Shattered Innocence: Transmigrated Into a Novel as an Extra

Chapter 42: Days

In the forest of the battlefield camp where Lucavion and his master were staying, the days began to blur together as Lucavion's training intensified.

With each passing sunrise, his determination grew, fueled by the painful yet rewarding sessions under Master's watchful eye.

The first week was a trial by fire. Lucavion's meridians, once resistant and painful, slowly adapted to the flow of mana. The initial agony was excruciating; each attempt to circulate mana through his body met with sharp, searing pain. His muscles ached, and his bones felt as if they were being crushed under immense pressure. Despite the grueling pain, Lucavion persevered, his willpower unyielding.

His Master, the old man, watched him closely, offering guidance and encouragement. "Push through the pain, Lucavion. Your body is adapting. Soon, the pain will lessen."

True to the old man's words, by the end of the first week, the pain began to subside. Lucavion could feel his meridians expanding, accommodating the flow of mana more smoothly. The once resistant pathways were now gradually becoming conduits for the energy he drew from the air.

In the second week, Lucavion's progress was evident. The pain, now a dull ache, no longer hindered his focus. He could sense the mana flowing through him, merging with his own energy and circulating through his meridians. Each day, the process became a bit easier, and his control over the mana grew stronger.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, the old man approached Lucavion, who was deep in meditation. "It seems you have finally gotten rid of the pain in your meridians," the old man said, a note of approval in his voice.

Lucavion opened his eyes, a smile spreading across his face. "Yes, Master. I can feel the mana flowing freely now."

The old man nodded. "Good. Now that you have control over your mana, it's time to move to the next phase of your training. You will learn to use combat arts. Specifically, the [Void Starfall Blade]."

The name of the technique sent a shiver down Lucavion's spine. The [Void Starfall Blade] sounded formidable, a testament to the power it could wield. He stood up, feeling the rush of mana within him, and nodded eagerly.

"Master, what is the [Void Starfall Blade]?" Lucavion asked, curiosity piqued.

The old man's eyes gleamed with a mixture of pride and seriousness. "The [Void Starfall Blade] is a technique that harnesses the unique properties of your physique and meridians, allowing you to draw upon the strength of the stars and the void between them. It is a technique that requires not just physical strength but mental clarity and precise control over your mana."

The following morning, Lucavion stood in the forest clearing, the morning mist still clinging to the trees. The old man held a wooden sword mirroring the one Lucavion wielded. "The [Void Starfall Blade] is not just about brute strength. It is about precision, control, and understanding the flow of energy. Watch carefully."

With a fluid motion, the old man swung his sword. Lucavion watched as the air seemed to shimmer around the blade, drawing in the essence of the night sky. The strike was swift and powerful, the energy concentrated and controlled. It was as if the sword was a conduit, channeling the very essence of the stars.

"Now, you try," the old man said, stepping back.

Lucavion took a deep breath, focusing his mind. He visualized the flow of mana, drawing it into his core and channeling it into his sword. As he swung the blade, he felt a connection, a brief spark of energy. But it lacked the precision and power of the old man's strike.

"Again," the old man instructed, his voice calm yet firm.

Day after day, Lucavion practiced. His movements became more fluid and controlled as he learned to draw upon the mana and merge it with the energy of the stars. Each strike grew stronger, more precise, the air shimmering with the power he harnessed.

Two weeks passed, and Lucavion's progress was remarkable. He could now channel his mana effectively, and his meridians were no longer a hindrance. The [Void Starfall Blade] became more than just a technique; it was an extension of himself, a manifestation of his will and determination.

One evening, under the starlit sky, Lucavion stood ready, his sword poised. He drew upon the mana, feeling it merge with the energy of the stars. With a swift, powerful strike, he unleashed the [Void Starfall Blade], the air shimmering as the blade cut through.

The old man watched with a satisfied smile on his face. "Well done, Lucavion. You have taken the first true step on your path. Remember, this is only the beginning. Continue to train and refine your technique. The stars will guide you."

Lucavion nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "I will, Master. I will become stronger."

With each passing day, Lucavion's training continued, his skills growing sharper and his control over mana more precise. The path ahead was long and challenging, but he was ready to face it, to harness the power of the stars and carve his destiny.


Lucavion's days and nights became a cycle of relentless training and brutal combat. Under the guidance of his master, he honed his skills with the [Void Starfall Blade], perfecting each strike, each movement.

His nights were filled with the sounds of clashing wooden swords and the serene hum of flowing mana as he meditated, strengthening his core and aligning his meridians.

At dawn, he joined his squad on the battlefield. Each day presented new challenges, and each day he faced them head-on, never wavering.

His determination and skill began to earn him the respect of his comrades. They saw his relentless dedication, his ability to hold his ground, and his talent with the sword.

Lyra, initially skeptical, watched his progress closely. She observed how he fought with precision and control, how he adapted to the ever-changing battlefield, and how he never faltered, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

She noticed the fluidity of his movements, the way he wielded his sword with an almost supernatural grace.

One morning, as the squad prepared for another skirmish, Lyra approached Lucavion. "You've proven yourself," she said, her tone devoid of the previous disdain. "Your skill with the sword is undeniable. From now on, you'll fight it, and I will try to arrange a good sword for you."

Lucavion nodded, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. "Thank you, Sergeant."

The battlefield became his proving ground. With the sword in hand, he moved with a newfound confidence. His strikes were precise and deadly, his defense impenetrable. The [Void Starfall Blade] became an extension of himself, a manifestation of his will and determination.

As weeks turned into months, Lucavion's reputation grew. His squad began to trust him, seeing him as a valuable asset rather than a liability. His relentless fighting spirit inspired them, and his skill with the sword earned him their respect.

One evening, after a particularly grueling battle, the squad gathered around the campfire. The air was filled with the sounds of crackling flames and the scent of roasted meat. Roderick, who had once been Lucavion's harshest critic, raised a mug of ale.

"To Lucavion," he said, his voice carrying a note of genuine respect. "You've shown us what true determination looks like. You've earned your place among us."

The squad raised their mugs, and a chorus of cheers filled the night air. Lucavion felt a sense of belonging different from how he was before in this squad. He had earned their trust, their respect, and most importantly, their acceptance.

As the night wore on, Lucavion found himself standing at the edge of the camp, gazing up at the stars. His master approached, a knowing smile on his face.

"You've come a long way," the old man said, his voice filled with pride.

Lucavion nodded, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. "I couldn't have done it without your guidance, Master."

The old man placed a hand on his shoulder. "Remember, Lucavion, this is only the beginning. Continue to train to hone your skills. The path ahead is long, but you are well on your way to mastering the [Void Starfall Blade]."


"You are about to reach the second stage soon," Master's voice broke through Lucavion's meditation, his hand resting reassuringly on Lucavion's shoulder.

Lucavion opened his eyes, meeting his master's gaze. The old man's eyes held a mix of pride and warmth.

"You've been practicing very hard, Lucavion," Master said, a faint smile touching his lips. "Your dedication and perseverance are commendable."

Lucavion nodded, a sense of accomplishment swelling within him. "Thank you, Master. I've been pushing myself as hard as I can."

The old man sat down beside him, the cool night air filled with the sounds of rustling leaves and distant animal calls. "Tell me, Lucavion, what drives you? What fuels this relentless pursuit of strength?"

Lucavion took a deep breath, his mind briefly flickering back to his fallen comrades and the burning desire for revenge. "I want to be strong enough to protect those I care about, to ensure that what happened to my squad never happens again. And... to avenge them."

Master nodded, his expression thoughtful. "A noble goal, indeed. But remember, strength is not just about avenging the past or protecting the future. It's about understanding yourself, mastering your own mind and body."

Lucavion looked down at his hands, calloused and bruised from countless hours of training. "I understand, Master. I've been reflecting on that as well. I know that to truly wield the [Void Starfall Blade], I must find my purpose."

The old man's eyes softened. "You are on the right path, Lucavion. Your progress has been remarkable. But do not forget to take moments for yourself to rest and reflect. Balance is key in any warrior's journey."

Lucavion nodded, absorbing his master's words. "I will, Master. I promise."

A comfortable silence settled between them, and the bond between student and teacher strengthened with each passing day. Master stood, extending a hand to help Lucavion to his feet.

"Come, let us walk," he said. "There is something I wish to show you."

But just as he said this, suddenly, his master's eyes widened.

"Lucavion, run!" Master shouted, his voice filled with urgency.

Lucavion barely had time to register the command before a powerful force slammed into him, sending him shooting backward. He hit the ground hard, the breath knocked out of him as he skidded to a stop several feet away. Dazed, he looked up to see his master standing firm, his eyes locked on an unseen threat.

Lucavion's heart pounded as he tried to comprehend what was happening. The night was still, the forest eerily quiet. Then, suddenly, someone appeared from the skies.


Falling to the ground.

"I have finally found you. Gerald."


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