Shattered Innocence: Transmigrated Into a Novel as an Extra

Chapter 39: The Sword

The next morning, I was jolted awake by a rough shake. My eyes fluttered open, and I saw Sergeant Lyra standing over me. Her expression was stern, and her eyes bore into mine with an intensity that left no room for hesitation.

"Get up, Lucavion," she said sharply. "We've got a busy day ahead."

I groaned and forced myself to sit up, my body still aching from the previous day's training. The remnants of my pain from the mana circulation exercise lingered, but I pushed through it, determined to prove myself to my new unit.

We gathered for breakfast, a meager meal that barely filled our stomachs. The tension in the air was palpable, the silence heavy with unspoken thoughts. I could feel the eyes of my comrades on me, their judgment and disdain clear.

After we finished eating, Sergeant Lyra called us to our attention and began to brief us on our location and the latest developments on the battlefield.

"Listen up, everyone," she began, her voice cutting through the murmurs. "With the recent changes in the enemy's tactics, the battlefield has become more dangerous. The Arcanis knights have shown a new level of aggression and coordination. We've lost many good soldiers, and we need to be prepared for anything."

She paused, her gaze sweeping over us. "Thankfully, more and more supplies of soldiers are coming from the criminals. It's a necessary measure to bolster our ranks and ensure we can hold the line."

As she said this, I felt the weight of their stares shift to me. The reminder of my status as a criminal among them was a bitter pill to swallow. I kept my head high, refusing to let their disdain affect me.

Lyra continued, "Our current position is on the eastern front, near the edge of the Valerius Plains. The enemy has been pushing hard in this area, and it's up to us to hold them back. Stay vigilant, follow orders, and work together. We can't afford any mistakes."

The briefing ended, and we were dismissed to prepare for our duties. As I gathered my gear, I felt a presence beside me. It was Roderick, his expression still one of contempt.

"Just remember, noble scum," he sneered, "we're watching you. Don't think for a second that you're one of us."

I met his gaze steadily, my resolve unwavering. After coming to terms with myself and my feelings, I felt a lot more confident for some reason.

Maybe it was because I accepted myself or not; I felt like other people's opinions no longer held much importance to me.

"I don't need your approval. I'll prove myself through my actions."

He scoffed and walked away, leaving me to finish my preparations. I tightened the straps on my armor and checked my weapons, ensuring everything was in place.

The morning sun had just begun to rise as we moved out to our positions. The air was crisp, the sounds of the camp bustling with activity. I fell in line with the others, my mind focused on the task ahead.

As we marched, I couldn't help but feel a little different knowing that my body had changed. The moment that I became an Awakened after forming the first star, I felt like I became stronger compared to how I was before.

My body felt stronger, lighter, and faster. Just as Master and Father said, the higher rank one attained while cultivating one's core; it would also integrate into one's own body.

'Yet, it is not complete.'

Maybe because my meridians had yet to adapt completely, I felt like I had yet to reach the complete strength I would have attained.

But for now, my immediate goal was survival and proving myself to this new unit. The journey ahead was fraught with challenges, but I was ready to face them head-on.

The battlefield stretched out before us, a stark reminder of the harsh realities of war. The landscape was scarred with craters and debris, the remnants of countless battles. We took our positions, the tension in the air palpable.

As the day wore on, the enemy made their move.

The sound of clashing steel and the cries of the wounded filled the air once more. I tightened my grip on my spear; my mind focused on the battle ahead.

"Hold the line!" Lyra's voice rang out, a command that galvanized us into action. "Don't let them break through!"

The Arcanis soldiers advanced with relentless ferocity, their ranks disciplined and determined. I fell into formation with my unit, my spear at the ready.

The first wave hit us hard, the clash of weapons echoing across the battlefield.


I parried a strike from an enemy soldier, countering with a swift thrust of my own. My spear found its mark, and the soldier crumpled to the ground. Another took his place almost immediately, and the cycle continued.

The enemy pushed forward relentlessly, their numbers seeming endless. I fought with everything I had, each movement a testament to my training and determination. The battlefield became a blur of motion and noise, the chaos overwhelming.


An enemy soldier lunged at me with an axe, and I barely managed to deflect the blow. My spear struck out instinctively, piercing his side. Blood splattered across my face, mixing with the sweat and grime of battle.


Another soldier attacked from my left, and I spun to meet him. Our weapons clashed, the impact jarring my arms. I twisted my spear, catching him off balance, and drove the blade into his chest.

The fighting was brutal, each moment a struggle for survival. I could see my comrades around me, their faces grim and determined as they fought to hold the line. The enemy was relentless, their attacks fierce and coordinated.

I faced countless different enemies, each one a unique challenge. Some were brute-force warriors, relying on sheer strength to overwhelm their opponents. Each one pushed me to my limits, and I fought back with everything I had.


Just at this second, suddenly, someone appeared right before me with a strike.


A slightly long sword slashed across my face; the pain was immediate and sharp. Blood dripped down my cheek, and I staggered back, barely able to react in time.

The soldier before me was strong and fast. He moved with a speed and precision that made it impossible for me to use the distance of my spear effectively. His technique was excellent, each strike precise and powerful, leaving me no room to breathe.

I tried to parry his blows, but he was relentless, his sword a blur of motion. He closed the distance between us effortlessly, his movements fluid and controlled. Each time I attempted to create space, he was already there, his sword cutting through the air with deadly intent.

Our weapons clashed repeatedly, the sound of steel ringing in my ears. I struggled to keep up, my spear feeling heavy and unwieldy in my hands. The difference in our skill levels was evident, and I found myself on the defensive, barely able to fend off his attacks.


I managed to block one of his strikes, but he quickly followed up with a swift kick to my chest, sending me sprawling backward.


And with a kick, he completely removed my balance. I hit the ground hard, the impact jarring my already aching body.

Dazed, I tried to push myself up, but the soldier was already upon me. His sword flashed, and I barely raised my spear in time to deflect the blow. He was relentless, his attacks coming faster and harder, each one pushing me closer to the edge.


The soldier's blade cut across my chest, the pain searing through me. I cried out, the force of the strike knocking the wind out of me. He followed up with another kick, this time to my side, sending me crashing to the ground once more.

'Again. Once again, there is someone strong like him!'

My head spun from the impact, my vision blurring as I struggled to stay conscious. The world around me seemed to tilt and spin, the sounds of battle fading into the background.

The pain was there, and I could feel my strength slipping away.

'So, what.'

I thought, forcing myself to open my eyes. If I was going to fall before someone like this random soldier, how was I going to get my revenge?

'If this is all I amount, how dare I think of facing Knight of the Wind?'

And the moment I did, I saw something flying before me. Something that would be rarely seen on the battlefield.

A long and thin weapon.


The weapon flew into the sky and fell right before me, with it stabbed on the ground.

It was a long, thin sword – an Estoc.

At that moment, the world seemed to slow, as if time had stopped. In that split second, it was only me and the sword. No noise, no sounds of swords clashing, no wind blowing—nothing. Only the sword.

From the sword's small surface, I saw the reflection of myself.

I was smiling.


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And if you liked my story, please give me a power stone. It helps me a lot.

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