Shattered Innocence: Transmigrated Into a Novel as an Extra

Chapter 25: Brief Truce

A week-long truce had been declared, giving both sides a brief respite from the relentless fighting.

Our squad, though weary, saw this as an opportunity to strengthen ourselves and prepare for the battles to come. The air was filled with a mix of relief and tension as we trained, knowing that the truce could end at any moment.

During the truce, the camp was a hive of activity. Soldiers repaired equipment, reinforced fortifications, and trained.

Our squad was no different; each member focused on their own regimen.

However, for me, things were a bit different. I dedicated my time to honing my spear skills and improving my physical conditioning, aware that my attempts at mana core cultivation had been futile.

In the mornings, I would rise early and practice the techniques that I had found on my own. Yeah, on my own.

There was a thing that I had realized. While I was not someone who was talented at using a spear, some of the movements would always feel more befitting and easy compared to other things.

That was why, in these recent three months, I had been focusing on these movements and trying to make myself familiar with them.

The sound of my spear slicing through the air was a familiar and comforting rhythm. I pushed my body to its limits, performing drills, thrusts, and parries until my muscles burned and my breath came in ragged gasps.

One morning, as I was practicing in a secluded corner of the camp, Clara joined me. She had been working diligently on her mana cultivation, and her progress was evident. Her aura seemed more focused, her movements more controlled.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked, her voice breaking the silence.

"Not at all," I replied, offering a small smile. "Though I have to warn you, I'm not the best company when it comes to mana cultivation."

She chuckled softly, settling down nearby in a cross-legged position. "I've noticed. But you're doing what you can, and that's what matters. Besides, I could use the presence of a friend while I meditate."

As she closed her eyes and began her meditation, I resumed my training. The spear felt like an extension of my body, its weight and balance becoming more familiar with each passing day. I moved through the forms; my mind focused on the precise movements and the feel of the weapon in my hands.

The morning sun cast long shadows across the camp, and the sounds of other soldiers training and working filled the air. Clara's breathing was slow and steady as she concentrated on gathering mana into her core. The serene expression on her face showed her dedication and determination.

After a while, I paused, wiping the sweat from my brow. "How's it going?" I asked, glancing over at her.

She opened her eyes, a faint smile on her lips. "It's challenging, but I can feel the progress. Mana is becoming more and more responsive, and I am really close to forming the first sphere. I feel like, with just a little push, I will be able to break through to the first stage."

I nodded, admiring her perseverance. "That's great, Clara. Keep at it. You're doing amazing."

She looked at me with a curious expression. "What about you, Lucavion? Have you made any progress with the mana art?"

I hesitated, then shook my head. "Not really. It seems like my core just isn't suited for it. But I'm focusing on what I can control – my physical skills and techniques. If I can't use mana, I'll just have to make sure my spear is sharp enough to make up for it."

Clara's eyes softened. And then she stood up, coming up to me.


"You're doing what you can, and that's what counts. Don't give up." She said while ruffling my hair.


She had been doing this more frequently for a while.

"Don't treat me like a kid."

And it was embarrassing.

"You are a kid."

"I am not."

"Oh, really?" Clara teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Do you want to show this big sister how you became a man, then?"

I sputtered, my face turning an even deeper shade of red. "That's not what I meant!" She laughed, the sound light and carefree, a stark contrast to the grim reality of our situation.

"Relax, Lucavion. I'm just messing with you. But seriously, you're doing great. You've got a lot of potential, and I believe in you."

I managed a small smile, appreciating her support even if her teasing was a bit much sometimes. "Thanks, Clara. I'll keep trying my best."

Clara returned to her spot and resumed her meditation while I continued my spear practice, her words echoing in my mind. Despite the playful banter, there was a sincerity in her encouragement that bolstered my determination.

As the days of the truce passed, our training intensified. The squad members each focused on their strengths, determined to make the most of this rare respite. Clara's progress in mana cultivation was impressive, and it inspired the rest of us to push harder.

Felix, ever the jokester, couldn't resist chiming in during one of our breaks.

"You know, Clara, you might just reach Stage 1 before any of us. What's your secret? Meditation? Special herbs?"

She smirked, her eyes still closed in concentration. "Just focus and determination, Felix. You should try it sometime."

"Ha, maybe I will. But only if it means I get to tease Lucavion as much as you do," Felix replied, earning a laugh from the group.

Elias, who had been quietly observing, added, "We all have our paths to walk. The important thing is that we're all moving forward, each in our own way."

Garret nodded in agreement. "And as long as we support each other, we'll make it through."

The truce, though brief, allowed us to strengthen our bonds and improve our skills. We knew that the battles ahead would be relentless, but the unity we had forged gave us a sense of hope and determination.

And right before the end of the truce that night, I was once again training with my spear.


Practicing the same movements over and over again.

Just at that moment, I sensed something unusual. From the side where Clara was meditating, a small vortex began to form. Turning my head in her direction, I saw the swirling energy gathering around her.

Clara sat in the lotus position, her hands cupped together in front of her. The vortex of mana was concentrated between her palms, growing more intense with each passing moment. The air around her seemed to shimmer, and I could physically see the dense mana converging.

She was sweating, her face a mask of concentration and determination as she tried to control the flow of energy. I realized with a surge of excitement that she was breaking through to Stage 1.

"Clara..." I whispered, not wanting to disturb her but filled with awe at the sight.

The others were not around, and I knew how crucial this moment was for Clara. If something interrupted her now, it could have dire consequences. I decided to keep watch and ensure no one disturbed her.

I moved quietly around the area, my spear at the ready. The night was calm, and the usual camp noises were reduced to a soft hum in the background. I could hear the distant murmur of soldiers talking, but none ventured close to our spot.

As I patrolled, I kept stealing glances at Clara. The vortex of mana was still growing, becoming even more intense. Her entire body seemed to glow with the energy she was channeling, and I could see the strain it was putting on her. Sweat dripped down her face, and her breaths came in shallow gasps, but her expression remained resolute.

The minutes stretched into what felt like hours, but I remained vigilant. Clara's progress was steady, the vortex of mana becoming almost blinding in its intensity.

Finally, with a surge of energy that made the air around her crackle, the vortex collapsed inward. The mana converged into a single point, and Clara's eyes snapped open, glowing with a brilliant light. The energy settled into her core, and she let out a deep breath, her body relaxing as the breakthrough was complete.

I approached her slowly, my heart swelling with pride and relief. "Clara, you did it."

She looked up at me, a tired but triumphant smile spreading across her face. "I... I did," she said, her voice shaky but filled with pride.

I offered her a hand, helping her to her feet. "Indeed, you did it. We should celebrate it!"

Clara shook her head, a playful smile on her lips. "No, not yet. I want to surprise the others. Let's keep it between us for now."

I nodded, understanding her desire. "Alright, I can keep a secret. But they'll be thrilled when they find out."

Clara chuckled softly. "They will. Thank you, Lucavion. For everything."

We made our way back to our tents, the camp now quiet as most of the soldiers had settled in for the night. The exhaustion from the day and the excitement of Clara's breakthrough weighed heavily on us, and we quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, the camp buzzed with activity as the truce ended and preparations for battle resumed. The peaceful respite we had enjoyed was over, and the harsh reality of war returned with a vengeance.

Sergeant Vance gathered us for a briefing, his expression grim. "Listen up! The Arcanis forces are regrouping and planning another assault. We need to hold our position and repel their attack."

As we moved to our assigned positions, Clara and I exchanged a knowing glance. She gave me a small, confident nod, her determination evident. She was ready to put her newfound strength to the test.

The battle began with the thunderous clash of weapons and the cries of soldiers. The Arcanis forces charged at us with renewed ferocity, their desperation evident in their relentless attacks.

Little did I know this damned day would be another day that would change my life completely.


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And if you liked my story, please give me a power stone. It helps me a lot.

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