Solo Cultivation in The Apocalypse

Chapter 72 The Courage To Be Brave.

While Kamiya and Reon were talking with each other, Hitori was focused on the minotaur. It was running at them with heavy steps and a slow pace but an angry frown on its face.

Hitori aimed his gun at the minotaur first but discarded the idea of wasting his bullets, he was about to run out of ammo too. So Hitori took out his katana instead.

Now the thing was, for Hitori to attack the minotaur with his katana, he needs to be close to the minotaur, it should be in his katana's range.

Unfortunately, when Hitori took a step forward, an ax jumped from the right side. Hitori quickly jumped back and the ax fell on the bridge, it stabbed the bridge's stones.

"Kamiya, Reon-san," they both turned their heads, "I might need cover." He told them.

"I- I will not mess up this time." Reon raised her gun and fired at the minotaur.

"Electrify," Kamiya used the electric shock spell to stun the minotaur, "Hitori, now!"

One round of magazine and one electric shock brought the minotaur's health to the yellow block, slightly orange.

But still, for Hitori, the minotaur was far away and he could not step forward so he went back to his gun, "Mana bullets." He reloaded his gun with a round of mana bullets.

Shot, shot, shot.

It took him four shots to take down the minotaur. Hitori relaxed his stance, Kamiya still stayed alert. Reon let out a sigh and dropped her hands with her head.

[two minotaurs have spawned]

Hitori and Reon got ready once again, "Oh, crap." Hitori glanced at his remaining ammo, only six more rounds of the magazine, which means, only forty-two bullets more.

Reon faced the same problem, almost out of ammo. It had been forever since Hitori and Reon thought about purchasing a magazine bundle because they had enough, but right now, it was not enough.

Kamiya does not use a gun or something that costs ammo but he sure uses magic which costs mana. Even after he drank a mana potion, his mana bar had touched the orange part.

"The wall, get the wall," Hitori turned. Kamiya was about to use levitation again but then he remembered Reon's words.

Kamiya clicked his tongue and bit his lower lip while he put his wand back on the cover. Kamiya took heavy steps forward, he bent down on the way and grabbed the ax that was stuck in the bridge.

The minotaurs were not visible yet so Hitori thought he had some time to prepare for the battle. He turned around and saw Kamiya had scratched the wall with an ax.

Kamiya groaned and gave the wall a powerful swing because it was ice, it slid perfectly on the stone bridge. Hitori unsheathed his katana and stabbed the wall to bring pull the wall in front of them.

The bridge started shaking. The debris that rested on the bridge bounced up and down with every step of the two minotaurs. Reon spread her arms to balance herself on the bridge.

"Thank god it is not a wooden bridge," she gulped, "but a wooden one might have had borders at least…"

Hitori took a step forward, Kamiya floowed. Two axes attacked them from ahead. Hitori turned his head around to try to distance himself from the minotaurs.

When he turned around, total darkness greeted him, "how is that possible?" Kamiya had turned around too. The rest of the bridge behind and the platform were missing… or eaten by the darkness.

"We are trapped," Kamiya declared, Hitori nodded.

"We already were… since the beginning," Hitori added.

"And… I had asked," Reon chimed, "what if we are trapped,"

"And I had replied–"

"What if we are trapped? What AFTER we are trapped?"

Hitori clicked his tongue and turned around, "why do you ask so obvious questions?" Hitori frowned.

"What is obvious about my question?" her hesitation slowly faded.

"Is not that obvious?" Hitori glanced at Kamiya before taking his stance. Kamiya nodded and stepped beside him, "we get out of the trap." Hitori pulled his wand and sheathed his katana.


Hitori lifted his wand and so did Kamiya, "ice wall," he brought his wand down from the sky and a wall appeared beside him.

"Defense wall," an invisible barrier appeared by Kamiya's left side.

Hitori glanced, "we keep this up. I know, it might suck a lot of mana, but we have no choice." Kamiya simply nodded, "ready?"

"Huh? For what?" Reon asked, she stared at them blankly, "wait… what are you–"

"Cover us." she heard Kamiya whisper before they two took off running down the bridge.

Clang, crash, smash, clank, stamp.

Hitori and Kamiya continued to create walls on both sides as they ran ahead. The axes fell on the walls and made all kinds of sounds.

Reon was left behind, fazed by the sudden actions that had happened. She shook the thoughts away and did what she was told to.

The ice wall was left behind by them for Reon. She bent down on her knee and took aim from the side of the wall.

Kamiya and Hitori ran slower than usual, the minotaur was not in their sight yet but they could sense it.

"Hey, Hitori," Kamiya said, "there is a proverb… Try first and then believe."

"There is such a proverb?" Hitori frowned, "never k–"

"And do you know that… water is a good conductor of electricity?"

Hitori saw where this was leading to, "yeah…" he nodded.

"And do you believe it to be true?" Kamiya slowed down and came to a stop, Hitori stopped with him. Partially cause the minotaurs to get closer.

"Hah… haha!" he scoffed, "no." he shook his head, "first try and then believe." Kamiya had never tried this experiment, and neither had Hitori.

But Reon had tried this to believe it. With an electrical switch… while showering.

Hitori grinned, "exactly."

A bull's roar filled the bridge, Hitori saw a minotaur, only one minotaur approaching them from the dark.

"Water splash," the minotaur covered its face after the water was splashed on its face, "tried…" Hitori muttered.

"Electrify!" he brought down a beam of electric shock on the minotaur's face, "believed…" Kamiya chuckled, it was fun.


Shot, shot, shot.

They both turned their heads to the ice wall from where, Reon erupted, "there is no such proverb…" she showed herself and lowered her gun, "and IMPURE water is a good conductor, not simply water." Reon grinned.

A grin spread on his face. 'She is back.' Hitori thought. Reon-san is back. The way she grinned at them, Hitori was sure that she is back to the game.

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