nodded and turned his head ahead, "for Akemi-nee-chan." Kamiya whispered and clenched his wand's leather cover.

Reon got to her knees and turned around. Kamiya got up from the ground with great courage, "for Akemi-nee-chan, bastard Onogi!"

Kamiya grabbed one of the folded chairs. Reon was about to ask what he was doing but decided to stop when Kamiya swung two chairs in Onogi's direction.

A chair crashed against the pulled-over bench while others knocked on the bench's tip and stumbled over to the other side.

Kamiya did not stop there, he pulled a few more chairs and threw them behind the bench. And it worked, a few damage points flashed rapidly.

"Fucking Onogi." Kamiya bit his lip, "for Akemi-nee-chan!"

Kamiya's shout startled Hitori and when he glanced at Kamiya, whose wand was straight in front of him, Hitori rolled to the other side of the lab.

Onogi got out of his hiding spot at the same time, which was a bad idea.

Kamiya swung his wand with all of his might, "Bakuhatsu!" The psychic energy blew up the glass cupboard behind Onogi as he rolled on the ground to dodge Kamiya's attack.

At the same time, Hitori banged against metal cupboards that had chemicals and other reactants inside the closet.

But that was not the end, Kamiya raised his wand once again, "Bakuhatsu!" another blast blew the flasks and tubes that were sitting on the other two benches.

Hitori quickly pushed himself off the cupboard. Onogi slid behind the gap created by a showcase that displayed wet specimens and three windows and a wall.

Kamiya had cleared the path in front of him by throwing the chairs. He walked past the hiding spot, "Cover me, please." Hitori requested Reon.

She stared at him as he walked to the first bench, "Bakuhatsu!" he cast another spell.

The windows shattered, revealing the darkness behind them. The pieces fell on Onogi, he turned and fired at Kamiya.

An ice wall appeared in front of Kamiya a moment before the bullet would hit Kamiya.

Hitori smashed against Kamiya and took him down. Hitori grabbed the bench in front of him and pulled it upside down.

Then he looked at Kamiya, "you should not use your mana recklessly," Hitori muttered.

Hitori got up from the ground, and Onogi came out from his cover. They both stood in front of each other for a second before Onogi lifted his gun and Hitori raised his katana.

Reon aimed at Onogi's chest as his head was at the same level as Hitori's head but his right chest was open.

She pulled the trigger. Her bullet struck Onogi's chest but… nothing happened.

Okay, she delayed Onogi's attack but no damage was inflicted. Hitori turned to Reon with wide eyes, "he has a battlesuit on!"

Onogi pulled the trigger. Hitori was pulled down by Kamiya instantly. The bullet struck the side of their ice wall.

Reon clicked her tongue and aimed at Onogi. And that shot changed Onogi's target to Reon from Kamiya.

"Oh, crap." Hitori rose from the ground, "we will go from behind, move!"

Hitori walked on his knees and reached the other side of the wall, Kamiya followed him. They both saw Onogi as he continuously fired at Reon and advanced in her direction.

"Now!" Hitori took off, Kamiya followed him.

Hitori did not bother taking a detour, he strode towards the lying bench. Hitori did not care about the glass pieces.

Onogi stopped firing and turned to Hitori. He stepped on the bench and jumped in the air, then he kicked down the same table that had jumped up along with him like a see-saw.

The blade of Hitori's katana shone under the bright lights as he descended down to Onogi.


The bullet went through Hitori's obliques, only to slow him down.

"Argh!!" Hitori groaned, he pulled his katana down. Onogi took a step back but that did not prevent Hitori from cutting his stomach open.


Both Hitori and Onogi landed on the ground with only one difference– Hitori stumbled on his feet while Onogi fell on his butt.

Kamiya rushed to the other side of the room but stopped when he saw Hitori was damaged. He was about to kill Onogi– although his heart was racing– but dropped the plan.

"Hitori-san!" Reon pushed the chairs and charged at them.

"H- Hitori– hey– Hitori!" Kamiya spread his arms but soon closed them when he saw Onogi lifting his gun.

The second table made a loud screeching sound as Hitori leaned on the table and pushed it back.

Kamiya pulled his right hand to the side of his waist, he grabbed his dagger, "do not you fucking dare!" Kamiya grunted and threw his dagger.

The dagger went like a bullet and stabbed Onogi's face. The gun dropped along with his hand. Kamiya left Hitori's side and rushed to Onogi.

"Fucker." He pulled out the knife from his face and stabbed it in his head, "you laughed like an idiot, did not you?" he continued, "you thought it was funny?" he pulled the dagger, "fucking funny?" Kamiya stabbed the dagger once again.

Hitori and Reon stared at Kamiya as he made a mess of Onogi's face by continuously cursing– as if venting his anger as if paying Onogi back for his sins.

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