Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World (LN)

Volume 7 - Ch 4.02

That is probably because the forces of the Knights of the Knight Order of Hartz Duchy are currently spread too thin because the Hartz Duchy has three Labyrinths that need to be cleared instead of just one.

Or perhaps, they decided to focus on the exploration of Harubas Labyrinth? Well, Gozer looks like a hard worker, so I wish him good luck in that endeavor, but as for the Duke of Hartz then yeah, I dont really care about him all that much.

The Party led by the Duke and Cassia and also the Party led by Gozer and his Knights of the Hartz Duchy were also responsible for the exploration of Harubas Labyrinth, and since all the three of them seem to be exceptionally powerful individuals with high-level Jobs, then I am pretty sure that they would be more than capable of blazing through the eleventh floor of Bodes Labyrinth in no time flat.

On the other hand, however, I guess it would ultimately be pretty wasteful for the Parties as powerful as Gozers, Dukes and Cassias to explore such a low-levelled floor as the eleventh floor of Bodes Labyrinth when they could be exploring much higher floors. Yeah, something like that would definitely be more worth their time and resources instead of wasting them all here.

Moreover, it is a more rational thing to do to break through the floors of a single Labyrinth one by one instead of continuously diverting your attention to the other Labyrinths. In that sense, I guess it can be said that I have yet to directly contribute to the exploration of the Labyrinths of Hartz Duchy, since instead of heading to the upper, the most recently discovered floors I am taking my sweet time with my own Party on the lower floors.

However, I dont think that this is going to be the source of any problems whatsoever, since it was the Duke himself who said that it would be perfectly fine for me to just enter that Labyrinths in the territory of Hartz Duchy. He didnt specify at all that I should also be heading to the higher floors to contribute to the exploration of the Labyrinths in any meaningful way.

That, and there is also the matter of me defeating Heinz the Bandit and his cronies. In a grand scheme of things that might have been nothing all that major, but if my deed caused the Knights of the Knight Order of Hartz Duchy to reduce the number of patrols that that had to make in the Labyrinths, th3n I guess it can be argued that I have helped them at least that much, which is definitely better than not helping at all.

Before we head home for the day, I want to make a quick stop at the furniture store.

Furniture store? Why do you want to do that, master?

Because the bed that we are currently using us starting to get just a little bit too small for all of us to use, so we cannot keep on using it. We need to get ourselves a bigger one.

That was a thought that suddenly popped into my mind when we entered the entrance room on the first floor of Bodes Labyrinth, which was admittedly quite small, even by the standards of the other Labyrinths entrance rooms that I have seen before.

Whenever I am expressing the desire to add another member to my harem, there is always this fear at the back of my head: the fear that some of the current members of my harem might start objecting the idea. That is exactly why I want to do something that would allow the uneasiness in my heart to be remedied, even if it would be for only just a little bit.

No, I dont want to do this because I plan to increase the number of my slaves yet again. I think that it is still too early after Mirias purchase to be going for another one.

I just want to do it as a kind of lets call it preparation. A preparation for when I will really have to expand my harem again.

So as you can see, even if the harems further expansion is not my ultimate goal here, it is still one of the reasons behind it, which is making me feel just a tad bit guilty about it.

I see. It would certainly be a great thing to do, since just like you mentioned just now, the bed is starting to feel a little bit cramped. Thank you for caring about us and always thinking about our needs, master.

Ugh, now that makes me feel all the more guilty, since I dont want the new bed because of any noble reasons like that. The only thing that motivates me to get ourselves a bigger bed are actually my own selfish desires and my need to quench them.

Anyway, for the time being, I warped us all to Quratars Adventurers Guild, and from there, we all headed to the furniture store to take a look at the beds tha they have available there.

Now, I know that I said that we are going to need a bigger bed, but I dont necessarily think that we have to buy an extra large one just yet. Instead, I think it might be a good idea to go and by the one thats going to be just a little bit larger than the one that we are currently using right now. And then, after we buy that second one, we might just put the two beds right next to each other to create the bigger one. What do you girls think?

While checking out the beds carefully, I made such a proposal to the girls, since like I said just now, the bed that we currently have in our bedroom is already quite large, so I dont think theres any need for us to get too overboard with the purchase of the next one.

The current one is capable of having up to four people in it at once, so once we add the second one, it should be able to accommodate five or more people quite easily. That being said, I do not know if what I have in mind is going to be easily achievable, since I never tried to put tow beds side by side before. In the worst-case scenario, I think we might be dealing with a huge gap in the middle between the two of them, which would make it pretty uncomfortable if any of the girls were to roll into it in the middle of the night or even fall to the ground as a result.

But since I am the one who usually sleeps in the center of the bed with the girls hugging onto my arms, that would also pose the danger of something like that happening to me as well, and I definitely dont want that.

Then again, I guess its all in how were going to arrange it in the end. There shouldnt be any problems with it just as long as I will arrange it in such a way that the gap is not going to be directly below my ass, but were going to cross that bridge when we get to it, and not a minute too soon.

If were going to set them up the way that master wants it, then I think the bed might end up being too big for us, actually.

For the four of us right now? Oh, its definitely going to be too big. But once more Party Members join us, then such a big bed is going to be a necessity, so I think theres nothing wrong in getting a little bit ahead of ourselves like that.

My appearance was calm and composed while I was saying that, but to tell you the truth, in my head I was all tensed up and sweating bullets. For my own sake and for the sake of fulfilling my harem dream, I have to keep telling them that I am going to be increasing the numbers of our members over and over again just in case if any of them ever forgot about it. If any of the girls did forget and oppose to me getting more slaves as a result, then hoo boy would that be hella awkward and then some.

Is that so?

A-Also, it would be a real waste to just go and throw the bed that we currently have away just because were buying a new one.

My anxiety started skyrocketing, so I hurriedly gave them some completely made-up reason for not to turn down my proposal. This is what I was being afraid of the entire time: that things may not go as smoothly as I thought because of a single comment that one of the girls makes.

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