Shincon’s One Coin Clear

Chapter 43

Episode 43. Endless Express (12)

There are many by-products that can be obtained from dragon carcasses.

Representatively, there are scales and bones (including both nails, claws and teeth).

Some blood is used as a high-grade sample for witchcraft or magic.

The problem is that the material is too high-grade.

It is not unreasonable to use all the materials, but in order to get the most out of the weapon or armor, you have to make it according to the user.

And there weren’t many places where you could smelt the by-products of dragons.

-You’ll probably need to borrow the help of the Meister Clan in the shelter on the 15th floor, or go to the blacksmith’s or factory, which can be heard as a stage reward on the 36th floor or higher, to use it properly.

“Even they said that if you pay for Meister Clan and make it, there will be nothing left.”

A situation where Aksharon’s skin can’t be made into armor right now.

I’d keep a small amount just in case, but that’s why scales and bones weren’t the sun’s goal.

Sun’s goal was more precious.

dragon heart.

In other words, Dragon Heart.

An assembly of pure magical power and a vessel containing the dragon’s soul.

An elixir that allows you to get a lot of mana just by ingesting it.


The sun split Untara’s corpse with his lightsaber.

It was very stiff, perhaps because of postmortem rigor.

Taeyang played with his sword roughly while sweating.

– Hey, be careful with the knife. Then heartbreak

“What kind of wild ginseng is it?”

-It is much more precious than wild ginseng! do you mean that?

Oh is it

Taeyang stopped cutting and smiled.

-How do you compare Dragon Heart and wild ginseng?

-You can compare. Do you ignore wild ginseng?

-?? Isn’t Dak Sansam superior? I only compare the game elixir with the real elixir;;


-Dragon Heart increases stamina? Raise the wild ginseng.

– Oh, I admit that. I’ll need verification.



The sun incised Untara’s chest.

A huge heart was exposed in front of the sun.

“Ugh, that’s hideous.”

Ran, who had been diligently tearing off the scales from the side, frowned.

Since Untara’s size was huge, the size of her heart was the size of the sun’s upper body.

“Why the hell are you taking out the intestines? disgusting.”

“Why did you take it out? Take it out to eat.”

“You eat this?”

Martial arts NPCs tended to not know much about ‘dragons’.

This is because the ‘dragon’ of their world and the ‘dragon’ of the dimensional labyrinth are different beings.

“I don’t eat all of them.”

‘Dragon Heart’ did not refer to the heart from a biological point of view, but to the mana crystal located in the center of the heart.

– Oh, that’s disgusting.

“Again, only you close your eyes. Cowardly, cowardly.”

The sun pressed his hand into Untara’s flesh.

“Ugh, disgusting.”

The sun made an impression with a soft feeling.

After digging around for a long time, Taeyang finally got the crystal and pulled out his arm.

Fu Hu-wook.

With the sound of wind blowing, dragon blood flowed out of the hole where the sun’s arm had entered.

“Is this a dragon heart?”

Ran and Parka approached the sun.

The sun rubbed a mana crystal into the nearby snow, wiping Untara’s blood.

“It’s a transparent stone.”

“Looking at it, I think it looks pretty.”

“Is this a dragon heart?”

-I see a lot of precious scenes in the real Yoon Taeyang broadcast.

-Lㅇㅋ The fact that Dragon Heart came out like this can be counted with three fingers in the 8-year history of Dantalian broadcasting.

-He is so easy, but why hasn’t everyone been able to do it?

-If it was another user, the corps commander would have been wriggling under a battalion commander and barely passed and sighed, right?

-But meeting the battalion commander was at the level of sucking that he was good at it, right?

-Is Taeyang Yoon great?

-yep. Not sure when responding.

Taeyang looked at Parka and asked.

“I have this. Do you have any objections?”

“does not exist.”

Parker nodded.

Instead of handing over the dragon heart, it is because Parka decided to have the second most valuable ‘Yeok-ri’ from the dragon’s corpse.

The sun also decapitated the dragon, and in any case, the location of the train was the result of negotiations based on the initiative, since only the sun could find it.

Ran asked.

“that. Are you really going to eat it?”

“You should eat.”

“It looks like it will get stuck in your throat just by looking at it. I can’t even chew.”

“… … .”

That was right.

In fact, because of that, Taeyang was also hesitating.

– I heard you just put it in your mouth? oh i didn’t do that That’s what I’ve heard

“Is it okay?”

– Or chew something. If all your teeth are broken, you can’t take responsibility?

“done. What more do I want from you?”

Taeyang glared at the dragon heart for a long time before swallowing it in one bite.

The moment the mana crystal touched the throat of the sun, it turned into a liquid and went down the esophagus.


It felt like the very cold cold water was stirring my body, perhaps because it belonged to a white dragon.

The sun instinctively sat down.

The dragon’s mana lightly circled the sun’s body and settled in the sun’s heart.

[Bonus: You got Dragon Heart.]


Bang Bang!

“Open the door! grow! Regimental leader Acutrus has returned!”

The regimental commander, who stayed up all night catching up with the train, tapped the tail compartment.

“Damn it.”

The regimental commander’s face was distorted.

The ‘rats’ actually killed the dragon, so there were eyewitnesses.

In addition, he couldn’t even bring a light saber, the symbol of a military corps commander.

If it was one person, it could have been taken by force, but there was no way to do it because there were three of them.

If he went on like this, it was obvious that Benjamin would brand the regiment commander as an incompetent human being.

“shit! When will the door open!”

Bang bang!

The regimental commander pounded the screen roughly once more.

stupid workers.

He was as stupid as always and didn’t seem to recognize who he was.

Or are you just stamping your feet without knowing what to do?

Eventually, the roof of the tail compartment opened.

Benjamin Arcraptor and his bodyguards greeted the regimental commander.

The regimental commander came into the train and reported.

Benjamin’s bodyguards knew all the plans, so they didn’t have to be careful what they said.

“I confirmed that the rats are catching dragons. Returning by train will be a nuisance.”

“You caught Untara? they?”

Benjamin’s eyes lit up.

“Yoon Taeyang activated his lightsaber.”


“Reuse seems impossible, considering that it suffers from mana draining afterwards.”

“The corps commander’s sword?”

“… … I didn’t get it. The rats are returning to the train with their retrieval. I will wait outside the train and catch, kill and retrieve the rats.”

The regimental commander brushed the snow off his uniform.

I’m going out again soon, but I wanted to soak in the warm water even for a moment.

“… … .”

Acutrus realized belatedly that Benjamin and his bodyguards were staring at him with cold faces.

The fact that there are no people in the tail compartment, which should be crowded at any time.

A large male bodyguard in a purple uniform reported to Benjamin in a dry voice.

“The traitor Acutrus. The crime will be recorded as attempted murder and murder of a superior in mutiny.”

“There is no need for capture. kill.”

He activated the magic circle that Benjamin Arcraptor had prepared.

Benjamin’s bodyguards pointed firearms at the regiment commander.

The regiment commander’s expression twisted like a demon.

“A power-mad old man!”

The magic circle spewed fire and the rear part of the tail compartment exploded.


The colonel drew his sword and swung it at him.

But it was a meaningless struggle, like a toothpick swung against the waves.

“It’s easy.”

Benjamin’s return magic required only a blink of an eye, but it took more than half a day for the colonel to return on foot.

And half a day was too much time for a Benjamin-class wizard to prepare.

Benjamin, who was looking at the wreckage of the wall that exploded, asked the captain of the bodyguard.

“How is Salomon?”

“It will be as you confirmed. He is detained in his home without contact with any living beings.”

“Prohibit any items related to fire smoke and check the mana flow every 5 minutes. Cool! Be especially careful when approaching the head of the control room or the personnel under him… … . Cool! Be careful.”

Benjamin coughed up a bloody cough.

It was lung cancer, an endemic disease of the Akraptor family.

Smoke Magic.

Since it is a magic that is based on smoking, it is an unavoidable limitation that it has.

The life expectancy of the Akraptor family was so short that Benjamin, who was over sixty, was an exceptional case.

Benjamin was holding back the progress of lung cancer with mana accumulated over the years, but on a day like today, his condition has undoubtedly deteriorated.

The captain of the guard handed out a handkerchief as he was accustomed to, and Benjamin took it and wiped his mouth.

“If you feel very uncomfortable, I think you should go in. We’ll deal with the ‘rats’.”

Benjamin shook his head.

“They’re the ones who caught Untara.”

Right away Benjamin confirmed with his own eyes that the ‘rats’ were strong.

If the sensitive issue of assassinating the corps commander had not been at stake, even the Guardians would have been summoned, and even then, they would not have been relieved.

Besides, killing Untara meant that the lightsaber was successfully activated or that Benjamin had an unexpected hand.

“You can’t lose something bigger by taking care of a body that won’t live long.”

The force of the SS was strong enough, but Benjamin himself was the most powerful force.

I couldn’t leave because I was in bad shape.

At that time, a guardsman shouted.

“Three biological reactions are caught ahead!”

“Three minutes before the battle! Big comeback!”

At that, the members of the bodyguards who had been installing magic circles in the tail section finished their work and lined up in front of the captain of the bodyguard.

the captain of the guard asked.

“They should have both lightsabers. Do you control the fire?”

“no. Just like the regimental commander, he kills them right away. If you make fun of your mouth alive, it will be difficult to deal with.”

Due to the nature of the train, the population density was high and the spread of rumors was very fast.

In fact, a more surefire way would be to catch and kill them outside the train, but the equipment in the tail compartment was too efficient for that.

The tail section, along with the vanguard, was one of the most frequently invaded by monsters, so it was well prepared.

“A minute ago!”

Benjamin asked the captain of the guards.

“Do you have any cigarettes?”

Since suffering from lung cancer, Benjamin has not carried a cigarette in his bosom.

The captain of the guards hesitated for a moment, but soon affirmed.

“… … there is.”

“Give me one cigarette.”

Benjamin, who was handed a cigarette, lit it with a skillful hand.


“After 30 seconds, it will enter the distance visible to the naked eye!”

Benjamin’s exhaled smoke wrapped around his wrist.

No need for minimal conversation.

The idea was to destroy it with artillery fire as soon as its form was revealed.

30 seconds passed like that.

“Is it yet?”

“On Les Radar, it comes out as being in a train.”

The captain of the guards beckoned.

“Bring it.”

After checking the monitor that outputs the radar information, the SS commander frowned.

As the bodyguards said, the three biological reactions appeared to be in the train.

“What is this… … .”

It was then.


A sound of unknown origin rang in the tail compartment.

“Prepare for battle!”

“Prepare for battle!”

The guards each held a firearm and aimed at the broken wall.

Gee ying.

The magic circles installed on the floor and the walls of the tail section shone.


Another sound was heard.

The captain of the guards screamed violently.

“stomach! Up!”

They found the source of the sound, but all the SS members could do was raise their muzzles.

There was no time to do anything else.


another noise.

Hey hey hey hey!

A ghastly sound of metal bending echoed through the tail compartment.

“Spread! All spread out!”

“Ha, but if that happens, the prepared magic circle… … .”

Everyone scattered in all directions except for one SS member who asked a stupid question.


Benjamin let out smoke as he extinguished the filter-only cigarette on the floor.


And at the same time as another noise, the tail compartment ceiling collapsed.


Above the sunken ceiling, the sun screamed as it swung its lightsaber.

“It is a time of shock and horror! You beggars!”

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