Skeleton Knight, in Another World

Volume 8 - Ch 19

Translator: Silver Editor: Namorax

Decisive Battle

The soldiers and warriors stationed southwest of the Holy City numbered just a little over ten thousand.

The people gathered here were from various races and different nationalities. The human soldiers from Rhoden, Nozan, and Salma Kingdom made up the bulk, followed by the elven warriors of Canada and Doranto, with the miscellaneous addition of the Blade Heart Clan and the two Dragon Kings.

This was the first time in this worlds history that such a variety of nations and races formed an alliance with one another each party here because of a common goal shared between them.

In the center of this gathering stood a massive simple tent where a representative of each power was assembled, and their attention was on me.

Undead giants such troublesome things.

Dylan groaned out a response as he attempted to sooth the deep wrinkles hearing Ferufivisurotte and my report.

Beside him, Ariane made a complicated expression as she listened to our tale.

An attack that spreads death impurities is nothing to laugh at. If they can do such a thing, ordinary men will be killed immediately. Considering the giants size, their range is too vast for us to even approach the holy city

The muscular Canadian elder in full warrior attire, Furgas, nodded along with Dylan assertions.

Everyones faces went grim when they heard about what the death impurities did when they came into contact with the ground.

It was then that Ferufivisurotte, in her human form, stepped up with a confident smile and spoke up.

That is why Williahsfim and I will be the giants playmates. Besides, Arc-hon can grant everyone a protection charm capable of dispersing death impurities at least once, isnt that better?

Everyones eye fell upon me at her remark.

Arc-dono, is that true?

Margrave Branier was the one that asked me to verify the extent of my magics effects.

Itd been sheer luck that the spell had managed to work on Ferufivisurotte during our reconnaissance mission

However, it shouldnt be a problem.

We confirmed the effects of the spell when Ferufivisurotte-dono received a direct hit from the death impurities attack. Although Holy Protectioncan dispel the curse, the question remains if the person can endure the hit or not?

Just because the body of a strong dragon king can withstand the impact of the death impurity attach didnt mean than a human body could.

You shouldnt overestimate the effects Holy Protection had on you upon getting it.

To avoid unnecessary casualties due to the Giants attack, a frontal assault is out of the question I cant imagine the damages that would cause.

Prince Sect brushed a forelock aside and let out a weary sigh as he spoke.

There were no aftereffects of his previous injuries, yet he carried the responsibility of leading Rhodens forces with a wryly smile now.

Even if we divide our forces into platoons and conduct guerrilla warfare, I dont see things going over very well. Shouldnt we wait till the undead giants are slain before trying to invade the Holy City?

Princess Lilles escort and acting commander of the Nozan forces, Zahar Bahrov, was the next to speak up.

On behest of King Asparuf himself, the princesss other escort, Nina, accompanied him to provide assistance.

I was ignorant of the political landscape, but it appears the king had poured quite some resources into assuring that talented and trustworthy people stood alongside his daughter.

Chiome, as the youngest attendant and representative of the Blade Heart Clan added her own opinions in a dignified manner.

The opponents arent humans, they lack the strategic thinking necessary to withdraw. While Ferufivisurotte-sama and Williahsfim-sama are fighting the undead giants, we can draw the undead outside the range of the giants attacks.

Behind Chiome, Goemon, the giant fighter who was larger than Furgas, crossed his arms and silently nodded in agreement with her suggestion.

An ordinary person might take issue with Chiomes petite size and age, but Goemons solid mass ensured that no one was brave enough to voice their complaints.

However, most of the representatives were experienced fighters who could detect the strength she possessed.

In that respect, the most surprising thing was that Prince Sect, whod lead the charge at Urier river until an injury took him out of the fight, seemed to be the only one who couldnt see her strength.

As I pondered that mystery, Dylan faced each of the representatives and gave us a passionate speech.

Ill take all your input into consideration as we finalize our plan of action. This shall be the decisive battle against Hiruku. Once this matter is settled, history shall remember what has taken place here. Right now, in this very place, we sit on the cusp of a new era. For that reason, I pray for everyones luck.

Each representative calmly nodded along after Dylan finished his speech before leaving the tent to address their individual followers.

The decisive battle with the Hiruku Theocracy


As I left the tent while scratching the scruff of Pontas neck, my gaze wandered over to the Holy City, specifically the massive cathedral that peeked over the city wall.

Besides me, Ariane looked straight ahead as she tied up her hair, Chiome recited a string of ninja mantras, and Goemon cracked his knuckles as he glared at the city.

Then, lets go.




Each of the responded to my words in their own way.

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