Shattered Innocence: Transmigrated Into a Novel as an Extra

Chapter 46: Gerald (4)

"But then everything became cursed on that damned day."

Lucavion listened intently as Gerald recounted the events that followed their graduation from the academy. "After we graduated, we both continued to court her. At that time, I had risen to the rank of a high-ranking general in the army thanks to my talents. Even though I was born a commoner, my abilities allowed me to climb the ranks quickly. But I always felt a bit inferior to Alexander.

He was the son of a duke, one of the strongest, while I was just a commoner."

Gerald's voice took on a somber tone. "That feeling of inferiority drove me to work harder, to prove myself. I wanted to compete with Alexander on equal footing. But in my relentless pursuit of ambition, I began to drift away from the woman I loved."

Lucavion could sense the deep regret in his master's voice. "Then, one day, I received orders to head to the battlefield. It was sudden and unexpected, but I was blinded by my ambition and failed to see the scheme that was being orchestrated behind my back. For five long months, I fought on the front lines, giving everything I had to secure victory."

Gerald's expression darkened as he continued. "When I finally returned from the battlefield, victorious but weary, I was met with devastating news. Her betrothal to Alexander had been announced. I was overcome with anger and a sense of betrayal. How could they make such a decision without telling me? It felt incredibly cruel."

Lucavion's heart ached for his master, understanding the pain of such a betrayal. "I marched to the dukedom to confront her and Alexander, but I was not allowed entry. The order came from Alexander's father, Cyrus. Despite my status and achievements, I was blocked at every turn."

The old man's eyes reflected the depth of his anguish. "I was powerless. No matter how much I protested or demanded to see them, I was denied. The Duke's influence and authority were absolute. My heart was shattered, and my spirit was crushed. I realized then that my ambition had blinded me to the treachery around me and had cost me everything I held dear."

Lucavion felt a surge of empathy and respect for his master. He had faced immense trials and endured unimaginable pain, yet he had continued to fight and teach, imparting his wisdom to those who needed it.

"But at the same time, I felt suspicious. How come my best friend, my sworn brother, was not letting me enter the place? Hadn't we made a promise? Why would he do such a thing? After getting suspicious, I decided to check everything out myself. There was something fishy about this, something that I needed to see."

Gerald's expression darkened as he recounted his plan. "I decided to go to the dukedom right before the wedding. The security was tight for some reason as if the dukedom was expecting something, but I was able to hide well thanks to an artifact I had acquired." He raised his hand, and a small necklace materialized in his palm, glowing faintly with a magical aura.

"The same material that I used so that Alexander would not notice you," Gerald explained.

Lucavion's eyes widened in realization. His master had been protecting him all along, using the same artifact to conceal his presence.


Gerald continued, his voice tinged with sorrow. "I infiltrated the castle, avoiding the guards and making my way to her room. When I finally reached it, I saw the most devastating sight of my life. She was sitting on the edge of the window, looking at the sky, while crying."

The scene played out vividly in Lucavion's mind. The woman Gerald loved, trapped and alone, her tears reflecting the moonlight. "I called out to her softly, and she turned, her eyes widening in disbelief."

She rose from her seat, hesitating for a moment before rushing into his arms. "Gerald!" she cried, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and sorrow. "I missed you so much."

Gerald held her tightly, his heart breaking at the sight of her tears. "I missed you too," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "Why are you here? What happened?"

She buried her face in his chest, her sobs shaking her body. "The Duke of Valoria forced me to become Alexander's bride. He threatened my family, saying that if I didn't comply, he would ruin us. I had no choice, Gerald. I'm so sorry."

Gerald's eyes blazed with anger and determination. "You have nothing to apologize for. This isn't your fault. We'll find a way out of this, I promise."

She looked up at him, her eyes filled with hope and fear. "But how? The Duke is powerful, and Alexander… I don't know what he'll do if he finds out."

"We'll figure it out together," Gerald said firmly. "I won't let anyone hurt you. We'll escape from here, and we'll find a place where we can be free."

"No." She shook his head. "I do not want to live such a life."

Gerald looked at her, his heart aching. "What do you mean? We can escape this, we can start anew."

She shook her head again, her expression one of sadness and acceptance. "I don't want to spend my life running, always looking over my shoulder. I want to resolve all my regrets now, to face them head-on."

Her eyes met his, filled with a depth of emotion that took his breath away. "Gerald, I've missed you so much. I love you. If this is the last moment we have together, I want it to be free of fear and regret."

Before he could respond, she leaned in, pressing her lips to his in a desperate, passionate kiss. Gerald's arms tightened around her, the world fading away as they lost themselves in the moment. The intensity of their connection was overwhelming, a lifetime of love and longing pouring into that single kiss.

For a brief, beautiful moment, they were the only two people in the world. The weight of their past, the uncertainty of their future—all of it melted away in the face of their love.

When they finally pulled apart, she rested her forehead against his, her breath coming in soft, shaky gasps. "I love you, Gerald," she whispered. "No matter what happens, remember that."

Tears filled his eyes as he cupped her face in his hands. "I love you too. Always."

After that, the scene played out quite fast. Gerald and she mixed their bodies for the last time, their love and longing culminating in a final, bittersweet union. They held each other close, savoring the fleeting moments of intimacy, their hearts beating in unison as if trying to imprint these last moments in their souls.

At the end of the night, as dawn began to break, Gerald whispered, "I can't give up on you. I need you here with me."

She shook her head, her eyes filled with sadness and determination. "Gerald, my love, I can't live a life on the run. I can't let you destroy yourself for me. This is the path I've chosen, for my family, for our love to live on in memory if not in presence."

Gerald's heart ached, but he knew he had to respect her decision. He held her one last time, their tears mingling in a silent farewell. "I will always love you," he said, his voice breaking.

"And I will do the same," she replied, her voice a whisper filled with heartbreak and resolve.

With a heavy heart, Gerald left the dukedom, his soul burdened with the weight of their separation. He glanced back one last time, seeing her silhouette in the window, a poignant reminder of what he was leaving behind.

Time passed, and the news of their marriage reached him, a dagger to his heart. He could hardly bear the thought, but he continued on, driven by the promise he had made to her. Nine months later, the news arrived that they had their first child.

When Gerald heard the news, a strange feeling washed over him; it was as if a connection had been established, a bond that transcended distance and time. He began to suspect that the child might be his own.

However, at that time, Gerald found himself on another battlefield, unable to return immediately. The war raged on for two long years, and he was bound by duty and circumstance. He knew that Duke Cyrus' influence played a significant role in keeping him away, but there was no escape from his obligations.

Five years later, Gerald finally returned home. At his first opportunity, he silently visited the dukedom, just as he had in the past. He moved with caution and stealth, driven by the need to confirm his suspicions and see her once more.

When he reached the dukedom and saw her, her eyes widened in shock. But Gerald saw something more profound than surprise. He saw emptiness, a hollow look that spoke of a soul that had been drained of life and joy. The vibrant flower he had once known had been plucked and withered.


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