Shattered Innocence: Transmigrated Into a Novel as an Extra

Chapter 10: On the other side

Elara Valoria stood in the grand hall of her family's estate, the once-familiar surroundings now feeling oppressive and cold. Her father, Alexander Valoria, stood at the far end, his face a mask of disappointment and anger.

Beside him, Isolde, her silver hair shimmering like a halo, wore an expression of serene triumph. The hall was filled with the silent judgment of the gathered nobility, their eyes like daggers piercing her already wounded heart.

"Elara Valoria," Alexander's voice boomed, echoing off the marble walls. "You have brought disgrace upon our family. The accusation of infidelity, of betrayal, is a stain we cannot afford."

Elara's heart pounded in her chest, each beat a painful reminder of her shattered world. She could barely meet her father's eyes, the weight of his disappointment crushing her. "Father, please, you must believe me. I have done nothing wrong."

Alexander's eyes, once warm and loving, now burned with cold fury. "Silence!" he commanded. "The evidence is irrefutable. You were found with Lucavion Thorne in a most compromising position. The royal family demands justice, and execution is the price."

Elara's knees buckled, but she forced herself to stand tall. "Father, I swear to you, I have been framed. Isolde—"

"Isolde has pleaded for your life," Alexander interrupted, his voice harsh. "She, who should despise you the most, has shown mercy. It is at her request, and only because of her request, that you are spared the death penalty; instead, only your core is going to be abolished."

Elara's gaze shifted to Isolde, who stood demurely beside their father, her eyes filled with a malicious glint. The corners of her lips curled into a faint smile, and Elara knew the truth. This was not mercy; it was cruelty. Isolde wanted her to suffer more than death could ever bring.

For an aspiring mage, losing one's core meant....A fate that was worse than death.

And that was exactly what Isolde was expecting.

Elara knew that.

She felt so angry that she wanted to beat her to death right at that moment.

Yet, she could not show it.

She was not allowed to. It was because she was branded as the loser from now on. She needed to bow her head and endure it. That was the only thing that she could do.

Yes, at this point, she had understood one thing.

Nothing that she had said would get past those who would rather believe what they had seen.

Thank you, Isolde," Elara managed to say, her voice trembling with suppressed rage. "I see your kindness knows no bounds."

Isolde's smile widened slightly, her eyes narrowing. "Oh, dear sister, it's the least I could do. After all, family must stick together in times of hardship."

Alexander raised his hand, silencing any further conversation. "You are to be exiled from this family, Elara. You will leave this estate and never return. From this moment on, you are no longer a Valoria."

The finality of his words struck her like a physical blow. Tears welled in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. "Father, please..."

Enough!" Alexander roared. "Guards, escort her out."

As the guards moved to her side, Elara turned one last time to her father, her voice a desperate whisper. "Father, I love you. Please, don't do this."

Alexander's eyes had never softened even for a brief moment, no longer a flicker of the man she had once known. It was rather replaced by the stern resolve of the Grand Duke. "Leave, Elara. And be grateful for your sister's mercy."

To her, those words grazed her heart. They pierced it, scratched it, cut it, leaving a deep wound.

She would never forget the look that she had gotten from his father. She would never forget two moments until the moment her life ended.

This moment.

Until her life ended, she would always remember this feeling.

The feeling that was burning inside her heart.

'Isolde. Adrian. Lucavion. Isolde. Adrian. Lucavion.

Isolde. Adrian. Lucavion. Isolde. Adrian. Lucavion.

Isolde. Adrian. Lucavion. Isolde. Adrian. Lucavion.

Isolde. Adrian. Lucavion.'

The hatred that was burning deep.

And the moment she opened her eyes, she saw those brown, unfamiliar eyes when she opened her eyes just to see her clothes long gone and her body naked.


She will never forget the feeling of fear, helplessness, and surprise that she felt at that moment when that disgusting man was on top of her.

How he stood there and played such a disgusting, crucial role in everything.

How his tongue was out, and the eyes that were filled with lust were looking at her.

'You are all going to pay.'

The guards took hold of her arms, leading her away. Elara cast one final glance back at Isolde, whose eyes gleamed with satisfaction. The message in those cold, calculating eyes was clear: This is your fate. Suffer and be forgotten.

As the grand doors of the Valoria estate closed behind her with a resonating thud, Elara felt the finality of her banishment sink in. The lush gardens and opulent halls that had once been her sanctuary were now as distant as a dream. The guards' grip on her arms was firm, and they led her away from the life she had known into an uncertain and hostile world.

She was taken to a carriage waiting at the edge of the estate. Up to this moment in her life, she had traveled countless different times with a carriage. Since she was the rightful heir of the family, she was called to the countless different banquets.

And each time when that happened, she would always travel with a special one, the carriage adorned with the Insignia of the House Valoria.

The pride of the empire.

Yet that crest was no longer there, nor was the comfortable carriage that she had ridden before.

Now, it was just a plain carriage, a cruel reminder of the family that had cast her out. The guards unceremoniously pushed her inside, and the door shut with a metallic clang. Through the small window, she caught a last glimpse of her home, now lost to her forever.

The carriage began to move, the wheels creaking against the cobblestones. Elara sat in silence, her mind replaying the events that had led to this moment. The betrayal, the accusations, and the merciless judgment of her father weighed heavily on her heart. But amid the sorrow and despair, a fierce resolve began to take root.

'Isolde. Adrian. Lucavion,' she repeated their names in her mind, each one a burning ember of hatred. They had orchestrated her downfall, and for that, they would pay.

She would endure this exile, survive it, and one day, she would return to reclaim what was rightfully hers.

It was the moment when the protagonist finally opened her wings to the world, yet the process was an arduous one.



A dimly lit room. The plays of shadows were spread all across the place.

It was lavishly decorated, filled with luxurious fabrics and ornate furniture, a testament to her newfound status.

The air was thick with the scent of lavender, meant to soothe and calm, but tonight, it carried a hint of triumph and excitement.

Under the darkness, a certain young man opened the door, his footsteps silent on the plush carpet.

His eyes gleamed with anticipation as he approached the young girl, who sat at her vanity, brushing her long, silver hair. She turned to face him, a sly smile playing on her lips.

"Everything went perfectly," The young man said, his voice low and filled with satisfaction. "Elara is gone, exiled. We are finally free of her."

The young woman set her brush down, each of her movements graceful and elegant. She stood, crossing the room to meet him.

"Yes, my dear Adrian. We have succeeded. She never saw it coming. All those years of pretending, of playing the sickly sister, have finally paid off."

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. "And now, nothing stands in our way. We can finally be together without any obstacles."

The girl rested her head against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. "It's a relief, isn't it? To know that we have outsmarted everyone. Elara was always so blind and trusting. She never questioned my motives, never suspected a thing."

Adrian's grip on her tightened, his lips brushing against her temple. "She was too naive to see the truth. But now, she's gone, and we have everything we ever wanted. Just as you wanted, my Isolde."

It was evident that he was yearning for something more. Yet Isolde didn't let him do as he pleased. She put her hand right before his lips, blocking his movement. And then she mumbled, "Were you able to find what I had wanted?"

Adrian stopped in his tracks, taking the signal. His face looked disappointed as he shook his head. "Not yet. We are still looking for that."

"You know how important that is to me."

"I know. That is why I am doing my best to obtain it. The disciple of the court magician is looking for it already."

Hearing this, a smile spread over her face. A smile that looked captivating yet poisonous at the same time.

"I am glad.

She said, slightly turning back.

Then she tilted her head up, her eyes locking with his. The flickering candlelight cast a seductive glow over her features. She reached up, her fingers tracing along his jawline. "And now, my dear Adrian, we have the entire night to celebrate our victory."

Adrian's eyes darkened with desire as he leaned in, capturing her lips in a slow, deliberate kiss. Isolde responded eagerly, her body pressing against his. She felt his hands roam over her back, pulling her even closer.

Breaking the kiss, Isolde gazed up at him, her lips curling into a teasing smile. "Shall we toast to our success?" She stepped away, her fingers trailing down his arm as she moved to a nearby table. She picked up a crystal decanter filled with wine and poured two glasses, handing one to Adrian.

Adrian took the glass, his eyes never leaving hers. "To our future," he said, raising the glass.

Isolde clinked her glass against his, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "To our future," she echoed before taking a sip. She set her glass down and sauntered back to him, her movements languid and purposeful.

She reached up, unbuttoning the top button of his shirt, her fingers brushing against his skin. "We have all the time in the world now," she whispered, her voice low and sultry. "No more secrets, no more hiding."

Adrian's breath hitched as she continued to undress him, her touch igniting a fire within him. He grasped her waist, pulling her flush against him. "You're right," he murmured against her lips. "We're free."

Isolde's hands slid up to his shoulders, pushing his shirt off. "Free to do whatever we want," she purred, her lips brushing against his neck. She nipped at his skin, eliciting a low groan from him.

Adrian's hands roamed over her body, his touch growing more insistent. "You drive me crazy," he admitted, his voice rough with desire.

Isolde chuckled softly, her fingers tangling in his hair. "Good," she whispered. "Because I intend to drive you wild tonight."

Their lips met again in a heated kiss, their bodies pressing closer. Isolde's hands worked quickly, undressing him with practiced ease. Adrian's hands were equally busy, exploring every inch of her body.

As the night wore on, they reveled in their newfound freedom, their passion and desire to consume them. The room, once filled with shadows and uncertainty, now echoed with their shared triumph and the promise of a future built on their cunning and ambition.


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