Shadow of the Abyss

Chapter 51: Artemis

Mooning within her gard untouched by man or God for years, kept by nature itself, Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt, found herself staring into the crystal pond. She ran her fingers through long, silky snow- hair that trailed over her supple figure. A fond smile touched her tder lips as she stared at the image of the young boy, barely a man.

The boy showed a mischievous grin as he said: " "We'll see. After all, the Gods can't be trusted."

She covered her mouth, giggling at his antics: "He is definitely the child of a God. I wonder who made such a silly thing." She rolled over the grass, finding a sse of calm within her forest. Wh a stirred countless parsecs away turned her eyes sharp, she stood up, ssing a presce within her dominion. It was a force of power she'd recognize almost immediately as her lips sank to disgust.

"Hephaestus… That bloody rapist." Artemis cursed. She stood to her feet, ready to drive an arrow through his skull. But held back. Zeus had forbidd battle among the Gods long ago. She sneered and pulled at the snow- bracers lined with spun gold and vanished where she stood, appearing before the God of Fire.

Hephaestus was tall, nearly measuring up to some giants standing nearly eight feet tall. His body, while muscular, was lined with scars that would not heal and blisters that would not fade. His skull was disproportionate, showing areas that were elongated while others were short and stubby.

"I will not warn you again, Hephaestus," Artemis said with such visible disgust that Hephaestus's expression that lit up at the sight of her turned sour like milk.

"Sister…" The God said.

"Why have you touched upon my dominion," Artemis demanded. She was never one to conversate amongst her brethr. Artemis had found solace in solitude. The Gods had all disgusted her. They were monsters who cared for little, much less showed respect for her dominion.

Hephaestus wyrly smiled. "Our Lord Father has emerged from—"

"Is that it?" Said Artemis coldly, her words as sharp as a razor's edge. "I've long severed my ties to Olympus. Ev going so far as to offer up my divinity to Lord Khaos. He rejected my proposal, allowing me to leave without fault. Leave me be."

"Artemis… Zeus is our father."

"Fathers don't try to rape their daughters. Fathers don't allow their sons to attempt to rape their sisters." She spat, measuring the man with vom in her eye. "Were it not for the fact I want nothing to do with Olympus, I'd have driv an arrow through your eye."

The God of Fire chuckled. " Sister… I thought you'd like it. Nothing wrong with a good fuck every now and th. And it's not like I'm a stranger." He waved off her concern, taking a step forward over space, stopping as a sliver of blood trailed down his throat. The God of Fire froze, tsing up, unsure wh Artemis had drawn her spear or wh it touched his throat. But he could feel Death's kiss.

"Another step… And I'll peel you alive," warned "Artemis, peering past the God of Fire to the vast sea of stars glistering with wonder. She had paid a dear price for her dominion, costing her nearly half her fortune. The Blood of Filth was the last thing she wanted her dominion to experice. The death of a god was never without a price.

Hephaestus pulled back, clching his throat with a dry laugh. "Father wants to see you."

"Father… isn't the God he once was," Atrimis said, dismissing her spear back into the voids. She sneered. "He's nothing more than a cheap imitation brok by those of the Nine Hells. He should honestly just kill himself and be done with it. It would be a mercy."

"You don't mean that," Hephaestus said with agitation; he puffed his chest out, trying to make himself seem formable.

Artemis nearly hurled. "I've no interest in the affairs of Olympus. Fuck off."


Silvery Spear light shrieked over the void as Artemis's spear trembled with radiance. Blood pooled through the confines of space as the shredded pieces of Hephaestus's arm aimlessly floated about.

Pain roiled from out of the God of Fire's throat as he screamed. Hurdling curses towards the Goddess of the Hunt.

"I won't miss again," Artemis said, pointing her spear towards Hephaestus. "You tell Zeus he can fuck right off back to the Nine Hells. He nor any of the Olympian gods have dominion over me. Like Hades, I am free."

"Artemis! You ruthless bitch! Don't you understand! The new Gods want us dead! They are aiming for the Council of Omnis!" Hephaestus roared, clching his blooded stub. " We are all dead if we don't unite."

Artemis laughed, bellowing with a wild, awe-inspiring smile that once caught the God of Flames eye. " The New Gods, you say! Ha! Do you think the Old Gods care? Not one has hit the Omnis Ranking. They are merely cannon fodder for Arcadia or the Lords of Hell." She turned.

"Leave my home and never return. Olympus and I are done."

She vanished in a wisp of light, emerging within her forest with a long-expression. Artemis yawned, falling beside a crystal clear lake, portraying the obsidian-haired boy. She grinned once more, reaching into the water to pinch his chubby cheeks only to purse her lips.

"I wonder if helping is the right thing." The Goddess of the Hunt asked herself. She had discovered the boy only a few months ago in passing, portraying a swordsmanship meant for High Ranked Gods. Yet here it was in the hands of a child barely able to comprehd its debts. A feat that st chills down her spine.

It was a well-known fact that wh one grows in power, their comprehsion becomes stronger, allowing them to learn techniques on their own level. However, Altair was differt. Grave of Night was something that stood on the precipice of all talt. And the Momt Artemis saw the boy's immature sword strokes, she knew how dangerous Altair was.

The boy wasn't a god, possessing no divinity nor the physique of one, much less the soul of a god. He was a mortal. Nevertheless, he was easily wielding the technique of a God, one Artemis couldn't imitate despite watching him for months.

The Goddess sighed. " What monster gave birth to such a treasure?" she traced her finger over his reflection and touched her stomach. "And should I have a child? I'm sick of the constant fighting and schemes betwe gods and mortals fueled by the Lords of Hell. I wish to raise a child." She moaned, kicking herself back onto the grass. " But should I adopt?

Should I make one? I'm not into sex. So I'll have to find an alternative. Ahhh~"

Lost in thought, Artemis suddly pulled herself up to the image of Altair. " Well… Let's see if I can raise you before making any big decisions." She grinned, bearing a fang over her lip. " I've decided. Altair… you will be my adopted child. My trial child." She giggled. "I'm so smart!"

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