Solo Cultivation in The Apocalypse

Chapter 84 Woodland Beings.

<Are you sure you would like to use the cultivated mana for activating this skill?>

"Yes," Hitori replied. He suddenly felt a jolt in his body before his cultivated mana started flowing from his heart to his veins and eventually his whole body.

Hohn removed his hand from his eyes when the green light around Hitori disappeared.

Hohn groaned, "Urgh!" He raised its hammer and charged at Hitori.

'I do not know what a tiny being like her can do…' Hitori thought and then ordered Chibi.

"Chibi, please search for God's Hell, my teammate," when the words of Sylvan language came from Hitori's mouth, Hohn stopped where it stood.

Hohn's only question was, 'how is an intruder able to talk in Sylvan?' If it was another player, they would have questioned 'Where did he learn such skill? And that too at such an early level!'

But Hitori was unaware that he was speaking to Chibi in the Sylvan language. Hohn did not understand the language but he knew what language it was.

On Hitori's order, a diminutive being peeped at him from behind the tree. Her orange-yellow floral headpiece popped out first then did her long maroon color hair.

She gave Hitori a quick nod. She flapped her super delicate transparent butterfly wings and flew off in the air before she disappeared into the thin air.

The pixie dust shower soon disappeared along with her. Hohn watched as it all happened before it snapped out of it.

"Hah!!" Hohn swung its hammer.

"Yagi, please defend me against the Duergar." Hitori's eyes were still closed when he ordered Yagi.


The sweet sound of a blade drawing out from its scabbard echoed in the woods. The half-human, half-goat being named Yagi made a move.

Yagi's short sword and Hohn's hammer clashed with each other, right at that moment, Yagi applied more force and pushed the dwarf's hammer away.

While they were sparring with each other, the lonely pretty woman with sexy curves stood like a statue and stared at Yagi and Hohn as if she was studying them.

"And… Hime…" Hitori muttered with slight hesitation as compared to his orders to Chibi and Yagi.

When Hitori conjured the three beings, a magical status screen that displayed the beings' level and other stats had appeared. He looked through the screen and read through Hime's description.

Hime was a Dryad who had the ability to communicate with trees and plants. Ignoring the useless ability, she had something known as 'Woodland Magic', no information was displayed about a particular skill.

"Well… do what you are best at." Hime frowned and glanced at Hitori, she shook her head with a frown and turned to look straight into Hohn's eyes.

Hitori continued to read through her details. Her main strength was her ability to charm others but Hitori knew charms would not work on the Duergar.

Hime shook her shoulder-level blonde hair (there was a greenish smudge on the tips of her hair's ends.) and opened her emerald-colored eyes.

Yagi dodged a hammer strike and attacked Hohn from below. Yagi used its spring-like legs to give him a jump start to strike Hohn's chin.

Hime ignored the chaos around her and locked her eyes with Hohn.

She knew her charm would not work on the dwarf cause her level was nineteen while the Duergar's level was above twenty.

Just as expected, Hohn had no trouble looking away from Hime's pretty face. She was stunned by the arrogance though.

'This is why I do not like dwarfs. Little prideful creatures.' She thought and Hitori could hear it all, 'even goblins are better–'

"Do not speak of goblins in front of me, Hime." When Hitori spoke Elvish, not only Hime's but even the Duergar's and Satyr's eyes went wide in surprise.

For a moment, all three of them paused before Yagi stabbed its short sword into Hohn's stomach armor and Hohn swung its arm to push Yagi away.

Hime gulped and went back to try charming the Duergar. Hime firmly closed her eyes and chanted a spell under her breath.

Hime continued muttering the spell but after a few tries, a frown appeared on her face. She turned around to Hitori.

"Ryu-Kun… I failed." Hitori turned his head to Hime, "I need a charm or a mana enchanter…"

Hitori did not reply. He stood straight without opening his eyes. While behind his eyes, he was seeing what Chibi was seeing as she flew across the forest.

"A charm enchantment berry… it is here, in the forest," Hime added, "It is golden yellow in color."

"I will make Chibi get it. Buy us some time." Hime nodded and turned around to face the Duergar.

Since her charms would not work, Hime decided to go with something different.

Meanwhile, Chibi the pixie moved her gossamer wings delicately but quickly. Hitori made her look all around the ground and fly high so that she does not miss anything and eventually, Hitori does not miss anything.

Suddenly, Chibi came to a step. She panicked and went behind a tree to hide. Hitori tried to control her movements but he failed miserably.

"Come on, Chibi…" Hitori muttered in the Sylvan language, "let me just have a single look."

Chibi hesitated… a lot. She was not scared of the enemy but she was too shy to show herself. And she had the fear of being caught by the enlarged Duergar.

Hitori bit his lower lip, "Please… please, Chibi."

Pixie took a deep gulp when she peeked at the Duergar in front of her.

Hitori saw Kazon who had enlarged into fourteen feet Duergar, Hitori further saw an injured player lying on the ground, through Chibi's eyes.

An angry frown appeared on Hitori's face, "Kamiya…" he clenched his fists, "I will be back. Just survive this one minute." Then Hitori ordered Chibi, "Advance." Pixie turned to take the detour to the right side of the forest.

The distance between Hitori and Kamiya was not greater than ten meters but he could not just jump out to help Kamiya when he has Hohn to fight.

​ Hitori was too equipped with his search for Kamiya till Hime's actions caught his actions.

She was leaning against a tree with her eyes closed while Yagi was trying hard to defend Hitori against Hohn. Yagi had even lost a quarter of his health.

Hohn, on the other hand, was grinning because Hime failed in charming it. It opened its mouth and grumbled in the Dwarvish language, "Charms do not work on us!"

But Hime was not trying to charm it anymore. She stood against the tree. Hitori saw her muttering something but could not hear it.

Slowly, the tree started to suck Hime inside it. Her back sunk into the tree followed by her legs, arms, and finally, her whole body.

Hitori's urge to open his eyes was taking over him but he knew if he opened his eyes, his concentration might break. So he watched through the magic screen as Hime's face got sucked into the tree.

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