Slave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World (LN)

Volume 1 - Ch 4.11



The bread was soft and tender, and both the stew and the vegetables and meat (probably beef) were equally taste buds-blowing, and seasoned just right with spices, out of which pepper was the one with the strongest taste. It might be just my personal opinion, but you could definitely make a fortune with this dish if you started selling it in Japan. Sure, it is a bit pricey, but something like that could definitely be sold as a high level gourmet dish back in my old world!

I took my sweet time to enjoy this meal and then went back to my room. The rays of the setting sun coming in through the wooden window painted it with a slight shade of red. After literally a few minutes since I got here, I heard someone knocking at the door.

Please come in!

Excuse me. I brought the hot water you requested.

A man whom I have never seen before came into my room, carrying a tub filled with hot water with him. He placed it in the middle of the room and then put a towel next to it, immediately leaving the moment he finished doing his work. I thought about giving him a small tip for all the trouble he had to go through to bring it all the way to the third floor, but it looks like there was no need for me to do that.

I took off my clothes and wiped my body with the towel dipped in hot water. It was understandable that the Village Chiefs house did not have any bathing facilities, but if an inn like that does not have them as well, then I guess bathing might not be all that popular in this world? Maybe its just a luxury that only the filthy rich people can afford? This tub of water here cost me 20 Nar, so it was definitely not on the cheap side. But if I just neglected my personal hygiene and just kept on getting all dirty and sweaty without a care in the world then Id be no different from an animal.

After getting myself clean, it was time to wash the clothes I was wearing as well. Unfortunately I do not have any soap on me, so all I could really do was to douse them in hot water and hang them out to dry. Besides, I dont even know if one of the shops in town is even selling soap, or does it even exist in this world in the first place. Before I always took things like soap or cleaning detergent for granted, but now that I wont have access to them anymore, I guess it will require some intense getting used to. The same goes for toothbrush and toothpaste. I think this world is still not technologically advanced enough to have those available. Also, when it comes to buying food, I could really, and I mean really use some convenience store right now. Im afraid that if I want to continue eating quality meals like the one Ive eaten today then thats going to get pretty darn expensive in the long run.

Since it will take some time for my clothes to dry I put on the pumpkin pants and one of the spare shirts I bought today. The pants didnt have any kind of string or a rubber in them so I couldnt adjust them, but that was only a slight inconvenience. Now that I finally had some time for myself I could feel the fatigue of the entire day catching up to me, so I just laid down on the bed and drifted off to sleep in a matter of minutes.

I must have gotten at least a few good hours of rest, but when I have woken up, it was still dark outside, so I just laid still on the hard hay-mattress, surrounded on all sides by pitch-black darkness. I think I was dreaming. About Roxanne. I couldnt recall what I was dreaming about exactly, but judging by the fact that my pants were still as clean as they were a few hours ago, at the very least I could be sure that it wasnt that kinda dream. Its funny though. Its been a few days since I arrived in this world, and I have never once dreamt of Japan. Not even a single dream to remind me of my home world and the life Ive led there (as shitty as it was). Maybe thats because instead of longing for something that I will probably never see again, my brain has already switched its gears into thinking about the things that are within my reach, just waiting for me to grasp them firmly with my hands? Heh, who would have guessed that there will come a time when someone like me, who was considered to be a failure and a sore loser by anyone around him will have a real chance at snagging a real 11/10 beauty for myself (putting aside the fact that she is going to become my slave)? When compared to the girls in my old world, she is a million times better, theres no doubt in my mind about that! Not to mention that she is nothing like all those cutting board-like bitches that would report you to the police for sexual harassment the moment youd dare to point that fact out to them! I can still see it so clearly, that image that has burned itself in my mind. Oh how her lovely melons jiggled up and down when she handed me that tea cup!!! Oh man, and now my horny mind is going on a rampage again, even though I have yet to obtain her as my own!

Initially I was afraid that I will always be alone in this new and strange world, but if I get her to be my companion, Im sure shell be able to teach me everything that Ill need to know not to stand out like a sore thumb. That is my current objective, and I absolutely cannot allow myself to fail at it. If there is anyone whom I could rely on, Im sure it would be her.

After that I must have dozed off for some more, because when I opened my eyes again, the room wasnt as dark as it was the last time. I exhaled heavily. Even though I went to bed relatively early last night (maybe it was around 7:00 pm, I cant really tell because there are no watches or clocks here), my limbs still felt kinda sore and I was still tired. That is probably because in order to get to Veil I have woken up pretty dang early and left the Village Chiefs house and the village before sunrise, and then had a day full of surprising and taxing activities, both mentally and physically.

This world has one major drawback: the lack of electricity and technology makes it so that there is pretty much nothing to do after dark, aside form the adult entertainment such as brothels, drinking and gambling. No gaming console, no TV, no PC, no internet, no manga, no books, no nothing! If all I can do is to just lay in here and bore myself to death, then maybe I should go out and collect more information from the bar or something like that? Yeah, that would be a pretty swell idea, if not for the fact that it probably wouldnt go very well for me. As a kid who was constantly bullied, my communication skills were at the level where I normally wouldnt be able to hold a normal conversation with others out of fear that they also might start picking on me. What about the last two days you ask? Ah right, I guess I was able to somehow get by just fine, but I think that is entirely because Im still treating most of the people here as nothing but game NPCs despite my best efforts to convince myself to switch that mentality into treating them like the proper human beings. You know how it is, right? In games, normal NPCs wont ever attack or turn on you, the player, unless they are scripted to do so or you provoke them yourself. As long as you dont do that, they will continue to behave in a neutral manner and spew exposition and quest info your way all day long without batting an eye. At least thats how I thought it would be here, but if any of those people outside are just as unpredictable as real people now, theres no telling when some of them might get offended or triggered by something I say and pull a knife on me. And that brings me to my second concern. The money I have on me right now. With the amount I have on me right now, wandering around without any legitimate reason might not be a good idea.

One gold coin will allow me to stay at an inn for around a month, so 33 of them would allow me to have a place to stay for three years. Even back in Japan, no one would be parading around with that much money on them, much less go get themselves piss-drunk at a bar, so Im not going to do that either. Im going to be a better man and rise above!

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