Shattered Innocence: Transmigrated Into a Novel as an Extra

Chapter 44: Gerald (2)

The air grew thick with tension as Gerald's words resonated through the clearing.

"The stars never fade."

His sword shimmered with an intense brightness, and an immense amount of energy began to spread from him. Stars started to orbit around him, and the surroundings darkened as if the cosmos itself had descended upon the battlefield.

「Void Starfall Blade. Starfall of the End.」

Gerald released his breath, pushing his sword to the side, his right arm raised horizontally. The cosmos seemed to dance around him, stars twinkling and swirling in their orbits, casting an otherworldly glow over the scene.

Alexander's eyes widened in disbelief. "He can still use that?"

But Gerald remained silent, his focus unwavering. Seeing the determination in Gerald's stance, Alexander gritted his teeth and raised his axe. If Gerald was going to unleash his ultimate technique, then he would do the same.

Alexander's voice boomed with conviction as he invoked his own technique, his axe shining with a brilliant golden light.

「Order of the Gold: The Divine Conquest」

Golden light exploded from Alexander, enveloping his massive frame and imbuing his axe with a radiant, divine energy. The ground trembled under the sheer force of his power, and the air hummed with the intensity of their combined energies.


The two titans stared each other down, the clash of their auras creating a storm of power that distorted the very fabric of reality. And then, with a unified cry, they charged.


The forest seemed to hold its breath as the two titans clashed. Stars and golden light collided in a cataclysmic explosion as Gerald's Void Starfall Blade met Alexander's Divine Conquest.

The impact sent shockwaves through the clearing, uprooting trees and shattering the earth beneath them. For a moment, it seemed as if the very fabric of reality might tear apart.

At the start, Gerald's stars overwhelmed Alexander's golden light. The celestial energy of Gerald's attack surged forward, pushing back the radiant power of Alexander's divine aura.


The stars shone brighter, cutting through the golden light, and it seemed as if Gerald was on the verge of victory.


But then, as Gerald's sword was about to reach Alexander's heart, it suddenly stopped. The blade hit Alexander's chest but did not pierce through.


Gerald's eyes widened in shock and pain, and he fell onto one knee, blood spilling from his mouth.

The stars surrounding him slowly began to lose their light, dimming one by one. Gerald's breath came in ragged gasps, his strength waning. He had pushed himself to the limit, and his body could no longer keep up with the immense power he wielded.

Alexander, still standing, looked down at Gerald, his eyes filled with a mixture of triumph and pity. "You're finished, Gerald," he said, his voice a low growl. "You should have known better than to challenge me in your state."

"Pitu-!" Gerald coughed, spitting blood from his mouth. "Why? At least I was able to have one last conversation with you, brother."

Alexander's face hardened at the word. Despite everything, even in his weakened state, Gerald still managed to smile. It was a gentle, knowing smile that Alexander had seen countless times before, one that always seemed to signify that Gerald had found some small victory, no matter the circumstances.

"Damn you, Gerald," Alexander hissed, his grip tightening on his axe. "Even now, you never lose that smile. Even when you're dying."

Gerald's smile persisted, though his eyes were heavy with sorrow. "It's not about winning or losing, Alexander. It's about finding peace."

Alexander's eyes blazed with a mix of anger and frustration. "Peace? What peace have you found? I've taken everything from you. Your life, your love, your honor. And still, you smile."

Gerald's breath was shallow, his body trembling with the effort to stay conscious. "You never understood, did you? It was never about surpassing you. It was about doing what was right, no matter the cost."

Alexander's hands shook, the weight of his axe pressing down on him. "You always were the righteous one, weren't you? The one who did everything right, who everyone loved. And me? I was the one in your shadow, always second best."

Gerald's eyes softened, his smile fading slightly. "It didn't have to be that way, Alexander. We could have stood together as brothers. But your ambition, your need to be the best, it drove us apart."

"Maybe." Alexander shook his head after hearing. With his head lowered, he will raise his axe. "Farewell, brother."

He pointed the axe at Gerald's neck, the blade gleaming menacingly. "This is the end, Starscourge Gerald."

Gerald's smile returned, a final, serene expression. "One's end will be another one's beginning. Alexander the Golden."

Alexander's eyes narrowed as he raised his axe high, the weight of his decision pressing down on him. For a moment, time seemed to stand still, the world holding its breath. Then, with a decisive swing, he brought the axe down with all his might.

The blade sliced through the air, and with a sickening thud, it severed Gerald's neck. His head fell to the ground, and the light in his eyes was extinguished forever.

For a moment, there was only silence. The forest seemed to mourn the loss of one of its brightest stars. Alexander stood there, his axe dripping with blood, his chest heaving with exertion. He looked down at the lifeless body of his brother, the weight of his actions settling heavily on his shoulders.

The triumph he had expected did not come. Instead, he felt a hollow emptiness, a void that could never be filled. He had achieved his goal, but at what cost? The bond between them, once strong and unbreakable, had been shattered beyond repair.

As if the stars were embracing the death of their Lord, a dim light began to fall onto Gerald's body. The ethereal glow enveloped him, casting a gentle, serene radiance over his lifeless form. It was as if the cosmos itself had come to pay homage to its fallen champion.

Gerald's sword, still clutched in his hand, began to shimmer with a faint starlight. Slowly, it rose from the ground, hovering above his body. The blade seemed to dissolve into pure light, its form breaking apart into countless tiny stars that ascended toward the heavens.

Alexander watched in silent awe as the same transformation began to occur with Gerald's body. His flesh and bones seemed to lose their solidity, turning into starlight that rose gently into the sky. The process was gradual and peaceful as if Gerald was being welcomed back into the embrace of the cosmos.

The starlight ascended higher, merging with the night sky, where it glittered among the countless other stars. The forest, which had been so recently torn apart by the violence of their battle, now stood witness to a celestial farewell.

Alexander fell to his knees, his axe falling from his grasp. He watched, tears streaming down his face as his brother's essence joined the stars above. The weight of his actions pressed down on him, and he realized that he had not only lost a brother but also a piece of his own soul.

"Forgive me, Gerald," he whispered, his voice breaking.

The stars continued to shine, a silent testament to the life and sacrifice of Starscourge Gerald. As Alexander knelt in the clearing, surrounded by the remnants of their battle, he could not help but look at his past.

"Rest in peace, brother. May the stars guide you always."

Alexander turned away, his heart heavy with sorrow and regret. He had won the battle, but in doing so, he had lost far more than he had ever imagined. The title of "Alexander the Golden" now felt like a burden, a reminder of the brother he had lost.

As he walked away from the clearing, the stars above seemed to dim in mourning. The echoes of their clash lingered in the air, a testament to the tragic end of their story.

Yet, this was not the end.

On the other side of the clearing, a young man who had been watching everything unfold with wide, disbelieving eyes suddenly found starlight falling upon him. Lucavion's body was in tatters from the mere aftermath of the clashes between the two titans, his form trembling with the residual energy that had been unleashed.

Lucavion's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to process what he had just witnessed. The sheer power, the raw emotion, and the ultimate sacrifice.

It was almost too much to comprehend. He had come here seeking vengeance, but what he had found was something far more profound.

The starlight that enveloped him was warm and soothing, a gentle contrast to the destruction that had just taken place. It seemed to seep into his very being, filling him with a sense of calm and purpose.

His wounds, though still painful, felt less burdensome under the celestial light.

As the starlight continued to bathe him, Lucavion's eyes closed as he leaned on the rock. And inside his head, a smiling figure stood.



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