Shattered Innocence: Transmigrated Into a Novel as an Extra

Chapter 160: The Twin Fishes

After the talk, Lucavion sat down once more, crossing his legs and closing his eyes as he slipped into a meditative state. His breathing slowed, the steady rhythm helping him align with the flow of energy within his body. The residual mana from the Minor Fundamental Vein still hummed faintly in the air, and he used it to complete the final steps of stabilizing his breakthrough.

For a few moments, all was quiet. The stars within his core spun in perfect harmony, and he felt the power radiating through him, steady and controlled. As he delved deeper into his own body's energy pathways, he began to notice the full extent of the changes that had taken place during his breakthrough.

'The core… it's grown by at least 50%,' he realized, marveling at the vast increase in his mana capacity. Where his core once held a finite amount of energy, it now felt like a boundless reservoir. The difference was staggering. It wasn't just the size—it was the quality. The mana flowing through him now felt richer, more potent, as if every pulse contained far more energy than before.

'This….Even at this stage, I should be able to counter the mana of a peak 4-star…..How much stronger will it be as it grows up?'

His meridians, too, had changed. As Lucavion focused on them, he could sense that they had strengthened significantly. The once fragile pathways through which his mana flowed now felt robust, fortified by the immense energy of the Minor Fundamental Vein. But there was something more.

'The positions… they've shifted,' he thought, his brow furrowing slightly in concentration. It wasn't a random change; his meridians had subtly rearranged themselves, adapting to something within him. It was almost as though his body had realigned itself to better suit his unique condition—the reversed meridians that had always set him apart from others.

'This… feels right,' Lucavion mused. For the first time in a long while, he felt that his body had found some form of balance. His meridians, now stronger and better positioned, allowed mana to flow more efficiently than ever. The change felt natural as if his body had always been preparing for this moment of adaptation.

With the strengthening of his meridians, his mana circulation improved, the energy coursing through his body faster and with greater precision. The stars within his core, spinning in their orbital system, seemed to respond in kind, their light glowing brighter as his meridians supported their flow of energy more seamlessly.

'This is a welcome change,' he thought, a small smile playing on his lips. His special physique, once a source of struggle and limitation, now seemed to be evolving in a way that would only enhance his cultivation. The increased mana capacity, the strengthened meridians, the newfound balance within his core—all of it would propel him forward on his path to greater power.

Vitaliara, who had been quietly watching from her spot, tilted her head as she sensed the shift in his energy. [You seem... different,] she remarked, her tone curious but laced with understanding. [More than just stronger.]

Lucavion opened his eyes, the glow of the stars within him reflected in his gaze. "It's not just strength," he replied calmly. "My body has changed—adapted. The meridians… they've shifted in a way that feels more natural."

[Ah… So it wasn't just your core, then,] she noted, leaping up onto his shoulder once again. [Your peculiar condition continues to surprise me.]

Lucavion chuckled softly, running a hand through his hair. "I can't say I'm disappointed by the results. The changes… they feel like they've brought everything into alignment."

[So, what now?] Vitaliara asked, her feline eyes narrowing as she observed him closely.

Lucavion stood up, his body feeling lighter, more attuned to the world around him. The stars within his core spun steadily, their energy thrumming through his veins. He could feel the vast potential within him, ready to be unleashed.

"Just as I said before, we can't have the fact my other core falling back, can we?" he said, his voice calm. "And it is also the time when we find you a good meal, no?"

Vitaliara purred softly, a satisfied sound, as she curled herself comfortably on his shoulder. [What do you mean?]

Lucavion glanced at Vitaliara, an amused glint in his eyes. "Don't you remember what you told me?" he asked, his voice calm but teasing.

Vitaliara tilted her head slightly, her feline gaze sharp with curiosity. [What are you talking about?]

He chuckled softly. "Just like how I need to absorb death energy to strengthen my Flame of Equinox, you need to absorb potent life energy to recover your strength. You said it yourself."

Vitaliara's eyes narrowed for a moment, then she purred in acknowledgment, her tail flicking lightly. [Ah, yes… I did mention that. I've been running a bit low on life energy, haven't I?] She stretched her body, her movements languid but deliberate. [So, have you found such a place for me to recover, then?]

Lucavion's smile widened, and he met her gaze with a glint of amusement. "Didn't I say we were going to eat a fish before we left Rackenshore?"

Vitaliara blinked, a hint of confusion flickering in her eyes. [Yes, you did. But I don't see what—] She trailed off, her eyes widening slightly as the realization hit her.

"That fish," Lucavion said, his voice calm and certain, "will be your meal."

Vitaliara's initial confusion deepened as she processed Lucavion's words. 'What kind of fish would allow me to absorb life energy?' she thought to herself. 'Is there even a fish capable of that?' She glanced at Lucavion, her expression one of mild skepticism. But then, as the question lingered in her mind, something surfaced from the depths of her memory.

'Wait… I remember now.'

A conversation from her past, something that had been mentioned by the elders of her sect. It was about two guardian beasts that resided in a forest on the west side of Thornridge, the city where she had stayed after losing Gerald. The elders had spoken in hushed tones of these creatures, beings tied to the essence of life itself.

The elders of her sect had spoken of them in reverence, calling them the Tiax and Laxa, the inseparable fish-spirits of the forest.

Tiax, the life-bringer, was known to embody pure vitality. Its presence caused the forest to bloom with vibrant life, filling the air with an overwhelming sense of energy. The trees in its domain grew taller and stronger, the animals thrived, and even the water seemed clearer, purer.

It was said that anyone who came in contact with Tiax's life energy could be revitalized, their strength restored, their wounds healed.

But Laxa, the counterpart, was equally important. Laxa was the overseer of death, responsible for the natural decay and renewal of the forest. Where Tiax brought life, Laxa took the dying carcasses, drawing the last remnants of life energy from them and ensuring their return to the earth.

Laxa represented the quiet, inevitable end, but it wasn't a force of destruction—it was the key to balance, allowing new life to thrive by managing the transition of the old.

Together, Tiax and Laxa maintained the harmony of the forest, their energies interwoven in a delicate dance. They were inseparable, one constantly complementing the other in the natural cycle of life and death. They were more than mere creatures—they were the guardians of the very essence of the forest itself.

'The two fish-spirits…' Vitaliara thought, her eyes widening slightly. She had forgotten about them until now, but the memory flooded back in vivid detail. If Lucavion had found one of these guardian spirits, then the power it held would be immense.

[So it's Tiax, isn't it?] she murmured, her tone soft yet filled with awe.

Lucavion's smile widened slightly as he recalled the details from the novel, his eyes gleaming with knowledge. "Yes, Tiax and Laxa are the rulers of Wraithshade Forest. They've existed here for centuries, maintaining the balance of life and death. Their power is immense, and the forest thrives—or decays—based on their presence."

Vitaliara's gaze sharpened, her curiosity piqued. [You seem to know quite a bit about them,] she noted, her voice carrying an edge of intrigue.

Lucavion nodded. 'I do. In the story, after the male lead broke through the 5-star realm, the surge of power attracted the tribulation—and it also caught the attention of Tiax and Laxa.' He thought inwardly, the memory of the novel's events playing vividly in his mind. 'They led him to their sacred domain, where a life-and-death battle took place.'

Though, of course, he would not be able to tell Vitaliara about this.

"I came across the information somewhere."

[Hmm…..If you don't want to say it, say so.]


Lucavion's chuckle lingered in the air, but his gaze shifted, growing more serious. "While the stories about them have been twisted over time, one thing remains clear," he began, his voice steady as he explained. "Tiax and Laxa aren't ordinary creatures. They're Nyxaliths—a rare breed of monsters."

Vitaliara tilted her head slightly as if she had remembered something. [Nyxaliths?]

Lucavion nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Yes. Nyxaliths are unique because each one embodies a specific elemental or spiritual force. Tiax has the life attribute, while Laxa governs death. Their powers are perfectly balanced, and together, they maintain the balance in their powers, and they can't live without the other."

[Ah…..Those….] Vitaliara's eyes widened as recognition flickered in her gaze. [Those forks…]


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