Shadow Monarch: Heroines Could Hear My Thoughts?!

Chapter 83-My Eyes On You (Part1)

Chapter 83- My Eyes On You (Part 1)

The huge gates sprang open completely, revealing what was inside. A giant city that extended endlessly appeared in front of them. Huge buildings filled their vision scattered along long and very complex roads.

The place looked so advanced compared to Aviresion that Rin could only blink a few times. There was such a sheer difference that he questioned whether Aviresion was just completely behind technology-wise.

'It's very close to a metropolitan city back in my world.' He thought in his head.

It was indeed the case for this place but what also made him question his eyes, even more, was the sky above the city. From the outside, Rin could clearly see that this was the lowest floor of the academy so there were many more floors above it. However, the sky above it, instead of being covered was somehow as blue as it could get.

It didn't even look fake at all so he deleted the idea of it being some kind of illusion. There was simply no way they could replicate the liveliness of a normal sky. The breeze of air, the clouds and their slow movements, and the sun right in the middle, shining warmly. This was a real sky.

Elise also noticed that detail and was very impressed. It was a detail that was glossed over so she had no idea how this was possible.

"This world is really weird."

"Magic is a very complex and bizarre thing. We barely scratched the surface of it till now."

Then, their focus shifted to Emilia who stood right in front of the huge group of people. She then started explaining.

"The lowest floor is the biggest floor in the academy since it has the biggest student body. Most of them find this place comfortable and easy so they slack off in their studying and magic training. That's why, starting this year, we are going to implement a new system that we had set up not so long ago. 'The elimination system'."

The mere word 'elimination' made everyone shudder instinctively. They already had a bad omen about what she was going to say next.

"Open your bracelets again and scroll to the 'Objectives section'."

After everyone did what she asked, Emilia continued.

"You will see some objectives there. These are the things the academy expects you to do by the end of the semester. If you couldn't do that or fail more than half the objectives… You will be dropped off." Her voice sounded cold in the student's ears.

Reading the 3 objectives written on his bracelet, Rin could only shake his head with a small smile.

*Increase by more than 30 ranks by the end of the semester.

*Score an average of 50% on your test results.

*Participate in at least one event by the end of the semester.

They all looked very easy in Rin's opinion. It was the bare minimum he could expect to achieve in the worst possible scenario. But, not everyone had the same thoughts as they frowned visibly at the objectives.

"Those objectives are the mains and some others will get updated in due time. But, bear in mind that the higher you go in ranks, the harder the objectives will become. It's the best way for you youngsters to be able to strive for higher peaks the more you get stronger. Don't slack off or become lazy just because you think this place is heaven."


"It will get harder! Isn't this unfair?"

"Why are we the first generation to get these cruel rules? Fate hates me!"

No one was that happy with these objectives at all. They thought that when the test ends, they can now roam freely and do whatever they want while also guaranteeing their success in the future.

But, with this, they were now under constant pressure to perform better and better the more they stay here or they will just get kicked out ruthlessly.

"Any questions?" Emilia, being aware of their thoughts, asked them with an oppressive tone.

No one dared to complain or say anything as they knew how strict this extremely seductive woman was.

"Good. You can now enter and head to your dormitories. The map of the lower floor is included in the bracelet. Good luck!"

Then, all the students entered the city. Their worries made their enthusiasm diminish but they were still excited about this new chapter in their lives. A chapter that was hopefully filled with success and glory.

Everyone except Elise and Rin moved on their way. The two were discussing what to do next.

"Should we keep an eye on Emilia and Phillipe? I am certain that no event of the game will happen now that their first meeting was ruined."

"Yes, we should. But, there is something weird about how it happened. Didn't you notice it?"

"Hmm, notice what?" Rin asked.

"The way Emilia behaved throughout the interaction. It seemed quite odd."

"How?" Rin tilted his head confusedly.

"It was as if she had an idea that something will happen before it happened. I was observing her every action the whole time and the way she dodged him seemed to be way too perfectly timed to be a coincidence. She may have dodged the fall but to do it instantly almost before the protagonist even tripped does raise my doubts."

"But that doesn't make any sense. How will she know? I mean, she doesn't remember him at all so she shouldn't be able to predict the future, right?"

Even Rin wasn't certain of what he was saying. Elise had cast a shadow of doubt on his mind about Emilia. He didn't think much of it but his companion was definitely right.

"Hmm. That's the part that I couldn't uncover. Anyway, let's keep an eye on her. Maybe she knows something we don't know."

"Hopefully we don't end up entangled in a whole bigger mess."

[You love to jinx yourself, don't you, host?]

'Can't I hope for something good?' Rin retorted in his head.


Then, the two walked together while following the map on their devices. Rin was amazed at how vast the lowest floor is. It was definitely bigger than the capital city of Aviresion.

There were so many places and facilities in this place that it overwhelmed him a little bit. There was even a beach for students to enjoy in the summer.

'How do you even create a beach on a fucking floating island?'

He didn't know the answer to that but he was sure that it was a power far beyond what he can comprehend.

They walked for a while until they reached the dormitory district. It was a section of the city where all the students live. It had two parts, the girls' dormitory on the left and the boys' dormitory on the right. Between them was a huge wall made out of some kind of sturdy metal and had many guards roaming around.

The last thing the academy wanted was for a boy to sneak into the girls' area and do something obnoxious. Dating wasn't restricted in the academy but with obvious boundaries that students can't pass. Any form of sexual intimacy is strictly prohibited along with other things like sneaking your partner into your dormitory area and things like that.

Other than that, students are free to date anyone they want.

After they bid each other goodbye and agreed on meeting later to roam the city and get familiar with it, Rin walked inside his dormitory. There were swarms of students following him inside but the number wasn't that huge since there were multiple dormitory buildings to accommodate all the students that were numbered in the thousands. For example, since Rin was a first-year student, he was in the first-year dormitory area.

Anyway, the building he found himself inside was very massive, akin to a castle but more advanced and polished compared to medieval castles.

Reaching the reception desk, he was greeted by a beautiful woman with a professional smile on her face. The moment the woman's eyes fell on Rin, she visibly beamed with happiness.

'Who is this gorgeous boy? Not many people as handsome as he is, come here. Ah! He's such a sight for sore eyes!' She thought in her head as she tried to hide her blush.

"Mm; excuse me?" Rin said.

"Ah! My apologies! Extend your hand for a moment please."

Rin nodded and did what she asked. The woman then held his hand with hers. He watched as the bracelet in her hand shone with a faint light.

'Huh? Why is she holding his hand? Didn't she just merely floated her hand above the previous student?' One person behind Rin asked himself.

He didn't know why, but he didn't like the way the woman kept looking at Rin. It was such a predatory gaze that sent a shiver down his spine.

'Good luck, comrade. Don't let yourself get eaten.' He prayed in his head for the well-being of Rin while the latter was completely focused on the mechanism of the bracelet.

When she finished, she smiled softly at him as she said.

"Welcome to our humble dormitory, Mr. Rin."

"Thank you."

"No problem. I had engraved the runes for your room's door. You can now open it with your bracelet. Just put your hand against the doorknob."

"Mmm, thank you." He said while still deep in thought.

'Sigh, why doesn't he look at me?' The woman complained in her head with a disappointed look.

'But, he is worth the effort. I will definitely grab his attention. You won't run away, darling.'


Thanks for reading. Any support you give me is always appreciated no matter how small it was. Let's all keep it up :)

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