ShangriLa Frontier ~ Shitty Games Hunter Challenges Godly Game ~

Chapter 153: Taking a Real Detour Part 1

Chapter 153: Taking a Real Detour Part 1

「Ahh! There it is! Meetias’s legendary combo!」

What was that just now, Amdava’s response was more than perfect! He defended himself against my mid-air kicks, and then he jumped back to put some distance in between us while also trying to grab me and prevent me from attacking…… But Meetias was faster and managed to strike before Amdava fully assumed its guard stance.

「No, just now…… Did you manage to slip through my guard? Hahaha, is that humanly possible? But now that I know about it, you won’t be able to do that anymore……」

From that comment, you can estimate it was an action that reaction time alone was not able to produce. It was something that you had to perform on your own from the very beginning till the very end, while being unable to predict what the result would actually be.

So it was no good. Even if Amdrava knew that the attack was coming his way, there was nothing he could do to counter-act it or to stop it from happening.


From there on out, Meetias managed to land a full combo without fail with lots of flying kicks and maneuvers like that…… and then it was over. Despite losing more than half of his HP, it was undeniably an overwhelming victory. …… While closing the site with the video entitled “K VS Silvi” I realized that Katsu’s words were pretty much true.

「I can imitate the technique itself…… But the pre-rendering of these moves is so extreme it’s unreasonable……」

In the video from last year that I saw, Silvia managed to score the first round for herself and Katsu took the second round.

In the third round, Katsu’s Amdrava was quickly reduced to about fifty percent of his HP gauge while Silvia’s Meetias was still sitting comfortably at around seventy. But it was then when the turning point arrived.

Up until now Katsu was on the defense and carefully observed his opponent’s movements, but then Meetias started to move even faster and the initiative was completely on Silvia’s side.

Suddenly she managed to deflect every single one of Katsu’s attacks, and landed her own blows perfectly, coming out with minimal HP loses due to the lava armor on his hands.

To top it all off, her own attacks always landed perfectly and mercilessly, making Katsu unable to predict them or to respond in any way. Or was it that RNG was really playing in her favor? Was such a thing even possible? Hahaha, stop bullsh*tting me.

「Now that you mention it, he’ll fight one-on-one with someone who defeated him eight times and against whom he managed to squeeze out a draw at best.」

Apparently he still believed in our victory, since that’s the kind of person he is. He always needed to have the last word when it comes to games. Thinking about it, when I bested him in “Crap” he even went as far as buying the physical, buggy version of the game just so that he could beat me in my own game. …… But maybe it is that kind of fighting spirit that we need right now in order to emerge on top from this thing.

Oh well, after all, our role in this battle is to establish the duel Katsu VS Silvia Goldberg and prevent anyone else from interrupting. In other words, the match would be decided in a Wild Card VS Wild Card battle. So, I should probably investigate those three macho guys from Star Rain as well, and prepare accordingly…… Somehow, the word “macho” was putting really funny images in my head for some reason.

「Right, let’s get some real work done overnight!」

After a really frustrating forty five minutes.

「Ahh…… What to do?」

At present I decided to take my gas mask off and go to the nearby convenience store that was open 24/7, the most reliable ally of those who like to pull all-nighters when it comes to drinks and late night meals. Truly, if I ever tried to go into a place like that with a gas mask still on, I would be in a lot of trouble with the police, and I highly doubt that even Katsu would be able to bail me out of something like that.

Because of that sudden discovery of mine I got this idea to replenish my supply of energy drinks…… Hence right now I went here and was occupying the inside of the store. I know that the hotel maybe had their own supplies, but it just wasn’t right for me for some reason.

「Do they have any foreign energy drinks here? Oh well, worst case scenario I can always chug double the dose of our own, this should be enough to keep me going for a while…… But then again, going to the toilet might become an issue……」

It was always a huge drawback when it comes to short term battles. They tend to be fast and intense, requiring tremendous amounts of supplies and nourishment from anyone who participates. And currently I didn’t wanted to indulge in anything that would cause me needless hardships, like increase my urge to go to the toilet in the most crucial of moments.

And it was especially true right now. There were many things that needed to be done before the match, like watching the previous Star Rain’s matches to determine their players’ approximate play style, deduce what kind of character they are going to use this time around, and many more…… But on the bright side, I was finding that new Full-Dive chair really easy and intuitive to use. Also, while tinkering with its settings I have found something that was nothing short of a gold mine!

Yes, that’s right. I’m talking about the downloadable version of ShangriLa Frontier!

In the first place, ShanFro is a game that allows only one save file per user. That file and all of its data is being stored at the game’s remote server, which can even be called the games alternate dimension, and in order to authenticate the right to use this data the user has to refer to the code of his console, physical information and type in a password. Only then will you be able to log in properly. But if, for example, your console got damaged in any way, there is a method to access the game on a different device altogether.

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